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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. looking at the opening days fixtures, there's a very good chance of ours being a tv game.


    Would surprise me if it wasn't on tele to be honest. I imagine there will be 4 or maybe even 5 with a Monday night game. (3 Sky- 12.45 Sat, 1pm/4pm Sun) and 1 ESPN (5.15 Sat). We'd probably get stitched with the Monday game. Can see Man City/Southampton definitely being on as well.

  2. Me Uncle is mates with Bobby Kerr, and apparently MONg has been to told to sell before he buys, and Agbonlahor is top target. God knows if it's true, me Uncles a pisshead.

  3. Go through his profile, its not a fake, and he's from up here too. I'm not saying it's definitely true obviously but he has been pretty accurate in advance before. Has a major problem with Allardyce and Gartside which is funny to read, also Redknapp.

  4. QPR


    Hughes has also decided to release eight out-of-contract players at the end of their deals.

    Patrick Agyemang, Gary Borrowdale, Lee Cook, Danny Gabbidon, Fitz Hall, Peter Ramage, Danny Shittu and Rowan Vine will all be leaving Loftus Road next month.


    One of the worst player I have ever seen here. Hated it when he somehow was playing regulary here, hatet it. Urghh got chills down my spine just thinking of it :sad:


    There were worse players than Ramage in that same team, to be honest.


    06/07 really was now of the worst seasons in memory. My personal highlight being a 3-1 win at Ewood.

  5. Hahahaha it is, dear God almighty. Bet they're proud too, take the pictures to other family members to gain approval. The best picture winner gets to sleep in mammy/sisters bed tonight.

  6. Hart, Ruddy, Stockdale.

    Richards, Jones, Terry, Cahill, Baines, Cole, Smalling.

    Walcott, Johnson, Young, Scholes, Lampard, Parker, Lennon, Carrick.

    Rooney, Crouch, Welbeck, Sturridge, Defoe.


    Would take Jones as he can play a few positions, Carrick as he can keep possession and an extra striker due to Rooneys ban. Not gonna happen like, probably going to be the same old.

    Genuinely think we will struggle in our group. France will beat us, we never beat Sweden and Ukraine are a home nation.

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