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Chicken Dancer

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Everything posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. This. Type of game this fucker wins late on 1-0 with 32% possession and 3 shots target. Everton to have 72 shots, 55 on target. The rest hitting the bar. All hail King Bruce.
  2. Genuinely hope he is involved in a chip pan fire. Fuck sake
  3. Not only is the cunt a fucking horrible, stinking gravy stain on our good name, he's also the jammiest fraud to ever be christened with the title 'manager' (or Head Coach in this instance). I'll celebrate his departure as much as Ashley's, that's for sure. Fuck Bruce.
  4. I've gone even further. Couldn't care less about the result. I can't celebrate a win and a loss is easy to shrug off. Now if fans were back in the stands I'd feel different. One to see Bruce cry and two to see fans suffer for paying to watch that shite. Exactly this. Winning/losing feels like nothing these days. Although I am enjoying watching a lot of football purely as a neutral now, usually have a preference due our league position etc, but couldn't give less of a shit these days.
  5. Fuck Liverpool and fuck Celtic. Good start to the day.
  6. Not shocking at all to be fair. Both are cunts but the level of entitlement from Liverpool fans is staggering. I completely 'get' that they are a huge club with fans across the world, but until fairly recently (apart from the odd flirtation with Benitez and Rodgers) they have been relatively shit. They can get fucked, can't stand them and their whole 'scouse not English' shit they spout none stop. Utter, despicable cunts. Man Utd can fuck off as well. Always have and always will be wankers.
  7. Hope getting that off your chest has made you feel better. I actually do glad to see I’m not the only one as well, mind. Glad/hope people relate so I know it isn’t just me
  8. Think I’ve posted before about this (not looking for sympathy) but I really have struggled mentally past 18/24 months and I actually attribute a lot of that of losing NUFC (amongst other things). Packing in my season ticket killed me man, was such a class day with family and friends. I gave it all up. Didn’t follow transfer news, just cut it out completely. As soon as I saw Bruce in China I packed in my ticket and watched from afar, sometimes actually revelling when NUFC lost. I felt rank. I missed it. Didn’t want to admit to myself, but I fucking missed it. Checking Twitter/Newsnow/NO, having a pint watching us away from home on a Sunday afternoon. 8am bus trips on a piss-soaked bus. But I just hate what we’d become. This isn’t the club I fell in love with. It had sort of happened before under Pardew and then Carver. But not like this. Benitez gave me everything I wanted, but mainly hope. I could see where we were heading. Then 4/5 months with Almiron/Perez/Rondon were fucking class and I won’t have anyone tell me otherwise. Let the lazy cunt pundits trudge their ‘Rafa parks the bus’ shit, I fucking loved that period. So jealous of Leeds because it seems so similar with Bielsa. The whole city behind him, fucking class. Then you have Steve Bruce - literally the polar opposite. I can’t stand him. For my son, I thought I’ll give this season a go. I’ve watched every game so far and nothing has changed. I still don’t feel anything or get any joy when they score. I’ve finally worked out it’s that fucking useless prick in the dugout. Watching his journo mates lick his arse. He’s fucking obsessed with Benitez. His anti-football. He’s a fucking stain on the good name of Newcastle United and he suits his employer down to the ground. Fuck this cheap, horrible, disgusting excuse of NUFC. I hope it crashes and burns. Hopefully one day we get it back.
  9. It’s got to be said that despite all the optimism that this prospective takeover has brought, the infighting between fans on social media has been disgusting. Some of those who kept tickets have (mainly) acted like complete and utter arseholes when it’s been mentioned that those who left/boycotted should be ‘allowed’ back. I agree the fairest thing to do is general sale but the comments I’ve seen are downright insulting. The fact many believe those who jacked in done so because NUFC were ‘shit’ - completely ignoring most would have kept their tickets twice in the Championship. There was me believing we would finally have a united fanbase once more. It’s a massive shame what Ashley has done to the mentality of us.
