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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. I think it'll go to 0 points. I've no information to suggest this will be the case, but if we get 5/6k tickets as Birmingham did ST holders should be fine.


    Not so sure meself. Every fucker I speak to is going, the demand will be massive. I reckon we will take well over 10k there, hopefully they give us the full stand which I think holds about 6500. I'm in a group of about 18, points varying. I hope we all get tickets, can't see it though.

  2. Set piece work needed ASAP. Cabaye can't take corners like. Also the fact we've never came from behind to win under Pardew (in the league) is worrying.


    Cabaye definitely can. Everyone (Ben Arfa included) seems shin at it. You're right about not winning like. I think we used it all up on the Arsenal 4-4.


    I'm sorry like. I love Cabaye, plus he is glorious to look at, but can he fuck take corners. The only player in our squad who can is Raylor. It's worrying to be honest, at the point now where when we get a corner I think ffs.

  3. I'd be pretty pissed off if we just didn't give a shit about it. We spent all last season wanting to qualify, so we may as well give it a go. Fucking 2 games in 4 days, wow. I sometimes play 2 in an afternoon on Sundays. I'd happily sacrifice top 6 for an extended run to say the semis.


    To us, what does top 6 even mean? Aye it looks good on paper, and you get more prize money, but it's not like the playing squad ever see the fucker, so just go for it ffs.

  4. He is an utter cunt, and a limited footballer. But I feel like we do have some kind of affiliation with him, genuinely think Newcastle means a lot to him. At the talk in he talked of living up here when he retires. Seriously hope he does well over there, he probably should have left England when he left us. Oh, and no matter how entertaining he is, he needs to delete Twitter.

  5. Last time I was on a P&O ferry I nearly got arrested, hope that same bellend isn't working again or everyone will be getting locked up. :lol:


    Just to clarify, the reason the security fella threatened to have me arrested was because I was wearing a Newcastle shirt.

    They definatley used to have no football fan policy which was why the club coach trips always went Dover to Calais.


    Don't say that man. I'd be wounded. 22 of us booked on, fucking buzzing for it.

  6. !/5 with VC and 1/3 with Sky Bet to go to West Ham


    Means nowt I suppose, was suspended on joining us the other day. Still think he'll go there though. I've found myself in a funny position, from originally not wanting him near SJP, to toying with the idea to thinking that we better get this plank in else the window has been a failure :lol: Obviously exaggerating but I've definitely come round to the idea.



    Maybe but considering we were favourites yesterday there's obviously been a lot of money going down. Whether it's well-informed money remains to be seen.


    True, we'll have to wait and see. Can't believe I'd be pretty gutted if he went there :lol:

  7. !/5 with VC and 1/3 with Sky Bet to go to West Ham


    Means nowt I suppose, was suspended on joining us the other day. Still think he'll go there though. I've found myself in a funny position, from originally not wanting him near SJP, to toying with the idea to thinking that we better get this plank in else the window has been a failure :lol: Obviously exaggerating but I've definitely come round to the idea.


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