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Chicken Dancer

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Everything posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. Me too - but I know that the trust (and maybe Wor Flags) are going to be bringing it up if and when any new owners contact them. Not sure if Staveley will see it as a PR win or what to be honest. I'm just fucking desperate for a ticket for me and the boy. If I can get that, whether my old ones back or on general sale, I'll be a happy man. Killed me getting rid of his ticket more than my points etc.
  2. Well yeah exactly. I don't expect points back (although it would be nice) but I'm not sure if the new owners will see it as a quick PR win or whether it'll just be general sale. I'd assume the latter, which will be a fucking nightmare during lockdown. Phones will be off the hook, and the shite site will just crash. Yeah the free ticket lot shouldn't be allowed to renew if you ask me, but I am bias I suppose.
  3. Question for anybody on here who kept their season ticket last year - would you be annoyed if those who cancelled were allowed first dibs ahead of the free ticket lot? Not that I think we will be allowed first dibs - but the consensus I get online is that it would annoy many who stayed if people are allowed back/their points back. Can't be arsed with a divided fanbase and those who 'supported the team not the regime' telling me I'm a shit fan for the next 10 years. Still can't believe if I held on another 9 fucking months I'd have still had 4 tickets together with about 450points ffs
  4. That's it like. Where is the line? Liverpool do deserve it, but how can you give them the title, but keep everything else fair?
  5. If the Govt. did interverne, then they'd probably push it through. Would surely be quite hypocritical for them to block it only to continue trade with them. I am out of touch with all of this though and try not to comment. Some of the idiots on Twitter seriously knock me sick and give us lot a really, really bad name. Thankfully, the same can be said for any club. But it's rank looking at the comments, like.
  6. It's neck and neck over there though isn't it? Or at least very close. As much as Liverpool 100% deserve to win the title, it would be glorious if they didn't. Can picture it now But the right thing to do is probably give them it, if we end up ending the season now.
  7. Fuck that! He's a symbol of the mediocrity of the Ashley era. A terrible, cheap appointment who is grateful for a job- the type of appointment which we've became associated with for the past 13 years. He needs to fuck off as soon as the season is done - which I'm sure he will be. He might be a nice bloke - I have no doubt of that - but he's a shit, fraud of a manager and bit of a parody, all things considered. The sooner he is gone and true, footballing man with a clear identity of how he wants to play and move the club forward is needed as soon as it becomes viable to do so.
  8. I’m seriously worried now. Seems every fucker (bar us lot) is desperate for this to fall through.
  9. Hwang from Salzburg. Not sure if he's realistic or not, but would potentially be decent for commercial revenue from South Korea.
  10. No chance. Distinctly average and a bit of a cunt as well. Would cost shit loads too.
  11. Definitely. Getting to Wembley holds no purpose if there would be no fans there.
  12. The worry with Hughes is that he was actually there about 15 months I think. Fuck having that mess there that length of time. As soon as the season ends, pay him off, shake his hand, slap the back of his head on the way out.
  13. [move][glow=red,2,300][/glow][/move] Also Charnley. Double Charnley will be like Bruce. As soon as there is a definite conclusion to this season, they will both be peddled. Covid will impact people taking jobs etc so it doesn't concern me at all. I think come 20/21 season, whenever that may be, there will be both a new MD and a new man in the dugout.
  14. [move][glow=red,2,300][/glow][/move] Still doesn't concern me at all. He will be away as soon as the season ends. They aren't thick enough to think, even for a split second, that giving Steve fucking Bruce any form of budget would be a good idea. They'll want a big name for their shiny new toy but will be polite at first (and keep Bruce). If there were no more games this season, he'd be peddled immediately. He will know it, the players will know it, the fans do know it, even the new owners will know it. He'd be better off just walking but then will lose £££.
  15. Wouldn't be concerned, he knows he is a dead man walking and likely so does everyone else. Inevitable that he will be replaced at the first opportunity.
