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Posts posted by Wilson

  1. think i'll see a lot more of this, this season .... annoys me that i got kicked out of me seat when the chances are, most of the time the away section will be like this (albeit not quite as bad)



  2. Songs like that do get annoying after a while but they're atmosphere builders. If people don't try to out sing the ones singing it it keeps going. That's why I started toon toon...to try and change song. Hate my seat in this corner like, it's nowt like L7 was...but it might be one day. Fingers crossed.


    ahh that was you...was gona mention someone trying to stop them with a 'toon toon' chant....


    i wouldn't say i hate my seat, like the view and the fact i can still stand up (2nd row from back :) ) ..... but its just not the same for atmosphere/singing, sang at the top of my voice most of last season and could barely hear my own voice due to every single person around me singing.


    just hope it picks up in the corner

  3. had leaflets on the end of each row about 'persistent standing'


    fairly dead i thought, livened up a fair bit after the goals naturally.  Dunno why but i found it amusing when the 'ryan taylor, over the wall' chant just didnt end, went on for about 10 mins :lol: although it got annoying by the end

  4. 1st half was pathetic, besides the last 5 minutes. Fulham raped us in possession, but since they are s***, they didn't take advantage of it. Also our defensive unit looks like football players nowadays. And 3 points is all we need.


    Krul 9 - Top saves throughout, sloppy on one occasion.

    Simpson 5 - Good going forward, but s*** at defending, and he had a shitload of passes gone missing today. Crosses went into the box though.

    Saylor  8 - quality all game, some tremendouse challenges when others (w)couldn't get their foot in

    Colo 8 - Like a boss....again

    Raylor 6 - Mostly average stuff going on, but he has a very decent right foot. caught out once or twice, think it was duff had a pop and it megged him, about a yard wide of the post, scary! but he's he doing a decent job

    Obertan 6 - imo.....diabolical 1st half, seemed scared to run at them,left me wondering where this pace was that he was gona inject in the team?

    Cabaye 7 - love the bloke, lot of good passes, but again for me in the 1st half i thought it was probably his worst performance for us so far (including the friendlys)

    Tiote 6 - I'm his biggest fan, but that first half was horrible.

    Jonas 7 - sang his praises since he came, offers so much to us despite people whinging about his final ball  :rolleyes: another good performance

    Best 8 - not my favourite player, seemed to be scared in the 1st half...s**** first touch.... stepped up in the second half, took his goals well.....the little 'besty flick' was immense before he knocked in the 2nd. Has to be miles in front of Shola.

    Løvenkrands 4 - anonymous, was dying for vuckic to come on


    Vuckic 6 - i think he deserves more time than he's getting, would like to see him covering 'the hole' while ben arfa's out....well impressed over pre-season and would like to see him given a proper chance

    Smith 2 -  ???




    just edited bits of it for my view  :thup: few bits i agree with

  5. "He was terrific tonight and it was a fabulous goal. He's a different player to his brother - his feet are electric at times."




    He's electric, he does things I never expected

    and he needs more time

    He's got a brother,

    they look quite like one another

    but they don't play like each other

    Cos he's sublime.




    bit pedantic but that flows better :p



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