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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Again, this is classic Mike Ashley. Carr takes the blame but the signings we eventually brought in were probably 4th/5th down his list of recommendations for each position. It's even worked with rafa on some of our support. People like i joselu (no disrespect to the bloke) were nowhere near top of the list, but were brought in as a throw of the dice. We just simply won't pay the going rate for quality players so send up with what's left, and while Mike hides away pleading poverty, others take the blame for his shit.
  2. If Rafa keeps us up, Ashley will see it as his gamble paying off. It's then going to be up to us supporters, as to what happens next. It's already up to the support.
  3. I'm loving her calling him out, unfortunately it will come to nothing, as she says he just ignores anything he doesn't want to answer. Which is what he'll do about the lie she's called him out on in that response (re not speaking to them beforehand).
  4. Yep. Needs to keep being relentless from now. Can't believe I'm again wanting us to lose but I hope we have a s*** start to the season (very likely) just so people don't get distracted from the problems off the pitch again. We would be in deep shit in any case. Just look at the schedule. On paper yes, but as ever Rafa will be professional and we won't be an easy opposition. Think we might surprise a few with our start despite all of the shit going on.
  5. Yep. Needs to keep being relentless from now. Can't believe I'm again wanting us to lose but I hope we have a shit start to the season (very likely) just so people don't get distracted from the problems off the pitch again.
  6. Wilson

    The Magpie Group

    Protests won't get him out of the club. Untill some one pays him his asking price he'll stick around unfortunately And what affect do you think anti-SD protests have on his asking price? Do you think it will raise it? If we hammer SD, that decreases the value of the free advertising he gets from the club. It's not hard to follow the logic really, don't be intentionally dense. Protests have never worked with this man.. it will have zero effect on his asking price. How's Ashleys grip on Rangers these days?
  7. Wilson

    The Magpie Group

    no one will ever know
  8. Wilson

    The Magpie Group

    Wear mutant Mike Ashley/Pig masks, smash up the store, rape the employees repeatedly and then stage a full on dirty protest. Everything we’ve threatened to do on Twitter allegedly. Sounds tremendous. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/18-Glass-vial-stink-bombs-smells-of-rotten-eggs-have-some-fun-let-one-go/172854629915?epid=4014049804&hash=item283ef0561b:g:VxgAAOSwcndZsDGr Too childish?
  9. Wilson

    The Magpie Group

    Is there full info posted anywhere IE what it's going to involve?
  10. Has to be done by someone credible and get it into the mainstream. Need to keep pushing him like this (ie outside of St James). Queues a few hundred deep at SD requesting battered sausage and chips etc At least this response shows he's paying attention.
  11. Same. All very underwhelming.
  12. Wilson


    Because Mordor is much more difficult to draw.
  13. Wilson


    Why's it got the Misty Mountains on it?
  14. Dick heads like him are, obviously not the main part, but a fuckin massive part of our problem. Just willing to eat whatever shit they're fed. I fucked my ticket off early doors in Mclarens last season as I just couldn't bring myself to going and found myself spending the first half whinging about him and ashley, then leaving at half time regardless of the score. It's not as hard as I thought to keep away. I admit I was sorely tempted to get it back when Rafa stayed for the Championship, but since then, fuck them...it's always been heading one way with this CUNT.
  15. Wilson


    'your brawl is important to us ` get in
  16. What the fucks with us and West Ham?
  17. C. Get him into golf.
  18. They'll say they were uncomfortable handing that money to Rafa who wouldn't commit his future to the club and people will believe it. This is exactly my worry, people will still somehow manage to lap up any shit they are fed as long as they can still go to 'support the team not the regime' on a matchday.
  19. Not sure why you think he should walk out on his contract early at his own expense. He basically is saying that, but he's a professional and doing it the right way imo. Back me or I'll not extend my contract.
  20. A nice effigy of Fat Mike hanging in the Gallowgate please.
  21. Rafa just isn't being given the funds. Simple as that really.
  22. none of that makes sense to me at all like, sounds like club bullshit This is exactly what's happening to be fair, Caulkin said it months ago on the TF Podcast. They basically said if he doesn't sign the contract he'll struggle to get players in. Trying to back him into a corner. aye there's probably some truth but it seems a fairly simple thing to sort out club: rafa sign this contract inc compo clause if you leave and we'll sign players rafa: why would i leave if you back me? i give you my word, so give me the contract with no clause and i'll sign immediately...tell you what i'll even sign a clause that compo needs paying by another club if i join in 6 months, that do you? seeing as you're definitely not going to fuck me on transfers again... club: .... Well....aye, you would think. But as you know though, nothing's simple with these This shouldn't even be a thing. A normal club would have had Rafa tied down long ago, and had a couple of his number 1 targets through the door already. But here we are, still a fuckin shambles.
  23. Just want to make it clear that I have had no further conversations with Amanda. For a while and partly because of the conversations I did have with her I have been under the impression that Rafa would only stay with us if 1 of 2 conditions were met. The first condition was that Ashley and the club would back him. The second was that Amanda still think she can buy the club. It has been clear that this summer Ashley and the club have not backed Rafa, and today confirms that. It is therefor been my opinion for a while that Amanda is still under he belief that she can buy the club. Or, neither of those conditions have been 'met'....and Rafa is just seeing out his contract being the pro that he is.
  24. none of that makes sense to me at all like, sounds like club bullshit This is exactly what's happening to be fair, Caulkin said it months ago on the TF Podcast. They basically said if he doesn't sign the contract he'll struggle to get players in. Trying to back him into a corner.
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