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Posts posted by Wilson

  1. much is being made of getting the tactics spot on here which is doing the players a bit of a disservice. getting the tactics right is one thing but carrying them out is another. the tactics didn't seem like anything earth shattering so i have to wonder how many clubs have set out at the britannia with similar tactics and been unable to carry them through. also the tactics as described (doubling up on their wingers etc) don't really account for us scoring three times.


    How is it doing the players a disservice? They all played brilliantly, everyone admits that. Just the gameplan also deserves credit.

    just hearing fans from elsewhere talking, newcastle will still struggle but just happened on this occasion to get the right tactics and apparently now stoke have been sussed.


    found that hilarious :lol:


    the meltdown on oatcake on monday night was fantastic

  2. Shows how far he's come when your worried about the negative impact Davide Santon replacing Ryan Taylor at left back might have


    was definitely a strange feeling, quality player to come off the bench and replace him but couldnt help thinking it would have been for the worse

  3. Have to say though, although it was a good cross, if it didn't have Ba on the end of it then it might not have been so good...


    ba done tremendously well to get anything on it like, not taking out away from obertan tho because i think he definitely had one of his better games to day

  4. The whole smug cuntishness of them for the days/weeks/months leading up to it made it all the sweeter.


    The whole day turned amazing, from being on the wrong end of a 5 person pile on in level 7 to literally hanging round the stewards neck :lol: the atmosphere around all the bars afterwards was just totally unreal.


    One of the best things about it, every single haloween the inbreds will think '5-1 to newcastle' at least once :D that is beautiful


  5. from sky live chat...


    Comment From dom 

    How are Aston Villa looking Tim? playing well or sitting off, inviting Sunderland into Villa's half?




    Tim Clement:

    Bit too much sitting off for my liking. They just allowed Larsson to deliver a fine ball in to the box but Bendtner couldn't get his header on target. Bit of a Henandez wanabee effort from the world's best player.





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