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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. 1 minute ago, LFEE said:

    Being nice can get you a long way in life ?? That and when it’s to someone sympathetic ?

    Anyway like I said the question was apparently asked and it was a no and the fact I heard that from someone on the board in the same position as you and therefore as much to lose as you and indeed ended up like you I have no reason to disbelieve them.


    Have the NUST made mistakes? Yes. Have they done them with bad or selfish intentions. No I don’t believe so. Ultimately the club makes every decision. The NUST can only pass on the wishes of it’s a majority but whether they are taken into account is another thing. It’s when the NUST give their opinion without consulting its members is where they leave themselves wide open to criticism alongside the large presence of one particular fan group. The latter issue I raised at the last meeting (my first) and the former issue I plan to raise at the next meeting if I’m able to attend.




    Good on you for trying to make a difference, tbh. I think they scored an own-goal the day they allowed Alex Hurst to waltz back through the door, and now with Michael Martin on board it just looks like an extension of True Faith, which is most peoples main gripe imo.

  2. 2 minutes ago, OCK said:

    So what's this Supporters Club that's popped up over night claiming to be some fancy dan official group or something. Feels like a cash grab. 


    I'm sure the intentions are genuine, but it's ran by people who constantly call out others on Twitter - telling them they know where they work, they don't see them at away-games, come meet for a chat etc.


    Fake hard lards who also flew an ill-timed plane over the Stadium of Light; 'Divided by Leagues:United by Cancer'. Can't remember the exact timing but it was either when little Bradley Lowery had passed away or towards the end of his fight.

  3. Just now, LFEE said:

    Long shot but if you ever get the opportunity to buy a ST again maybe give them your old membership number and see what happens ?‍♂️but I doubt it will happen because…


    …If it makes you feel any better I know for a fact there are those on the board and we’re recently on the board who give up their STs and the ones successful in getting one of the 1000 on sale their points had all gone. Just not sure if they asked the question about keeping their old membership number during the process.


    Oh I know they're gone now for sure, but I know of 4 (only 1 personally mind - 1 to say hello to) people who got them back. 1 by being clever, 1 by asking nicely, the lad I know got lucky in the 1000 last year and the points just reappeared :lol: (he is the jamiest bastard I know btw) and the other by being 'well-connected'.


    To be fair I've always been pro-retention. It's never really sat right with me that years of travelling and likely 4/5 figure sums following NUFC away should be cancelled when you no longer have a Season Ticket. But that's a whole other debate.

  4. 1 minute ago, LFEE said:

    They admitted their communication on the issue had been poor though they thought they had responded directly.




    Anyway - appreciate that. Thanks a lot. You've already communicated 100x better than NUST ever have with me.


    Be extremely surprised if the way they presented it to the club was anything like the way they had it on their website, mind. But I suppose I should be grateful they asked...


    Still maintain I'd have never cancelled my ticket, regardless who was manager if they never had that scheme. Obviously they could never guarantee it but the way they presented it was extremely luring to say the least.

  5. 5 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    Same with the retention of the loyalty points being ignored when asked


    Were they actually asked?


    The Trust made a big song and dance about LP retention in 2019 when they knew loads of people were going to pack it in on the basis of Benitez leaving, then just said absolutely fuck all about it.


    If the club were asked fair enough, but in no way was that distributed to me who was one of the people who followed instructions (uploaded cancellation date, points etc). Would have been nice to know.

  6. Agree with @Ace, except for the take on Curry's lot @ NUSC. They're fake hardmen who think they run our away support. Weapons.


    Trust are just an extension of True Faith now who think they run our support as a whole. Will ALWAYS protect their own interests over anything else.


    And no, I won't be standing to be on the board. I spoke to an ex-board member relatively recently who basically just confirms what most people think. 

  7. It's no good calling out people for being anxious, howay. We're in a position that none of us dreamed of so soon and I suspect there's a case of imposter syndrome for many.

