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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. I struggle to remember anything from 06/07. 3-2 win at Spurs is about it. My personal favourite last year, closely followed by 10/11. 10/11 just felt like a big 'FUCK YOU' to the people who had took the piss most when we went down and the rest of the country, Sunderland and Villa in particular. Last year was just class, especially from March through to the end.

  2. Regardless of what position Coloccini likes to play, Sakho would never join us man :lol: . Isn't he captain of his team who also happen to be one of the richest in Europe? If he ever left it would be to Man City or Madrid or something.

  3. Used to like Forest till the Championship. Bunch of arrogant arseholes. From my own experience, West Ham are a canny bunch, as are Man City and WBA. Blackburn are bastards like.

  4. 16/1 for Blackburn is a cracking price. Building a canny squad. Then again their club is ran by idiots and the Manager isn't much better.

  5. Eng movement off the ball is essentially pub side stuff. No alternatives given to the man on the ball but a half hearted hoof forward mostly.


    A lot down to grass roots this. In Europe, I'm sure I've read that youngsters are kept on small sized pitches until 15/16. At 11 in this country youngsters are put on full sized pitches, this kind of encourages the hoof it mentality in my opinion. Obviously professional coaching when players are picked up by clubs has some kind of bearing, but kids are often told they are 'too small, too lightweight' etc.

  6. Translated that article:


    In addition, Table lilywhite not have qualified for the Champions League this season, like last, where he also played the Europa League. And the slave wants to hear the song of the Champions League.




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