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Chicken Dancer

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Everything posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. Reason I ask is because if you log into an online account, it shows your points still and when they were removed. If you get in, screenshot and upload to the trust. Probably a waste of time but who knows!
  2. have you got online account on co.uk?
  3. I know mate - shitting myself! Hopefully not everyone plans to go camp out
  4. Would be interested to know how many season tickets are sold now. Can't see many of the 10k who walked in 2019 being filled now, plus those who'd have left since. Obviously there'll be people who bought tickets since, but doubt that many. Honestly think there will be at least 20k trying for tickets, and maybe about 12k available.
  5. They're still on my profile on website, and the point of the trust scheme was to upload screenshots of points etc. So fingers crossed, but next to no hope!
  6. My mate messaged recently and was told by a board member it will probably go to a members vote, which I think is bollocks personally. They should adhere to their promise and at least approach the club about it. Nothing on that section of the website that mentions anything at all about a members vote. I hope I'm being cynical, but I honestly believe it was just a push to get members. It may not have been in the 1000s who signed up because of it, but there'd have been a fair few. I personally know of at least 30+ who cancelled, all with probably at least 50pts. I don't expect my ST back by any stretch, but the points should be permanent no matter what. Hard miles and thousands spent, yet people lose them when they can't afford a ST anymore. It's bollocks, always thought so after a family member relocated in 2012 and lost all points. I'd love 10 minutes with Staveley to get my point across. Don't believe anyone at the trust will push it as hard as people like us would like. No chance.
  7. Me too mate - had over 150, but I have absolutely no trust in NUST to even do this. They'll put it to the members and it'll be voted against, as for some reason the consensus amongst those that stayed is that people don't deserve them back, despite £1000s spend building them up. They should never, ever be removed in my opinion. I hope I'm wrong, but I feel that the trust just done this to gain a huge following of members. I know I'd not have cancelled if I didn't have confidence they'd approach new owners to get them back, not put it to the fucking members as I've been told they will. Maybe @Greg could shed some light on the plans? We'll never know for sure, but those who cancelled could have made a difference to the sale going through. Who knows - but it certainly riled Ashley up enough to dish out 10k freebies.
  8. Ah I hope not! Will have to wait till next summer then unfortunately, and queue up at midnight like everyone else
  9. Wonder when (if) they announce half season tickets? Fucking desperate - costing me a fortune so far! Spurs, Chelsea, Brentford, Norwich and Burnley is a kick in the arse off £200. Suppose that's the going rate, but when I packed in ST when Benitez left I was still on price freeze so was paying like £38 a month!
  10. Quite well. Just explained it was purely a football decision and it felt like a perfect fit for him.
  11. Really looking forward to his first interviews with local press. Hopefully by the weekend. Really feels like a good fit for some reason. Done a complete u-turn on him, the fickle bastard that I am. Buzzing for the Brentford game, should be a cracking atmosphere.
  12. we just drank in London mate. Loads of #cans on way to ground
  13. I went in 2019 and there’s absolutely fuck all next to the ground!
  14. It's a shame that this wasn't done weeks ago given he's not under contract, which is probably my biggest gripe with it all. That being said, it looks like they've been knocked back a few times and after reading more and more on Howe, he's definitely growing on me. All in - least he looks like a proper coach. Players won't have a fucking clue what's hit them.
  15. It'll definitely be Eddie, Eddie Howe (Daddy Cool) or Damien Duff replaced by Eddie Howe We need someone like that Jamie Webster - that scouse lad who sings on a guitar and made the Van Dijk song etc.
  16. PS I’d argue we have some of the worst idiots, these past 4 weeks have properly cemented it.
  17. I think it goes without saying every single fan base has a section of idiot fans, but one their supporter groups tweeting about that specifically (Atletico not taking knee) is sheer hypocrisy. Saying that, hindsight is a wonderful thing and for all I know that group could have condemned the t-shirts at the time/since. I know Carragher was made to squirm about wearing them on MNF once upon a time.
  18. Horrific. Taking high horse over Atletico not taking the knee despite their players (and Dalglish IIRC) all wearing t-shirts in their game v Wigan supporting Suarez after he'd been correctly accused of racially abusing Evra.
  19. Probably in the minority, but I'd prefer him to have 2 weeks with squad then the Brentford game. Much easier for the arsehole section of our fanbase to use the inevitable hammering on Saturday as a stick to beat him with. Plus Friday will probably be a half-session at most, not much time to make any form of impact. Hopefully he's in the stands and it gives players a kick up the arse, although likely to get beat regardless.
  20. Warmed to the idea of Howe now, and like others have touched on, I've probably been guilty myself of just expecting a 'bigger' name automatically because we have £££. Yes Emery would have a been a bold statement, but fair play for going for blokes like that. For all we know, Howe could have been 8th choice. They've interviewed many candidates by the sounds of it, and if he's impressed them then fair enough. Certainly sounds like he impressed more than Fonseca, who I wanted at first. So good on him and the board for identifying that. We are literally 19th and 6 points adrift. We're probably not the catch we (including I) think we are to many managers. Howe can hopefully keep us up and if he does well, great. 17th this year then midtable next year would be massive progress. Then we can reassess where we want to go summer 23. FWIW, I think everyone - including Howe - will realise long term he won't be the man, but for now let's get behind him and stay up. If he does well then he can leave and get another good job. Our new owners aren't buying us to have Eddie Howe as the face of their club long term, but he's about as good as we can hope for right now by the looks of it. We've probably been knocked back by a good few imo. Maybe underwhelming, but new owners + Howe is 10000000000000% better than Ashley + Bruce, which we were resigned to forever only 4 weeks ago.
  21. I think one of the main things that hyped me up when the news broke yesterday was that it looked likely Emery was coming in this week with the intention of either managing v Brighton or certainly just being there, to then have the entire international break to work with the team prior to a decent home game vs Brentford. Going back to the drawing board just wastes precious time, man. What a kick in the bollocks today has been.
  22. FWIW Emery would have probably been announced today if it wasn't leaked. They obviously had a pretty good indication he wanted it for it to leak. As excited as I was, couldn't help but question the timing of the leak. This is after weeks of praising them for nothing leaking.
  23. The saddest thing about the past 24hrs or so is I've got absolutely no work done and am now massively behind. FIND THE MOLE
  24. I don't particularly dislike Howe, I just think he's a bad fit for NUFC. Don't get me wrong, he'd have been a canny appointment under Ashley but the fact we could have appointed him the day after Bruce left would make the entire period since fucking pointless. Absolutely underwhelming if it's Howe.
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