  16. For about 15 months I think. F*ck that.
  17. I'm sure the freebies don't have automatic chance to renew mind iirc? They don't. When I log into my account i've got an icon next to the two freebies I got that says 'Item may be renewed' when I hover over it? I've had no communication to say whether it can or can't be mind. People have said it was in the terms and conditions about them being renewable or not. I wouldn't trust NUFC's ticket systems. Fair point. I'll have a look and see if i've got any of the T&C stuff anywhere. Cheers. If you could let me know I'd be really grateful mate! I packed in mine last summer so want to know if I can get get my hopes up on getting mine and the bairn's back, or whether we will have to try and get general sale tickets every week. Had a look at the confirmation email for them and the link on there for T&C just takes you to the standard ST T&C's on the club website (did spot an interesting clause in relation to 'Force Majeure', but that's another discussion..), nothing specific to the free ones. As I remember it, there was also very limited paperwork that came with the actual tickets when they arrived, so not sure if they actually drew up any specific T&C's? So in summary, that's no help whatsoever. No worries, thanks for checking. Selfish as it sounds I hope they can't be renewed Cheers mate.
  18. When did you pack in mate? The day Bruce was appointed. So missed all this season so far Did you upload your points/supporter number to the Trust at the time? Not sure if it was common knowledge or not but they asked those who cancelled to upload to them so in the event we were ever taken over, they would put it to the club. No I don't think I did. I will check if still possible If not, I think they have a dedicated email address for loyalty points but not sure what it is. Hopefully we can get tickets back mate. Cheers I will check it out. Yeah I hope so but I knew the possible implications of cancelling and as long as the fat fuck is gone I will get back eventually. I have enjoyed Non League this season with Hebburn and got good group of local mates going to those games so still get that fix. Just toying with getting a family ticket with my Son who turns 4 on Wed. Funnily enough I've been to Hebburn a few times. Hopefully we still get the chance to go to the Vase semi, not sure if the FA have called that off as of yet? Yeah I'm not so bothered about the loyalty points - just my son is at a crucial age now and I need to get him back to SJP! That's my ultimate aim. Even if he needs to go with my Dad for a bit as long as he can go.
  19. When did you pack in mate? The day Bruce was appointed. So missed all this season so far Did you upload your points/supporter number to the Trust at the time? Not sure if it was common knowledge or not but they asked those who cancelled to upload to them so in the event we were ever taken over, they would put it to the club. No I don't think I did. I will check if still possible If not, I think they have a dedicated email address for loyalty points but not sure what it is. Hopefully we can get tickets back mate.
  20. When did you pack in mate? The day Bruce was appointed. So missed all this season so far Did you upload your points/supporter number to the Trust at the time? Not sure if it was common knowledge or not but they asked those who cancelled to upload to them so in the event we were ever taken over, they would put it to the club.
  21. I'm sure the freebies don't have automatic chance to renew mind iirc? They don't. When I log into my account i've got an icon next to the two freebies I got that says 'Item may be renewed' when I hover over it? I've had no communication to say whether it can or can't be mind. People have said it was in the terms and conditions about them being renewable or not. I wouldn't trust NUFC's ticket systems. Fair point. I'll have a look and see if i've got any of the T&C stuff anywhere. Cheers. If you could let me know I'd be really grateful mate! I packed in mine last summer so want to know if I can get get my hopes up on getting mine and the bairn's back, or whether we will have to try and get general sale tickets every week.
  22. I'm sure the freebies don't have automatic chance to renew mind iirc? They don't. When I log into my account i've got an icon next to the two freebies I got that says 'Item may be renewed' when I hover over it? I've had no communication to say whether it can or can't be mind. I think when you go to click 'next' or whatever it doesn't allow it. Not sure though.
  23. I honestly think there will be a huge level of demand, even from those who have packed in over the past 12 years since Keegan left. The crisis we are in will definitely have an impact for some, but the one stereotype we adhere to is the fact we would do anything to watch (an Ashley-less) NUFC. I genuinely think there'll be queues early doors for tickets.
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