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Posts posted by Wilson

  1. Tbf, the question isnt really clear on whether its about the allocation


    Are you aware of fans' disgruntlement with the away ticketing policy given the Toon Army are amongst the most loyal fans in the UK, and will you consider reviewing the policy?


    YES, we’re aware that some fans are unhappy with the changes we’ve made.


    There was however a lot of anger from the majority of law-abiding fans at the behaviour of a few at our friendly game against Darlington that evening, and it’s as a result of their behaviour that we have introduced these restrictions.


    We did so to protect the reputation of the club. The scenes we witnessed at Darlington were disgraceful and cannot be repeated. The changes we’ve made ensure that the club has better control over who gets access to away tickets so that people who break the law are able to be identified much more easily.


    If non season ticket holders want to purchase tickets for away games, then it’s very simple to do so by way of a club membership.

  2. They claimed it was because of what happened in pre-season with the pitch invasion.


    that was the no public sale, not small allocations?



    pretty sure when the chronicle done that 'ask the board questions' thing, one of the questions was about the small away allocations and they blamed it on darlo...which i thought was bollocks because were the away allocations not lower last season as well??

  3. Was probably a Saturday when the first-team lot were playing away and he was the only one still in Newcastle at the time. :lol:


    or he's the only player guaranteed to be going nowhere anyime soon :lol:

  4. I don't doubt for one minute that those quotes are from his arrogant mouth.


    same...but to be honest, if he denies it....i'll believe it more :lol:



  5. But of all the colourful claims made by ­Llambias perhaps the one that will not be disputed by Toon fans is: “You guys don’t ­understand how f****** ­horrible we can be.”


    if he actually said that...i hope he dies

  6. 1. One hour after playing for England, met 'showbiz pals' Danny Baker and Chris Evans in a Hampstead pub while still wearing his full kit... boots included.

    2. When asked for his nationality before an operation, told the nurse: "Church Of England."

    3. On a trip to London, jumped out of his car to demand"a go" on a workman's pneumatic drill. After getting the go-ahead, happily pounded thepavement to the amusement of shoppers.

    4. On first meeting with Lazio's president to discuss his big-money move to the Italian club, was quick to tell the esteemed gentleman that he reminded him of Russ Abbot.

    5. Organisers of Italia 90 TV coverage had the splendid idea of augmenting team line-ups with footage of each player mouthing his own name. Gascoigne's genius led him to subvert the process by, instead, mouthing'f***ing w***ker.' Broadcasters across the world had to use it all the way through the tournament.

    6. Booked a series of sun-bed sessions for then-Newcastle team-mate Tony Cunningham. Who, of course, is black.

    7. Asked by a Norwegian camera crew if he had a message for England's upcoming opponents, immediately responded with, "Yes. F**k off, Norway." Then ran off laughing.

    8. Turned up for England training the morning after then-manager Bobby Robson had called him "daft as a brush" with a floor brush sticking out of his sock.

    9. When asked for a footballing comment while at Lazio, burped enthusiastically into a TV microphone. He was fined £39,000.

    10. Decided it would be a great idea to have massive hair extensions. Looked a fool and had them taken out a day later.

    11. After paying for ex-wife Sheryl's breasts implants, sent flowers to the hospital after the operation addressed to 'Dolly Parton.'

    12. Astounded commuters in London by jumping on a double-decker in London's Piccadilly Circus and asking if he could have a drive. The bus driver saidyes, and the passengers thoroughly enjoyed Gazza's impromptu performance.

    13. Sent a rose to the Wimbledon dressing room for Vinnie Jones after the infamous ball-squeezing incident. Got a toilet brush in return.

    14. Set up best mate Jimmy 'Five Bellies' Gardner with a 'girl' he knew to be a transvestite.

    15. Has taken the p*** out of refs constantly during his career. On one occasion he sniffed a hapless ref's armpit while he was holding his hand high to signal a free kick.

    16. Undeterred by their frosty reactions, Gazza again tried to prove that refs have a sense of humour by yellow-carding the referee after the official had dropped his card during a Rangers v Hibs game. He was booked for his troubles.

