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Chicken Dancer

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Everything posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. Was 16 when he became owner. I remember being absolutely buzzing my tits off in Newcastle College the day it became clear. A British billionaire was everything I wanted, I was even buzzing with Fat Sam at the time too. Went to Bolton away and genuinely thought we were onto a winner - sitting with his Alan Smith top on etc. Kept going throughout all of the shit, 2 relegations. Portsmouth away, midweek away cup defeats. Was on wearside for the defeats, but stayed through it all. When Bruce got the job I packed it in. Honestly the hardest thing I've ever done, my Dad, brother and I had over 450 loyalty points between us - but we done what we thought was right. We'd regressed overnight by appointing Bruce and was just such a kick in the balls after the hope that Benitez had given us for them 3 years. Steve fucking Bruce? Done absolutely nothing to deserve that job and it was the final straw. My Dad had been going since 1966/67 season and even he was sick. Was awful telling my son, and with my brother passing, horrific to think his last EVER game was that Liverpool Saturday night game in May 19. Since then, I can honestly say I've watched 3 NUFC matches. I actually fell so much out of love with football it had a huge impact on my personal life. Found myself purposely avoiding football in general. Started going to my local team a lot more, which I did enjoy, but it's never the same. Losing my brother in August this year was the sucker punch, I thought how can I possibly love NUFC again even if we ever get taken over. Since Wednesday, it all came flooding back. I cannot wait for next Sunday (got myself, my Dad and son a ticket on Wednesday) and I will be trying my best to get a Season Ticket back. Don't deserve one at all - I technically turned my back on MY club - however, just to have Newcastle United back in my life is worth more than any loyalty points or season ticket ever would be. Hope my brother is smiling down on the family and all of Newcastle. We all deserve this moment, we've all had our reasons for giving up or still going, there is certainly no right or wrong way to protest with stuff like this. This is our moment and we fucking deserve every single moment. The pub was bouncing last night, Big River on the Jukebox, people with flares. Magical moments that will stay with us all forever. Times are changing lads and lasses. Can't fucking wait to be part of Newcastle United again.
  2. I'd be astounded if they haven't got anybody lined up - they're sure to have been speaking to agents/managers for a few weeks indicating this was close and establishing interest in the job. I'll be shocked if Bruce is here by Sunday evening. I wouldn't even let him empty his desk, fuck him.
  3. Same here. 17 years had my season ticket, packed it in the day Bruce got the job rather than when Rafa left. Going to be an emotional day without my brother next to me but I honestly can't wait. Will be getting into the ground early to soak it up and completely fall head over heels back in love with them daft black and white bastards
  4. - New Manager - Clean up of SJP - Welcoming back club legends who've walked away. Really look after them ala Man Utd, Man City etc. Keegan should be at every home game as a guest of the club, if he isn't involved in some ambassadorial role - New training ground or at least huge investment/restructure of the one we have - appoint football people to the board - huge investment in the academy, make sure it becomes a true hotbed of football. Reach out to local schools etc like Sunderland and Middlesbrough do - give loyalty points back to people who walked away, or at least something. Even without a Season Ticket, you should still be able to go to away games or at least get a fair chance. Also, renewal of a Season Ticket should automatically accrue some points, as some people are never able to build them up as some games don't drop to 0 - Buy Sunderland and burn it to the ground
  5. He'll be gone man, I'm convinced. Be shocked if he's still in a job by Monday. Should string him along all week then sack him next Sunday at 16:29. Fuck him. Seriously though, I think Staveley will be well aware of the fans feelings towards him and he now is literally the last remaining person representing the Ashley era (assuming Charnley has fucked off). He'll be gone.
  6. Yeah, handled like a true pro. Fair play @Greg and well done.
  7. Rough as fucking fuck at work today. What a night man. Incredible scenes everywhere. That Spurs game is going to be special.
  8. Fuck me man. Never thought I'd see the day. So happy we have the club back.
  9. Will do all I can to get my ticket back, packed it in with over 150 loyalty points and do not expect preferential treatment whatsoever. Will camp, pillage and sell my wife for one. But happy to be part of the rush. However, I do think lost loyalty points should remain on a membership, or something like that. Means people who packed in tickets to move away etc still get the chance to go to away days. Pretty sure NUST set up a scheme for people to send in proof of loyalty points upon cancellation, with the intention of approaching new owners to keep the points on that persons profile. Will be interesting if this is still something they intend to do.
  10. Haven't posted on this forum in a long, long time. But I must say, it feels great to be back. Having packed in my ticket when Benitez left, not being able to take my son or go with my family and friends to the match fucking killed me - at least until this season. From the summer onwards I just completely took a back seat to all football, save for the Euros which I was fully behind. Up until May 2019, I had been going with my brother and father to the match since I can remember, home and away. In August, we suddenly lost my brother and it fucking kills me that he isn't around for this. I hope wherever you are, you're enjoying a Moretti and smiling down knowing your nephew and everyone you cared so much about is going to hopefully get back the past 2 years we've lost when we haven't been going. I'm sorry your last memory of Newcastle United was a shell of what we fell in love with as kids. This one's for you mate. Howay the fucking lads. Now the stress for a season ticket commences
  11. Your posts are full of hate in this thread
  12. 100%. It’s a malicious team selection in my opinion, just going off the teams Liverpool have put out in the cup in his time there. Like you say he can’t say fuck all about the 5 subs thing now, he’s turned into a right bellend in the past 12 months.
  13. Surely Liverpool @ 5/2 for the league is ridiculously long? I know they're having a blip but I'd still fancy them to beat most of the top sides, which is what it will come down to I reckon.
  14. Genuinely not sure how much credit he deserves for any of that. Maybe I'm being harsh but he had a really good team yet continuously went on 6/7 game losing (or not winning) streaks which means he comfortably deserves a spot on there imo. That fucking kick off routine The fucking corners floated to Williamson man Sure we didn't score from like 200+ corners or something daft.
  15. Genuinely not sure how much credit he deserves for any of that. Maybe I'm being harsh but he had a really good team yet continuously went on 6/7 game losing (or not winning) streaks which means he comfortably deserves a spot on there imo.
  16. I think Bruce has made me forget how much I absolutely despised Pardew, like. But voted Bruce because he has sucked any remaining joy I had left for NUFC and spat it right back in my dish. Lying, useless, pig. I will celebrate his departure with almost as much glee as I would when his employer finally fucks off.
  17. He's completely changed since they started winning things I think. Mask slips when they don't win - if Mourinho or anybody else for that matter was going on like he does after a loss (being rude to interviewers, hypocritical excuses etc) they'd be absolutely ridiculed. Because Klopp hugs his players and runs down the touchline, nothing is said. He's a fantastic manager no doubt, but coming across like an absolute bitch the past 6 months or so.
  18. Like choosing between going down on my mother or father.
  19. That game was horrendous, but there’s been plenty since just as bad (almost certainly worse). No there hasn't. Which other game did we not have a shot on target? We didn't even really have a half-chance in that game, it was beyond dire. Brighton at home this season.
  20. That game was horrendous, but there’s been plenty since just as bad (almost certainly worse).
  21. Best manager on the planet at the moment, but also came across as a right prick this season. Mask slips when they don’t win, expect him to a happy bunny in his interview today.
  22. He’s just said we were fine until 75th minute and Leeds were ‘perhaps’ the better side lying to yourself is a bad sign you sick pig.
  23. Unfortunately how I’ve felt for 18 months. Tried my very best this season, but Bruce makes it 10x worse.
  24. Loves dusting things down does Brucie.
  25. They make Rangers shirts this season. Pretty smart to be fair.
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