  10. Used to piss me off that on Google Maps/taking a photo on iPhone it would always have the location as 'Sports Direct Arena'. Utterly rank. Can't wait for the fat fuck to disappear/pop.
  11. This and Goodison the worst grounds for a view I think. Spent 90 minutes behind a pole at both. Palace's little area outside, a bit like a terrace - is very decent though. Also, despite the view I much prefer them sort of grounds to the likes of Wigan/Bolton etc. Bit of a throwback.
  12. Used to fucking love it up there, especially in the Championship and first season back up (6-0,5-1,4-4). Some of my happy memories from the past 13 miserable years were spent up there. Absolutely class.
  13. Not necessarily a game today but watching back the Ajax v Spurs semi final on BT, I’d fucking love Pochettino actually.
  14. - being found guilty twice in court for being twats - Sports Direct Arena - club shop absolutely desolated - making die hard fans turn away from something they love - Alan Pardew - Joe Kinnear x 2 - Yohan Kebab/Charlie Insomnia - 'what Rafa wants, Rafa gets' yet completing doing the opposite - whiteying in a fireplace - getting rid of the singing section as they were nasty about him
  15. I rang up a few months ago to try and sort one for the lads for a day out. It was too expensive for us though. The figure I was quoted for a one off game was £350pp +VAT. There are 8, 10 and 12 seat boxes. I think they’ve got 6 or 7 not paid up for the season. So about 80k GBP for a season for 10 people.... Yikes!! 4200GBP per match inc the VAT. What does having a box actually entail? Is the food/drink included? I'd be fairly tempted if so, and if I couldn't get one in a 'normal' area. Not sure my son would enjoy it as much like. Also, Platinum Club, how much are season tickets in there does anyone know?
  16. I feel your pain. I really struggled this past 9 months and not having the escape of the match left a huge void. I was offered a free ticket but I just couldn’t do it. Good post.
  17. Ffs been a long day at the office (dining table) relentlessly refreshing this forum and Twitter.
  18. See, I’d argue you do really, albeit from a bias perspective. I have no doubt that people like you made a difference, the only problem being is the fact we will never know for sure if you (we) did or not.
  19. Seems to be a lot of arguments on twitter regarding who should and shouldn’t get a ticket. Shame to see so many argue, really. Don’t see why previous season ticket holders getting ticket back would annoyed those who stayed, but at the same time can’t see how it will be fair to give anyone first chance to buy. Such a shame man, we need to be United for the first time in literally years.
  20. That Benfica side was absolutely awesome, criminal how they didn't win the Europa That ultra-defensive bloke Benitez done them in the final, didn't he?
  21. Exactly. From January onwards (post-Almiron) in 18/19 we were great at times. Thoroughly enjoyed watching us. It's a myth that people believe because pundits/journalists say it. You should always listen to a group of fans on anything IMO. Managers, players etc. Palace learned that the hard with Pardew, if only they had listened to us and not the media saying we were harsh to him. Players can look amazing on MOTD etc but when you go on forums & social media and see what that specific teams fans have to say, who watch that player every week, you will get a better interpretation really. Obviously there will be some who improve at other clubs (Ciaran Clark for example) but by and large I think people are technically brainwashed really.
  22. It's a bit of a myth if you ask me. Yeah, he sets up to be cautious, but he mainly sets up to exploit weaknesses in the opposition. His Liverpool side Man Utd a hiding at Old Trafford (I know Man Utd went down to 10) and there's probably more examples. I just fucking hate the lazy press over here which promote the idea that he's some ultra-defensive coach because we had 20% possession against Man City, arguably the most possession based team on the planet. Yet, the likes of Allardyce is hailed as some master manager whilst playing the dullest football known to man, and Mr Bruce and Mr Pardew are heralded 'front foot' managers which is completely wrong. We gave a fantastic Liverpool side a good go in May last year, losing only to a dive from Fabinho. I'd say he is extremely focused on tactics rather than just setting out to defend all game.
  23. Not with lockdown! The website/phone lines will be manic. Dreading it!
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