    17. While attempting to deflect the 'kebab controversy' which spelled the beginning of the end of his England career, assured reporters that his doner-munching antics following Middlesbrough's promotion to the Premiership would in no way affect his fitness before France 98. One reporter asked: "What do you feel like now?" Back came the inevitable response:"I feel like a kebab with onions."

    18. As an apprentice desperate to impress then-Newcastle boss Jack Charlton, spent a week's money on fishing gear and begged the famous angler to give him a lesson. On arrival at the riverbank, Charlton promptly threw all but the rod out into the briny, then poured a bottle of Newcastle Brown into the water, dipped in the rod and within seconds was pulling out a whopper. Lesson over.

    19. As 'perk' of boot-cleaning duties during his apprenticeship, took Kevin Keegan's Golas home to show his mates. But left them on the NewcastleUnderground.

    20. When playing for England against Belgium in Italia 90, ridiculed Enzo Scifo as he lay on the ground clutching his leg. Gazza thought he wasplay-acting, so did a mime of his own which involved hopping on one leg with his tongue lolling out.

    21. His attempt to jet off to Libya with Middlesbrough for a post-season tour was hampered by the fact he'd left his passport at home. An emotional Gazza wept at the check-in desk until a minion was despatched to bring itto the airport.

    22. Celebrated his new-found hero status after flying home from Italia 90 by wearing a huge pair of fake plastic boobs and stomach bearing the legend 'Gazza.'

    23. On meeting the president of Denmark's FA, pretended he could speak Danish. When invited to demonstrate, imitated The Muppet Show's Swedish Chef.

    24. Conned Five Bellies into eating a mince pie after he'd scraped out the filling and replaced it with cat excrement.

    25. Walked into the Middlesbrough canteen wearing nothing but his training socks and ordered lunch.

    26. Paid £320 for a Mars Bar in a newsagents in his home town of Dunston, then told the shop owner to spend the change on sweets for local kids.

    27. Whilst dining in the prestigious Bedford Arms Hotel in Woburn with a few of his Geordie mates, decided to place his erect member on the shoulder of a diner at the next table. Thinking someone had tapped him on theshoulder the gentleman turned his head only to have Gazza's helmet prod him in the cheek.

    28. Took a documentary team to a beautiful Scottish cottage which he informed them was his new place, pretended he'd forgotten his key and knocked instead. When the door opened, told the befuddled housewife inside that he was doing a telly advert and wanted to know if she preferred Daz or Omo.

    29. Crashed Middlesbrough's team bus at the club's training ground and caused £310,000 worth of damage.

    30. While at Rangers, urinated over sleeping team-mate Richard Gough.

    31. Handed £1000 over to Jimmy Five Bellies after betting that the burly boozer couldn't withstand a cigarette lighter's heat on the bridge of his nose for five seconds........Jimmy could. Twice.

    32. After briefly giving up drinking, was advised to find a new interest. Picked bingo.

    33. Bought a £1000 robot and programmed it to travel into Jimmy Five Bellies' room at Gazza Towers and announce: "Make a cup of tea, fat man."

    34. Was banned from Liverpool's Cream nightclub in advance within days of joining Everton last summer, because the Evertonians who run the place wanted him to avoid temptation and stay fit.

    35. Prepared for England matches during that hugely important tournament byplaying marathon games of tennis in the scorching midday sun.

    36. Thought it would be appropriate to wear a blue fright wig before the 1991 FA Cup Final.

    37. In his time, has agreed to dress as a Roman centurion, a clown, Oliver Hardy and Braveheart for photo opportunities.

    38. While his Italia 90 team-mate was the hero of Hillsborough, marched into a Sheffield barber shop and demanded "a Waddle cut."

    39. When Gazza signed for Spurs in 1988, he came down to finalise the deal with a bunch of his Geordie mates. They took over the posh hotel in Hadley Wood where Spurs were footing the bill and wreaked havoc. Gazza met then-chairman Irving Scholar and began talks by saying, "We'd like to thank you for the best three days of our lives"

    40. Was asked to leave West Lodge Park Hotel in London after guests were treated to the sight of a naked Five Bellies swimming across the duck pond.

