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Everything posted by LV

  1. What’s he on about? It does say ‘nearly certain’ in the article.
  2. Plus Qatar already have a club representing them in Man City who would probably be their main focus, not us. It’s PSG mate, not Man City. City are owned by Abu Dhabi, who are a Saudi ally against Qatar (and Iran) Abu Dhabi is a city. UAE. Ha. Yep, my mistake. Brain not engaged properly. I meant UAE.
  3. Plus Qatar already have a club representing them in Man City who would probably be their main focus, not us. It’s PSG mate, not Man City. City are owned by Abu Dhabi, who are a Saudi ally against Qatar (and Iran)
  4. How the fuck does a dentist know so much.... Wondered that myself There's only so much gossip you can get from your client if you're a dentist, like He knows people out there and has been directly involved in brokering bids in the past. He does know some stuff. It’s not just stuff he hears from people in his chair
  5. How the fuck does a dentist know so much.... Whether he knows anything or not, you can bet they will be behind it. As Wandy said, it's worth throwing in there for them as it does give the PL an out to reject the Saudi bid. "Look there's plenty of interest in NUFC, if we reject this bid, you can easily sell to someone else!" And you just know they’ll be a lot more lenient for any next test on any new bidders, bit like a referee evening up a mistake he has made by being more lenient for a bit
  6. That’ll just be Kenyon and his bunch of chancers. I don’t want either of these American bidders anywhere near the club. Not because they are American but because they are skint chancers who are looking for profit. At least with Staveley they have a genuine plan to develop the area and make us a force again.
  7. I've said that many a time but still find myself on Twitter and on here all day from getting up at 5am for work until going to sleep at 10-11. 1 thing I will say mind, I'm not remotely interested in project restart or any of our games. Literally just don't care about either. If this falls through it'll end my love of football completely. I’m with you on the second bit. Couldn’t give a monkey’s cuss.
  8. The UK government won’t want the Saudis pissed of given the billions they spend here every year. The government can’t/won’t get involved but they can lean on the PL, not that we’ll get to know about it. Yes but what leverage can they use to lean on the PL. If there is no real leverage the PL don’t have to listen.
  9. Is the PL funded by the taxpayer at all? Just wondered what kind of leverage the U.K. government might have over this as I’m sure they’d tacitly want it to go through for economic/ geopolitical reasons
  10. The same FIFA who were complicit with Qatar’s iffy World Cup bid sticking up for mates who may know where the skeletons are. Colour me shocked.
  11. The Saudi state broke international law, as ruled by the governing body of that piece of international law. Not that this was ever in serious dispute. Given the violation centred on the IP rights of Premier League broadcaster, it would obviously be wildly inappropriate to allow that state to then purchase a Premier League football club. That's why the takeover will be rejected. Bore off. That’s just about them not having access to redress under the Saudi legal system and doesn’t blame the Saudi state itself regarding piracy, just that it hadn’t given access to its legal system.
  12. So much inaccurate reporting coming out about the WTO ruling that the Saudi state was facilitating the piracy. It clearly did not say that. The absolute shit state of journalism these days man..
  13. Why would Staveley fail just because she’s taking Barclays to court. Absolute dog dirt. The only way she’d fail is if she’s committed a crime or hasn’t got enough cash.
  14. You SERIOUSLY think Rose will play again this season? Have you seen the size of him? Trail of chips up the wing?
  15. Don’t think it says anywhere in that WTO report that KSA as a state facilitated the piracy. Significant persons yes but not the ‘state’ and certainly not PIF
  16. I don’t think the bitterness is unique to here. Society at the moment seems to be a toxic cesspit of hate and the need to break down into little interest groups and looking for difference. It’s almost like people are spoiling for a war.
  17. Are you okay? Are you trying to be passing aggressive or are you genuinely asking me? Your posts always seem to have an immense amount of anger inside them. I was wondering if you are okay You're on a different planet you mind Just looking out for one another. In the form of constantly stirring the pot
  18. This. Absolutely nothing in it. None of you fuckers would have gotten sacked for that no matter what your job is. That’s not strictly true unfortunately. It’s exactly the type of thing that would be used to get rid of someone in certain jobs.
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