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Everything posted by teohgk

  1. i would love to see a come back win from Madrid
  2. watched the replay , it was a well timed tackle
  3. teohgk


    i miss agent Bruce :'(
  4. name the 7 players who should start ahead of him as left back
  5. a goal for each player except Rooney and Henry
  6. 4's on Skybet. No I don't understand what dnb means,haha draw no bet
  7. 3 matches ban in international tournament which merely total of 6 matches even if you make it to the final are hell lot of different than 3 matches ban in the league.
  8. Former captain Kolo Toure appears to have paved the way for a January exit from Manchester City after launching a stinging attack on the Barclays Premier League leaders. The Ivory Coast defender has hardly played for City this season after missing the first part of the campaign through suspension. Now Toure would appear to have burnt his bridges at the Etihad Stadium by claiming he is being left out for reasons nothing to do with football. In an interview in France, Toure claimed he is still paying for missing Premier League games while at the Africa Cup of Nations two years ago and rubbished 20-year-old City defender Stefan Savic. The comments are remarkable after City stood by him during his six-month drugs ban. Toure said: ‘I know my qualities and I have got nothing to prove here in England. They know me here. When you look at the performance of Savic against QPR, excuse me but I am relaxed. http://news.7msport.com/news/newsData/20111206/65941.shtml what a cunt
  9. teohgk

    Alan Pardew

    The f*** is that?! That my dear boy would be a possible team to face Norwich. The only poser is whether we will acknowledge our defensive deficiencies and go with another defensive midfielder and Ba up front on his own. The hope would be that Albeid and Guthrie could do the running / tackling and Cabaye can be more forward minded. I dont think its that bad personally. glad that you're the only one who think it's not bad
  10. teohgk

    LOL at Lolro

    well at least we can laugh at Lawrence again about his prediction.
  11. teohgk

    Joey Barton

    Footballer Joey Barton was at the centre of controversy today over comments he made on Twitter about the death of Gary Speed, describing suicide as a 'selfish' act. Despite an outcry from other users on the social networking site, the QPR captain has refused to apologise for his 'insensitive' comments. Welsh football legend Gary Speed was tragically found hanged at his home on Sunday morning in what is thought to have been suicide. Like countless others, Barton took to Twitter to speak of his shock at Speed's death and to pay tribute to him. He posted: 'Just hearing about Gary Speed, to say am shocked is an understatement. 'My thoughts are with his family and friends. Really sad news.' However, his tributes were then swiftly followed - with astonishingly tactless timing - by his views on suicide. The outspoken footballer added: 'Suicide is a mix of the most tragic, most selfish, most terrible (and I want to believe preventable) acts out there.' As Twitter users bombarded Barton in an online backlash, the star - unrepentant - branded his critics as having 'half a brain' instead of apologising for his offensive comments. He added: 'Feedback on here, small minority as usual strongly disagree with what I said. If they read carefully or had half a brain, they'd understand.'
  12. teohgk

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Mackem will love this
  13. I don't think Raylor's was a penalty TBH, I hate to see those given. There's no rule that says you have to keep your hands glued to your sides. If your arm is out and the ball is kicked off it IMO it's still ball-to-hand. The issue is with whether the handball changed the direction of the ball or not. In Taylor's case it definitely did. Not in Evra's though as his arm was tucked in. That isn't the issue though, the issue is supposed to be whether the player deliberately handballed it. In Raylor's case, and a lot of other penalties you see given, there's no way it was deliberate IMO. Raylor's hand was not in natural position Well that's arguable, a "natural position" for a sportsman isn't to have his arms stuck rigidly to his sides. but definitely not the way he spread his arm across the goal imo
  14. I don't think Raylor's was a penalty TBH, I hate to see those given. There's no rule that says you have to keep your hands glued to your sides. If your arm is out and the ball is kicked off it IMO it's still ball-to-hand. The issue is with whether the handball changed the direction of the ball or not. In Taylor's case it definitely did. Not in Evra's though as his arm was tucked in. That isn't the issue though, the issue is supposed to be whether the player deliberately handballed it. In Raylor's case, and a lot of other penalties you see given, there's no way it was deliberate IMO. Raylor's hand was not in natural position
  15. 64 and up to 24th place, would've been better if i didn't change the captain from Adebayor to RVP
  16. don't have an issue with that, Mourinho did the same trick in Champions League last year and i always thought it was a clever move. i'd rather they deliberately delay play for the card than tackle the opponent which might cause injury to others.
  17. http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-ash2/373389_152508651515248_1486599636_n.jpg
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