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Posts posted by Wilson

  1. I wouldn't mind seeing Jonas have another go pushed a bit further forward like he was at Chelsea. Played well there when he had the chance.




      Gosling - Taylor - Coloccini - Tavernier


      Barton - Cabaye -  Tiote -  Marveaux






    wouldnt mind that myself...certainly another option as he seemed to do ok in there

  2. "I think we could have something resolved in time for the Arsenal game. I hope we will."


    why does he constantly change his stance


    he wanted someone in before america and possibly one after, other day he was certain someone would be in before the arsenal game, now he hopes we'll have someone in





  3. The thought of this is making me feel ill. Why do people continue to accept this?  :no:



    Start a protest then, or whatever it is that you do.


    was thinking that myself


    saying "Why do people continue to accept this?" is a load of bollocks, theres pretty much f*** all we can do apart from whinge about it and then accept it


    dont get me wrong, i really hope it doesnt happen....but if he has actually got his mind set on doing it, its going to happen regardless, nowt we say or do would change his mind (thats assuming the rumour has some truth in it in the first place)


  4. Would start with our strongest team available.  I think whomever starts this match will be a good indication of who Pardew will start against Arsenal.


    he'll have most of it sorted but I think he'll still experiment, Fiorentina will be the biggest indication of our first team next season


    really just hoping we come back from leeds unscathed

  5. Mackems dodging the HBA bullet again  :dave:


    To be fair we hammered them llast season without him, i'm sure we can do the same again :)


    Who scored a hat trick in that game again ?

    And is he still here ?


    You're right, I forgot the only way to beat a team was to put out exactly the same lineup from the last time you beat them and wait for the exact same match to happen again.


    It might be to hold on to one of your best goalscorers to give yourself a better chance in the next game.


    Nah, would rather not have to rely on a bloke that was blowing out his arse after 60 minutes of most games to be hoenst. Better off replacing him with proper athletes.


    Fair enough as far as it goes, but how many of these proper athletes(presumably the close season signings) have you seen play and what are their goalscoring record like ?


    Well Demba Ba's isnt too shabby to be fair is it?


    Lets not forget, Nolans goals dried up big time when Carroll left, what was it, 2 after he left? And when he didnt score he didnt contribute, or contributed very little at least.


    It might have been a good idea to make some attempt to hold onto Carroll as well.




    I would rather have Carroll than the money, which we know isn't going top be spent.

    You can't sit and watch a balance sheet.


    ahem....i'll have you know we've spent a fortune this summer!


  6. I thought the game was on sunday 31st july not saturday 30th?


    same here...otherwise my train tickets are useless and so is the monday I've got off work


    anyone know any bars to try/avoid down there?


    getting the train so preferably near the station

    Scarborough Hotel i think is one to avoid iirc.


    cheers, will be avoiding there as its not the first time its cropped up

  7. In an attempt to get this thread back on track, is Erdinc actually any good?


    Obviously, PSG are rather rich these days but it is still slightly worrying that they seem happy to dispose of him. Can't be much worse than Best/Shola/Loven like.


    He was s*** a month ago but he's mint now.


    nah he's not mint yet.....may well be in a week or 2 tho

  8. I do think 60k a week for Enrique isn't that ridiculous. He is going the have the best years in his career and how on the earth would he accept the same wages? He can easily ask for higher wages next year.


    If money is really the reason for not signing the contract and outburst.

    Will you earn £60k this week? This Month? This Year?


    Thought not.


    When did you last get a 20% pay rise? I've never ever had one that big. I got a 3% rise last October and that was the first rise i'd had for 3 years due to the economic downturn.


    He needs to take a big reality check.


    Are you one of the best people in the world at your job like, and is your job an essential part of a highly lucrative business? Is your career expected to last less than 20 years?


    Do you put the welfare of your company, and it's customers ahead of your own when you think you could get a better job elsewhere? Would you turn down the offer of a payrise if offered one by another company with better prospects? Knowing another company would pay you more money or give you more worldwide acclaim (whichever your main motivation in life is), would you happily sign up if your current company who were showing no signs of trying to better themselves (enabling you personally to gain more worldwide acclaim) told you they wanted you to commit to staying with them for another 4/5 years on the same money you had been getting for the last 4?



    It's not footballers who need to take a reality check, it's supporters.



    This is a general point on the I hate footballers because they're greedy posts, not specifically about Enrique.



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