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Posts posted by Wilson

  1. we werent allowed to stand, but the stewards didnt enforce it...in fact, a lad who sat/stood about 2 rows in front of me took his lass to a game....steward walked past her and actually told her to stand as everyone else was, she stood, and then sat down again when he passed....then on his way back down told her to stand again.  Bit wrong but no one complained.

    Even the stewards in the SE corner dont seem arsed, my first game in my new seat (arsenal) .... I went the wrong way after half time, asked the steward the quickest way to get back to my seat and he said 'just stand there' whilst pointing to the back of the stairs where there was about 15 people standing.


    Of course it's right that people respect others around them and sit down if standing is causing any problems, just seems a bit wrong they're kicking up a fuss when their own employees aren't even enforcing their rules.

  2. total mess, if they had gave us a section....like we tried to get, or even better let us stay where we were rather than kicking us out...there'd be no fuss.


    I totally agree people shouldnt be standing regardless of what the people around them want, total disrespect for people have been sat there ages.  Dont know why but i really cant believe that a group turned round and verbally abused an 80 year old woman because she wanted them to sit down...and if they did, fuck temporary bans they should be banned permanently

  3. I'm more than willing to accept he's our left back for now but long term I'd look to bring someone else in and move him to the right


    I genuinely don't know about this, quite possible that he wants to play LB even though he's right footed, no idea.


    in his interview he said he can play left or right, and in midfield in the same position as he likes to attack and defend.  doesn't say he has a preference though so i'm guessing that he's happy in any of those positions

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