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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Well, that.... And the fact that we're pure fuckin waxa.
  2. Thanks for making me a blubbering mess again.
  3. When people called Ben Arfa fat.
  4. Will be making a donation to these. Mad this, getting involved again after years of boycotting and trying to ignore it all, here I am, back to enjoying it
  5. Carrying in the celebrations with a cheese and onion walkers crisp sarnie and an aldi sossij rurl.
  6. Wilson


    https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/nufc-august-october-2021and-sportwashing-takeover-edition.1557357/post-34723034 Well that's us fucked.
  7. It's just been on ssn as well. What a fantastic day.
  8. Fuck me I'm basically in tears again ha
  9. Same. I put ssn on hoping to hear endless talk of us. Bastards are talking about other irrelevant shit instead. TALK ABOUT US YOU CUNTS, INJECT IT TO MY VEINS!
  10. https://www.pif.gov.sa/en/Pages/NewsDetails.aspx?NewsId=202 Beautiful this like.
  11. I can't fuckin get any work done today.
  12. Newcastle is pretty fuckin unique like isn't it? Ha Jesus.
  13. Unreal haha I'm really hungover, I mean really really hungover. But yi nah... These things happen don't they.
  14. I've got the world's best hangover today.
  15. Went to highlight a bit in the middle of that, then realised... Aye... The whole things spot on. 'it's what we're leaving behind' resonates with me. Fuck what anyone else thinks, if they didn't care about Newcastle to start with, nobody will know what this feels like.
  16. 3 stages of today... Caged.... Hope.... Done....
  17. Wouldn't be a takeover if I hadn't just witnessed a fan waking passed with a tea towel on his head followed by his mate with a massive speaker blasting tazo. Jesus.
  18. Stood at the top of the steps near the Bobby statue struggling to compose myself. Crying soon. Fuck me man. Kudos to the mod who won the rumble to change the thread title. Fuckin get in man!
  19. Already started for me Wanted to head back over, starting to think I'm just being daft.
  20. Had one earlier 'Andy Murray and his 'stinking' trainers' I swear they know what they're doing.
  21. Look at me look at me, I've lost my inhibitions. Disgraceful.
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