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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. What's the word on why he's travelled home? his bitch is in labour
  2. aye, looks a bit s*** as it looks like they've cut his face/hands/knees/shins/toes off as well
  3. usually finish at 4 but said i'd cover till 5 tonight even though i need to get home, showered, shop for beers, tea....i'm such a nice guy
  4. Wilson

    Football pet hates

    should have slapped the cunt before he had the chance to say it
  5. Wilson

    Football pet hates

    people referring to man u as 'united'
  6. He has your best financial interests at heart. I'd keep anyone with that mindset on the payroll. Especially with an already short career and a dodgy knee. Aye, this is why i said if you were actually happy .... because people quick to lay all blame at the agents feet (yeah I know they're c***s etc etc) but i get the feeling there's more than meets the eye with Demba, he seems happy enough to let his agent say all this stuff while he's saying how happy he is on twitter. Just doesn't seem to add up. But tbh I'm not going to worry about it, have enough worrying when the windows open never mind 3 weeks after it's shut
  7. pizen/partizan/bilbao/napoli/milan/genk/nufc (dnb)
  8. aye, it'll be part of the deal with TC i would imagine pretty much guarantees them to sell the flights
  9. suppose this is the 'proper' way to say what i said posh cunt.
  10. would you not just fuck your agent off if you were actually happy and he was spouting all this shite?
  11. pleased you mentioned that, was planning on lumping a bit on them at 3/4
  12. cant believe he hauled him in
  13. benfica gona fuck me up tonight, assuming chelsea don't do it first
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