    41. On his first night in Rome after signing for Lazio, gave his minder the slip, put his shoes by an open window and hid in a cupboard. The minder thought he'd committed suicide.

    42. Recorded a video message for a corporate party and signed off with a cheery "Happy Christmas, you f***ing w***ers."

    43. Greeted reporters in Rome by standing up, asking for silence, thenfarting at ear-splitting volume.

    44. Told an interviewer that he was so superstitious about the number 13 that he couldn't ever bear to see the numbers 4 and 9 together. Oddly, the combination of 5 and 8 was deemed OK.

    45. Shredded England team-mate Dennis Wise's Armani suit "for a laugh."

    46. While staying at a Scottish hotel, drove across its golf course in hisfour-wheel drive Jeep.

    47. While reputation preceded him in Italy, the English language did not. Hence, his Lazio debut was marked by a banner which read: 'Gazza's Boys,We Are Here. Shake Your Women And Drink Your Beer.'

    48. Conversely, rival Italian supporters once hailed him with a banner which stated bluntly: 'Paul Gazza, You Are Fat Poofta.'

    49. After being sent off while playing for Lazio, shook hands with virtually every member of the Genoa side.

    50. While staying in a New Zealand hotel, was told there was no bacon for breakfast. Replied, "What, all the sheep in this country and there's no bloody bacon!"


    what a guy :lol:

  7. OLYMPIC and council bosses have issued a twin rebuff to Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley’s move to re-name St James’ Park as the Sports Direct Arena.


    Mr Ashley’s decision to axe the 131-year-old name sparked outrage on Tyneside yesterday as fans criticised the club’s hierarchy for choosing commercialism over tradition.



    But now it has emerged that any prospective investors will not benefit from next year’s global coverage as Olympic organisers vie to stop sponsors hijacking the competition.


    In addition, road signs will stay, pointing people to St James’ Park after Newcastle City Council refused to adopt the new name.


    Newcastle’s 52,000-seater stadium is one of the venues to host fixtures in the Olympic football tournament next year as nine matches are played in July and early August including a men’s quarter-final.


    But under rules aimed at stopping businesses that have not paid for sponsorship packages benefiting commercially from the event any sponsorship will be removed or covered. The move follows an agreement to re-badge London’s O2 Arena, named after the mobile telephony company, as the North Greenwich Arena during the games. Meanwhile Coventry City’s Ricoh Stadium will be called the City of Coventry Stadium.


    A spokesman for the 2012 Olympics said: “Tickets have not been printed for games but in terms of sponsorship there will be no advertising or commercial branding.


    “It will be called St James’ Park and all the venues that we’ve contacted for staging events do not have promotional material. The Olympic rules are that you do not have commercial branding. As part of the agreement with venues we would cover up or work around the naming in the venue.”


    Club chiefs announced yesterday that the name St James’ Park would disappear as the club offer full stadium naming rights to sponsors – and in the meantime the ground will be renamed the Sports Direct Arena.


    Managing director Derek Llambias says the move will generate essential finance to allow the club to move forward. But dropping the iconic 131-year-old name of St James’ Park is certain to raise a storm among many fans.


    Two years ago under owner Mike Ashley, United attempted to secure a sponsorship deal linking a brand name to St James’ Park. But that did not come off, and now the club is prepared to go a step further. Mr Llambias said the club had to become financially self-sufficient to face the future in difficult economic times.


    Meanwhile, city officials have also attacked the decision to rename St James’ Park and refused to change signs bearing the stadium’s name.


    Cabinet member for quality of life, Coun Henri Murison, said: “The name of St James’ Park has been synonymous with Newcastle United football club and the city for more than 130 years.


    “It is recognised around the world and the decision to change it, without consultation, will upset the overwhelming majority of fans who loyally support the team week in and week out.


    “While I understand the commercial reasons for renaming sports venues when they relocate, this is not the case in this instance, and some things are beyond profit when they mean so much to people.


    “The football club is part of the beating heart of the city, and while the council values its relationship with the club, it has no plans to change any existing wayfinding signs which bear the name St James’ Park. As far as the fans and Newcastle City Council are concerned, the home of Newcastle United will always be known as St James’ Park.”


