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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. 3 minutes ago, Kanji said:

    He gets a rediculous amount of stick, and how he performs is measured so differently to others. One mis placed or one bad shot and he's fucking hounded for it. It's mad.

    we always have loved hating our own. Been the same for years.


    By own I mean academy graduates.


    He’s absolutely fine and will be a fine squad player going forwards, and we need to keep him for homegrown quote in Europe. 

    Fitting he sent us to Wembley tbh.

  2. 6 minutes ago, wyn davies said:

    I'd sell him, history repeats and I can see him going back to as he was if something such as not featuring as often as he is whether as regular or sub, can affect a player mentally .

    Excuse me

  3. 12 minutes ago, bigfella said:

    Surely that's their play-off hopes fucked now?

    Mind you, I went to a Sunderland game against Hull when the makems were in similar circumstances, in April 1990.

    They were rotten that day, lost 1-0 and Gabbiadini was hauled off to a chorus of BEWWWWS.

    A month later, they'd beaten us in the playoffs and Marco was a "heeyro" once more 

    Their next 3 looked kind on paper (4 including tonight), whilst the teams around them play each other. 

    Cardiff will be buoyed from today and Huddersfield are flying. I’d imagine they’re fucked for the year - nail on the coffin could come Monday. 

    It must be fucking shit being a mackem at the minute like :lol: 

  4. Still got a relatively decent chance of making the play-offs I reckon. The teams directly above play each other over the next few match days, whereas these have 3 very winnable games coming up. 

    Both good results for them so far today as well.

  5. Our midfield really remind me of Liverpool’s at certain stages of the last 5 years or so. Not much in the way of goals but absolutely vital to the way we play. 


    He’s a bit like Henderson was back then - never ending engine and good protection for the right side of the defence when Trippier attacks. He must be one of the fittest players at the club (not in the way Schar is fit…)

  6. 30 minutes ago, BrianSwan said:

    Anyone know how much you can spend this summer with FFP if you get into CL?


    Not sure on the figures, but it certainly helps hugely in the way of balancing out the books for future spending (sponsors/partnerships etc).


    With the new rules it'll take us beyond Villa/Everton/West Ham corporate deals to other Champions League sides. Absolutely massive if we get it this early, fast-forwards about 3 years I'd think.


    FWIW I still don't think we will go that mad. We might see 2/3 £50m + players with a few more in the £15-25m range to beef out the squad. 


    Getting in consistently will be the next challenge, which will be sound as we will win the thing next year.

  7. 1 hour ago, Miggys First Goal said:

    That’s how Bruce would be if his Greggs sausage rolls weren’t hot enough. 


    There's no in between with them - either magma or like ice.

  8. I'd have taken 5 points from the 3 away games, so a win here would essentially make Villa a free-hit in my eyes. Thankfully Howe & the players won't think like that.


    Really need to try and change my mentality. I've spent all season thinking 'ahh top 4 probably won't happen this soon' but now we're at Easter with a huge chance.


    Somebody please help.

  9. Still utterly convinced we won’t get top 4. Yet I just watched us win 5-1 in about 3rd gear :lol: 


    Fuck you Mike Ashley for fucking breaking my brain. 

    Above all, what a fantastic group of lads we have giving absolutely everything every week for us. Proud of them no matter what. But let’s do this. 

  10. Just now, Optimistic Nut said:


    Could see Tielemans turning out similar to what Wijnaldum did for Liverpool for someone. 


    I actually think Willock is quite similar to that for us at the minute. Made the comparison the other day.


    But aye, I'd definitely take Tielemans on a free. Joelinton, Willock, Bruno G, Longstsaff and Tielemans would be a decent 5 to choose from.


    I do reckon we need a proper holding midfielder for certain games/situations though.

  11. 8 minutes ago, TRC said:

    Tielemans stock has dropped so much this season. I don't actually know what level of club he lands at. 


