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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. 1 minute ago, LFEE said:

    could see Liverpool sneaking in with their fixtures


    This is my worry too. Surely 12 points is enough to see them off with 9 left?  I know they've been shite all season but if the gap is down to 5/6 points with 5 games left I'd be fucking bricking it. Their fixtures seem to be very kind.


    I'd be ill for weeks if we missed out to them by a point or so - that 90 + 8 winner back in August.


    That being said if we can get 4 from the next 2 I'd be very confident, would push Spurs further back and keep Liverpool to a 10pt gap with 7 left.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Shearergol said:

    My dad was a Villa fan. Having lost him 2 months ago this is a really hard fixture for me, as I've kinda been wanting them to do well since he died, you know, sentimental reasons. I'd take a nice little 0-1 (Bruno) here.


    So sorry for your loss, mate. Sadly quite experienced in loss if you ever need someone to chat to - I'm all ears.


    I'm sure he'd understand that we have pressing matters to attend to for Champions League!

  3. 3 minutes ago, Dokko said:

    You can get 267/1 if you fancy the worse case scenario...mackems up and we miss out on top 4. 


    Where can you find a price on us not to make the top 4? Or are you just considering backing Spurs?

  4. On 09/04/2023 at 02:59, Zero said:

    The sub role probably suits him more


    It's just great to have 2 strikers both equally capable of scoring.


    I do think that international break done him the world of good, coupled with the fact he's watching Isak completely rip it up.


    They'll both score important goals between now and the end of the season.

  5. Just now, TeddySAFC said:

    It means if you stick a tenner on you get nowt back.


    I think it's definitely worth a go at 66/1. You could actually be within touching distance (or even in the playoffs) this time next week if you win your 2 very favourable home games whilst others play each other.


    I know your home form is shite, but if you can get 4pts + going into the West Brom game you have a hell of a chance, which deserves huge credit given you've not got a striker. Hell, yous deserve credit for being this close despite not having a striker for so long.

  6. Just now, Dokko said:


    Christ. Awesome spot. Just cashed out and put it straight on that.


    I can't take the credit sadly. Somebody else in this thread spotted it the other day.


    No doubt the cunts at SkyBet will try tell you that it was priced incorrectly if it wins like :lol: 

  7. Since it's been debated a fair bit on social media since the weekend, are we buying into the assessment from Carragher that VVD is the best CB in Premier League history?


    Definitely not for me. Had a fantastic few years and I know stats don't always tell the full story, but there's at least a few I'd have ahead of him.


  8. 10 hours ago, Dokko said:

    Currently 33/1 to win promotion. Stuck a tenner on just in case. I haven't won a decent bet in 2 years. So that's them fucked.


    You can get 66/1 on Skybet for them to 'win the playoffs' (someone else pointed it out the other day).


    Either a mistake or stupidity on their part!

  9. On 11/04/2023 at 08:31, STM said:

    Surely instead of "attack,attack,attack". Just "Isak,isak,isak.".


    This needs to stick. Simple and effective.


    Hopefully @SteV can get it started at Villa on Saturday, assuming he's going!

  10. 4 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

    It was pretty straightforward why Bruce wasn't wanted. Nothing to do with Sunderland, it's because he was a shit, uninspiring appointment. That's all there is to it really. 


    Exactly this, and I didn't pack in my Season Ticket when Benitez left...I gave them the benefit of the doubt for a short while. A combination of the Trust's scheme and especially Bruce getting the job made me chuck a ticket I had for 16 years and over 150 points.


    He was literally the most typical appointment of the Ashley era so I don't even know why I was surprised. Obviously I wish I still had the ticket now, but it's hard to regret something when you know at the time it was something you felt you had to do to try and initiate change.

  11. 4 minutes ago, St. Maximin said:

    Spot on, it’s a shame people would rather be ignorant and not examine why he was so popular here. I do hope he gets another decent job and shows what he’s capable of, though I feel there are some adjustments he might need to make, in line with how football in general has changed. I imagine he’s constantly studying and learning though, rather like our current manager. Really doubt that about the other bloke in between…

    Yeah I think time has made people view his time here negatively, completely forgetting how he was shit on like messrs Keegan, Shearer and Hughton before him. He really was one of us, and like someone else has said, 10x the Geordie Bruce will ever be.


    Sadly I think his stock has fell to a level he won’t get another ‘top’ job, and I do think coaches like Benitez have been left behind by the modern game. Guardiola and Klopp (and others) have revitalised the way everyone tries to play now, and in my opinion probably the only way to be successful is to play the ‘modern’ way. 

    Conte is the next bloke who will be seen in the Rafa mould. Fans won’t stand for being pragmatic now, especially those of clubs who think they should be at the top end of the table.

