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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. @nufcawaytickets: A little bird has told me Andy Carroll will be an #NUFC player very shortly! Don't know what to make of his return to be honest


    @nufcawaytickets: For all asking, trustworthy source who is close to the brother of Carver, was informed of the Anita/amalfitano transfers weeks in advance


    Talking about deal everyone knows about: check

    Extremely tenuous link to club: check

    Mentions transfers they knew about in advance (but failed to tell anyone at the time): check


    Seems legit.


    Exactly. Same kind of crack as the fountain of knowledge, big Colin. Guesswork based on rumours, hoping it happens so they can say 'see a told you, eee am a football itk me' .

  2. How very undwhelming. Dont think I've started a summer with so much optimism for it to slowly fade away by the end of August. The fact of the matter is we haven't brought enough players in order to mount a successful league campaign and a European challenge. We can all see what we need. It's criminal going into this so short at the back and up top. It's a huge risk.


    I'm not over reacting, nor am i acting like a spoiled child, I'm just disappointed my club hasn't showed the level of ambition to push on to better things despite the best opportunity in a decade to really make a mark of the Premier League. If come tomorrow night we haven't signed anyone then the factor that'll be most irritating is the fact the core of our team is really something special. We've got the likes of Coloccini, one of the finest defenders I've seen at NUFC, we've got a thoroughly classy midfield and two strikers that we're s*** hot last season. We're not talking about a lack of ambition preventing us moving away from mid table mediocrity or a flirt with relegation, we're talking about a lack of ambition that'll see us turn from a good side, into a pretty fantastic team, that's the heartbreak of it all.


    Another factor thats peeved folk is the fact that we've been here before. The similarities between summer 03/04 when a lack of investment saw us fail to qualify for the champions league and this summer are all to clear to see. That SBR side was a damn good side, just like our team last season and we fell away from the pack because we didnt push on, you could argue that we never really recovered from from that summer.


    People arent asking for us to blow millions on superstars; most people just want to see a little drive and ambition from the board. People want to see the bar raised, not just aiming to achieve what we did last season. If we aimed higher and fell short of last seasons finish then so be it, but at least we had a pop. I really dont see how expecting the board to spend that extra million or two on a player, or bring in players in areas that we desperately need rather than just hoping Pardew can achieve what he did last season with a thread bare squad is too much to ask.


    Absolutely bang on. You're right, no one is asking us to pay millions for superstars, just a bit ambition ffs. I think everyone supports Ashley's model to a certain extent, I mean look at the fucking clip of QPR etc. But when we (according to reports, paper won't refuse ink and all that) seemingly are to miss out on Debuchy for the sake of a million, its very frustrating.


    A signing like Debuchy, a French international who shone at the Euro's would have give not only the fans a lift, but the players too. Who's to say the likes of Coloccini, Cabaye, Krul etc aren't having their say behind the scenes?


    I'm not saying last season was a fluke, because we were fantastic in bursts. But there is no way Chelsea will be that poor again. Just look at how they have addressed their league position. I know we haven't got a Billionaire Russian like a kid in a sweet shop, but every year, no matter where you finish you should look to improve. Aim higher, because you never know what can happen.


    It looks as though Ashley etc are hoping for the same again this season, hopefully the team can somehow squeeze a top 6 finish and their model is the fucking dogs bollocks again, until deadline day comes around and everyone starts to squirm. I can't see us getting top 6, that's not being negative either. I love the team, love Pardew and his staff, but to ask them to challenge on 4 fronts with the squad we've got would be nothing but unfair.

  3. I actually never minded Liverpool until Dalglish went back and they signed Suarez, the little racist prick. The way they conducted themselves last season was an absolute disgrace to football, 'King Kenny' ignoring reporters to shake someones hand and that. Horrible club with horrible fans, also Gerrard is a prick too.

  4. This has 2003/04 season wrote all over it. :lol:


    All it takes is a penalty shoot out on Thursday night.....


    Don't even joke about that. I'd cry, that was up there with Lisbon as the most depressing moment I've experienced since following NUFC.

  5. Doubt we will sign anyone else to be honest. That's not me being negative, just realistic. Probably say the Carroll bid is still on the table and Davey Craig will be doing his best to get us all up a height but we will know he's not coming. Would love to see us push for Debuchy before the end of the window, but fear that ship has sailed.

  6. I'm happy with the way the window has gone so far. We've not lost anyone of note, which is always a bonus, and have added 3 promising squad/youth players and a very highly rated player in Anita.

              Looking at the squad though, we are very thin, mainly at full back and striker. Judging by Pardew's quotes today though, he suggests we have 24 senior players. I count 22 senior players, unless he counts one or two of the younger players in it (I've probably forgot someone obvious)


    GK: Krul, Harper, Elliot

    FB: Santon, Simpson, Raylor

    CB: Coloccini, Saylor, Williamson, Perch

    CM: Cabaye, Tiote, Anita, Gosling, Amalfitano

    WM: Jonas, Ben Arfa, Marveaux, Obertan

    ST: Cisse, Ba, Shola


    Younger/squad players: Vuckic, Abeid, Bigirimana, Tavernier, Sammy, Ferguson.


              I definitely think we need to add at least 2, maybe even 3 players. Being in Europe means we need these, because extra pressure will be put on the whole squad. A FB (right or left back, not bothered) and a striker are a necessity. I am very comfortable with our strongest 11, but it's the back up players that given a prolonged run in the side would worry me, although to be fair, they never (rarely) have before.

            The beauty of our squad is we have many versatile players who could play in 2 or 3 positions to cover, and all of the lads work hard for each other. Most likeable squad for a while, and with 2 or 3 signings there is no reason whatsoever we can't have a successful season at home and in Europe.


  7. Just seen a picture on my bosses phone, maybe Giggs, and also not sure if it's a fake. But its a BBC Billboard (I think) with a picture of Muamba and the caption 'every heart stopping moment live' or something. Surely a fake?

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