    I'd still snap him up for nowt. His stock dropping could actually work out favourable in terms of wage demands etc, but no doubt a talented player.


    Not sure he is the high-energy type that Howe likes in midfield though. I think McTominay or Gallagher would be more likely if we're shopping at home.

  12. Just now, HaydnNUFC said:


    Agree with you on them beating Arsenal but away from home they're absolutely feeble and will continue to drop points there. 3 away wins all season, so annoying that we were one of them.


    Most pissed off (and pissed FWIW) at a home game this season. It was during their OK phase and our 'poor' phase of season, week before final too, but we were annoyingly good with 10 men. Timing couldn't have been worse. Was buzzing when it was announced as 17:30 too.


    However if we beat the cunts to Top 4 I'll remember the pain of that day and the 90+8 game in August as I @ loads of scousers on twitter.

  13. 7 minutes ago, HaydnNUFC said:


    One way of looking at it is, if we win tonight, between now and the end of the season are Liverpool going to get 11 more points than us? Not a chance imo.


    Definitely agree there. I do think they'll beat Arsenal based upon absolutely no logic, then they have Leeds away on a Monday night which is very difficult.


    They are the team I fear most though :lol: honestly no idea why, I know they're shit.

  14. 1 minute ago, AJ9 said:

    be our hardest remaining fixture


    Definitely agree with that. They'll be pushing for Europe next year and could even qualify this year.


    They've got a talented squad and a fantastic manager. I must also grudgingly admit that @brummiehas softened my view on their fans by some distance. 


    I'd be delighted with a point next Saturday, dependent on tonight and Brentford of course.

  15. Just now, The College Dropout said:

    Irrespective of others falling off. Arsenal are likely to get 88+ points this season. If they can sustain that they'll challenge for some time. Youngest team in the league. Don't need to sell.


    Oh I'm taking nowt away from them - they're great, and like you say the youngest squad in the league. But they've definitely been aided by other sides who are traditionally challenging having poorer seasons, and being able to rotate in Europe due to being in a 'lesser' competition.


    I do think they will lose at Anfield on Sunday though - not sure on my logic mind :lol: 

  16. It's also quite telling that despite Howe remaining grounded and never mention it, both Botman and Wilson have openly came out and mentioned the Champions League recently.


    Belief is the main drive here. We seen in the second half of the second leg of the semi against Southampton that the pressured (seemed to) got to us a tad, but that was in the middle of our 'poor' run.


    I said it at the time but I think the Forest win before the international break was our biggest win of the season. Late winner going into a 2 week break is huge. 


    Hopefully we can come out of this tough mini-run with 5pts + then sets us up nicely for what I believe will be the biggest game at St James' for many a year against Spurs.


    Everyone looks fresh and rejuvenated again, and we now have a decent bench to call upon. Keep everyone fit and we can do this. I've never really believed all season - mainly due to my Ashley hangover seeming everlasting - that we can do it, but Sunday done a lot to convince me that we can. 

  17. The fact Liverpool looked pretty shit in 20/21 then scraped in the Top 4 with their keeper scoring a 95th minute winner along the way still gives me the creeps.


    Going 10pts clear of them with a win tonight should keep them at arms length for the remaining games. 

  18. If we can get a win tomorrow, then surely 10 points ahead will keep Liverpool at bay. 

    Would then be a shoot out between us and Spurs (I expect Man Utd to get in top 4 regardless as they have decent fixtures).


    Beating Spurs at home would be absolutely huge. Could be the biggest home game for years. 

    Brighton shouldn’t be discounted either, mind. But they do have a pretty tricky fixture list but they’ve proven they can get results when needed. 

  19. It’s absolutely class that in Botman, Bruno & Isak we have our spine (hopefully) sorted for at least the next 6/7 seasons and beyond. 

    Dreaming a tad here, but ideally it will be a Kompany, David Silva & Aguero situation. 

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