    It’s the identity of city’s brand


    THE decision to re-name St James’ Park is unlikely to change the “beating heart” of the club, a business branding expert said last night.


    Dr Joanna Berry, 49, director of engagements for Newcastle University Business School, is also a life-long Toon fan.


    She said: “This is a commercial venture first and foremost but from a marketing perspective it is important to remember that a brand is more than just a name.


    “It’s about the identity and the history of the club and the proud people that have been there for years. You cannot change that entire heritage by altering the name of the stadium.” Dr Berry teaches finance marketing to executive MBA students and believes that any potential sponsorship will only work if the values of the investor match that of the club.


    She said: “You need to bring in a sponsor who holds the same beliefs and aspirations as the fans. Someone who has a passion for succeeding and who represents what the club is about.


    “If a balance can be struck it is often very effective for both parties. I think the clubs good form will certainly have been a factor in the timing of the announcement but Ashley will have his own business reasons for doing it.”


    She also pointed out that the move to sell the naming rights was not an unprecedented one. She said: “Plenty of other football stadiums have undergone similar processes around the country.


    “Bolton have done it, Arsenal have with the Emirates and of course Wigan’s stadium is named after their chairman Dave Whelan. The world of football moves on very quickly and none more so than here in Newcastle.”


    Football finance expert Vinay Bedi, of Brewin Dolphin said: “In my view those in charge had no choice but to do this. UEFA guidelines come in next year and by 2014 there is a requirement that all clubs completely re-assess their revenue streams.


    “It’s impossible to say when an investor will come. It could be next week it could be next year but I would imagine that the club have something in the pipeline.”


    Simon Chadwick, professor of sport business strategy at Coventry University’s Business School, does not expect Newcastle to be the last top-flight club to try the move.


    “The ongoing cost pressure in wages and transfer fees, in addition to external financial pressures, mean it is inevitable we see more and more clubs start to do this type of thing,” he said.


    “It is not just clubs that are willing to sell but brands are willing to associate to.


    “Given that you have that market I think it is inevitable that over the next five or 10 years more clubs follow this route.”


    Read More http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2011/11/11/olympic-and-council-bosses-rebuff-st-james-park-name-change-61634-29757146/2/#ixzz1dOY5fFqN

  8. nufcfans NUFCfans

    S.Taylor on Paintballing trip. "We went paintballing, Cheick Tiote, animal on the pitch, was screaming like a little girl





    I thought Jonas said in his interview Cheik was the star and the best at it?


    cheik was watching over the Jonas interview....



  9. MIKE Williamson is facing another five weeks on the sidelines after suffering a setback in his bid to return from an ankle injury.


    The Newcastle defender has avoided surgery but admits he might not be ready to play until the New Year in a fresh injury blow for Alan Pardew, who is low on cover at centre-back.


    The former Watford man suffered the injury in the Carling Cup clash at Scunthorpe back at the start of September and was expected to be back in a month.


    However, he told the Chronicle: “It has been difficult. There has been a bit of a setback.


    “Not to get too technical, but there are three injury sites – two have healed but one is not healing as well.


    “It is getting better and by mid-December I will be back on the training ground and then it wll be about playing a lot of reserve games to get myself back up to speed as quickly as possible.”


    Williamson remains upbeat, though, and his attitude is typical of the new mood of unity at St James’ Park.


    Despite having to watch on while the defence wins plaudits, he said he was enjoying watching his United colleagues.


    Williamson added: “There are no mixed feelings for me.


    “I have just enjoyed seeing the lads doing well. People have said to me ‘are you gutted it will be difficult to get back in?’


    “Not at all – competition is healthy. I would much rather come into a team doing well than a team scrapping around at the bottom of the league.


    “It is nice to step into a team doing well. It will be difficult to get back in but why worry about it?


    “I will work as hard as I can and hopefully earn my place, but I would much rather we were doing well.”


    Read More http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/newcastle-united/nufc-news/2011/11/10/mike-williamson-suffers-fresh-injury-problems-72703-29751570/#ixzz1dJ068q9f


    another 5 weeks with perch waiting on the bench  :scared:

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