  12. 5 minutes ago, St. Maximin said:

    Oh aye they were incredible. Playing ultra-defensive is still risky though and only achieved in us not ruining the goal difference too much. They could have easily scored more on another day, though I guess that doesn’t matter as they didn’t. 

    I’m agreeing by and large with the pro-Rafa comments here thankfully. Just don’t think it should be too black and white (ironically) that his achievements means we shouldn’t be happy with criticism. He certainly has his limitations and it’s fine to recognise those without making out they mean he’s a bad manager. Not like we don’t criticise our favourite players after all. 




    Completely agree with everything you’ve said. He definitely had flaws of which I think stubbornness was the worst. You sort of know what you’re going to get with him too in terms of how you’ll set up, you just need to buy into it as a fan which thankfully we (mostly) did. St James’ never turned under him from what I can remember. I’m sure Bruce would have had some awkward afternoons had it not been for the majority of his tenure being behind closed doors. 


    I do remember though always having confidence during the bad runs that he’d get it right eventually. Genuinely - despite league positions - I was never once worried about getting relegated under him (excluding 15/16). Just knew he’d get results when needed. The only time I ever really wavered was Leicester at home (think it was the 125 years game), but quickly remembered it was December and we would definitely stay up. 

    Special bloke who was one of the only shining lights of a rotten period in the clubs history. Love Rafa me, always welcome at mine for a drink. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, St. Maximin said:

    Good point, though don’t fully agree about the outcome of that Man City match. Many weak teams have had a go at home to them and got thumped, but many have got positive results too. I don’t really blame Rafa for that, but it wasn’t pretty to watch and we’d have been far less complimentary to a less successful manager for that. I don’t have an issue with pundits criticising it tbh - more annoyed Bruce wouldn’t get the same treatment. 

    Also this might differ to others here, but I have reservations over him pointing out the limitations of our squad, which helped him get away with some pretty bad runs of form. There’s often not an awful lot the separates teams that scrape into the top 10 from those in the relegation zone. We had no more of a ‘Championship squad’ than plenty of other teams, or Bruce did at times. 

    They only dropped points in 6 games that season to be fair. That was the best version of Pep’s city. 

  14. The football was not better under Bruce, like. Benitez was heavily criticised for that 0-1 defeat to Man City in 17/18 and it stuck (the 100pt season btw). Don't get me wrong, it was never free-flowing attacking football, but we used to create plenty chances in certain games.


    Going toe-to-toe with that Man City team would have meant a 0-4 defeat or something, Rafa was wise to the importance of goal difference. We played pretty much the exact same game plan the following February and won 2-1, nobody said a word because we won. The same sort of thing is happening now - the media/socials is telling everyone that we are this disgusting, time-wasting mess whereas we who watch it every week know it not to be the case. 


    It took a few transfer windows but the second half of 18/19 when we signed Almiron and were playing a settled side every week we looked every bit a decent team.


    Benitez will always be a pragmatic manager, but to say the football was better under Bruce is utterly absurd and just outright wrong. I'd have loved to see Benitez able to sign a £40m striker. I understand that Benitez wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but Bruce was like a sunday league manager and that's being kind. The Geordie Pardew, but maybe that's being harsh on the silver fox.

  15. 2 hours ago, TeddySAFC said:

    We need to win the next two which are very winnable but then we would have huge pressure on us to continue that run of form against WBA, Watford and Preston who all have play off aspirations themselves. It would take an incredible run of around 5 wins and a draw from the last 6 to make it and I don't think we are quite good enough to do that with the players we have available.


    I think you's will do it you know. I'm potentially getting carried away given your form (despite not losing too many) hasn't been great for a 5/6 weeks, but I think everything just fell into place yesterday. Even Friday too - if you's had held on.


    Norwich not winning is huge given they have Boro away at the weekend, although Boro seem to be a tad deflated lately. There's a few around you who play each other too, so if you can win the next 2 it really will go down to the wire.


    Based on what I've seen you're better than Milwall & Coventry and you've recently beat Norwich, so nowt to fear. If you can get into the playoffs winning 5 out of 6 (which you may well need) then that's cracking momentum for the games ahead. It obviously doesn't help that there's a few teams above you, but if you can go into the final 3 games with it in your hands you'd have to fancy you really.


    Good luck - but not too much! 

  16. 52 minutes ago, TheInfiniteOdyssey said:

    Sunderland will make the play-offs and I expect the gap to be erased totally within the next couple games. 

    Aye I’ve just checked the fixtures for all teams for final 5 weeks, pretty certain they’ll get playoffs based on that. 4 point gap will be gone by next Tuesday. 

    Blackburn’s game in hand is against Burnley btw. 

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