    I think there'll be a good few putting a brave face on, some more who are just delighted to enjoy the ride and see what happens, some who are completely relaxed and know (quite rightly) that it's a near formality given our form for 18 months and then those who are genuinely worried because of the lingering scars of the past.


    Everyone is just so desperate to get it - we're so close and I don't think anybody thinks we aren't in a fantastic position, they just want it done with no drama. It doesn't help when you see Liverpool get away with 2 blatant handballs (Leeds/West Ham), red card (Spurs) and a dodgy as fuck pen last night. Some people just get more worried and that's absolutely fine. Some people are relaxed about it and it's admirable - I wish it was me. I'm sure it will change for us in time, but a look at Blue Moon shows even now, after years of success & domination, there's still some Man City fans who think the worst. It's human nature for a lot of people.


    I was convinced it was done if we got 7 points from Spurs, Everton & Southampton. We got 9 and I'm still checking the odds/table almost hourly :lol: I wish I wasn't but here we are.


    All season long I've basically dismissed the Champions League because I did just think we'd tail off - especially after that run in Jan/Feb. I started to really believe after Man Utd game, to the point where I agree now what others have said; finishing 5th would be absolutely devastating. In August if you offered anyone of us 5th and a Cup Final 99.999999% of us would have given anything for it. But now it would be devastating given the position we find ourselves in.


    But like I said yesterday, if you put it logically (before Liverpool's game), if we were 9 points behind with 15 to play for would you fancy us? Especially chasing a team who's won 8 out of 9 and looking like scoring every time they have the ball? Absolutely not. But football is a weird game at times, especially in May. We could easily do Arsenal by 2 or 3 and then go lose to Leeds.


    I'm absolutely bricking it but at the same time, I 100% believe Howe and the players are targeting 3rd internally. It's the nature of the beast that he's created here and there's absolutely no reason why we can't win all of our games, and definitely no reason we why shouldn't finish 3rd. Realistically we need to lose 3 games in our next 5 to not get in. Even the pessimist in me thinks that is hugely unlikely given we've only lost 4 all season. Hell, even 5 draws might even do it.


    Point on Sunday, beat Jabba next week and then we're partying at St James' against Brighton - at the very worst at home to a shambolic Leicester the following Monday. Then play Miley, Dummett, Ritchie managed by Jack Ross at Chelsea for all I care. Stick Shola in nets.


    FWIW I think we'll do Arsenal on Sunday. They need to win, we don't. We'll beat them. Then even the most pessimist worrying bitches (me) will relax as there's no way we're losing 3 out of 4.


    Newcastle United are going to be playing Champions League football in 2023, when on the 15th January last year it looked like they'd be playing Championship football in 2022. 

  8. 43 minutes ago, Beth said:

    Put a ton on Liverpool to finish in the top four at 5/1, that way at least if it happens you'll have cash to buy plenty of pairs of Kanga's.

    you can get 12/1 Sky Bet for Top 4 to be Man C, Arsenal, Man U & Liverpool (any order).

    Sneaky way of boosting the price for anyone shitting their kegs.

  9. I’ve been a bed wetter all along but if I’m being honest their recent performances make me feel loads better. 1 goal wins makes it 6 points needed, not 7.


    Obviously they have it in them to smash a team, but as do we. They’ve scored 5 more than us in an extra game, and they’ve won 9-0. We will be fine, obviously loose Sunday is a tad nervy but I’ve seen enough to think Villa, Brentford or even Leicester could take points off them. 

  10. Everton away (I know!!!) was the height of my nerves. Always believed we'd beat Spurs and Southampton. Even Man Utd at the start of April I had that good feeling that we'd do them.


    Arsenal is a worry, but it definitely plays into our hands they need to win. Any points dropped they know they're done, whereas we can afford to lose a game.

  11. Appreciate the confidence of many. Proud to admit I'm a bed-wetting fanny. PTSD indeed.


    My mate said to me the other day; ' if we were 9 points behind with 15 to play for, would you fancy us getting in?'. The answer is of course not. It's just hard for me to shift my mentality - hopefully will come in a year or two when we continue to win games :thup: 

  12. Gutted this pig is going to be there next week. Hopefully we can continue to break our curses (BT & Saudi top at Everton) and beat this lump into oblivion next week.


    Shame as I don't mind Leeds at all, really torn now between them and Everton. Hopefully both drop.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Stifler said:

    People will lose their shit if we win, and Liverpool win.


    I've been losing my shit about Liverpool the entire way, however if we win, I think the chances of us losing 3 out of our last 4 are incredibly slim. 


    My cigar will be out of the packet, but the lighter will stay in the draw until we beat Leeds or Brighton.

  14. We will beat these. They're a fantastic team but I think it'll suit us down to the ground that they have no choice but to win.


    They'll definitely score but we will too. They'll be fired up from the battering last season but they still look vulnerable. If West Ham & Southampton can get a result against them, we definitely can.


    However I'd take a draw - looking at the next 4 games in 2 pairs - 4 points from each and we're there.


  15. 1 hour ago, ponsaelius said:

    I'm gonna be in bits if we're ever going for the title or later rounds of CL. Genuinely find being good ridiculously stressful. Keep re-checking fixtures, odds, percentages, weighing up permutations. We're better than I can ever remember us being and yet I stress watch through games with my heart pounding along. 


    I think making the CL is a particularly huge deal for me this season because I think it's a way to skip forward so much of FFP restrictions. It can supercharge our progress. I think EL or ECL could actually hinder us - getting a load more games but without the additional revenue or pulling power. 


    This is exactly me. Never felt this stressed fighting relegation. It's because it's completely alien to us. My lass is beyond sick of me, I'm chewed to bits.


    There's no denying that that lump going to Leeds makes next week a tad more difficult - yes I know they're awful but look at Everton in Dyche's first game (I know this will be Jabba's 2nd). They beat Arsenal. We definitely should have enough to beat them but it definitely makes it harder. Hopefully Man City stick 5 past them.


    That being said we were a Lucas Moura clearance away from being home and hosed. I reckon internally, Howe and the players will be targeting 3rd.

  16. Klopp has shown himself to be a right cunt on a good few occasions to be honest. When he first came to England he was this shiny new fella who constantly smiled and joked on, and as time's went on and they've enjoyed success he's became a proper twat - perfect example of the mask slipping.


    Imagine an opposition manager done that to a Fourth Official at Anfield ffs :lol: He goes on like Liverpool are proper hard done by - biggest load of shit ever - West Ham should have had a pen in added time last week and their first at Leeds shouldn't have stood.


    They get the rub of the green more often than not in that's probably because officials are scared of this big bully. Bullies reporters after the game if Liverpool haven't won, bullies officials before, during and after games to get his own way.


    Can't wait until we're playing Champions League and this cunt is crying about it and Liverpool's 'ceiling' every week. Fuck him. Cunt.

  17. 20 minutes ago, ohmelads said:


    I think those 1/20 odds are bookies covering their arses. Liverpool are only 5/1 to get CL, and 4/1 with some bookies.


    Aye but remember Liverpool could also catch Man Utd.


    Is a bit of a pisser we will be playing Leeds who'll have Allardyce there. I know they're shit and we should be beating them comfortably, but that big lump seems to have some Voodoo shit going on since we sacked him. Can't stand the bloke.


    We 100% should quite easily get 7 points from 5 games, but I will still be shitting myself when Liverpool are inevitably 3 points behind us before we play Arsenal on Sunday (granted with 2 games in hand).

  18. They’ll win the day, Watford are a shitshow. 

    It’s fell nicely for them so far, results have certainly been going their way. Watford and probably Preston will have nowt to play for either. 

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