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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Both have nothing to do in the team if the owners want to challenge for europe every year. They are not even close to being good enough.
  2. He is a championship clogger. At best a bottom 7 midfielder in PL
  3. easy to look good when our midfield is non-functional and Botman just stops his run for no reason
  4. The lucky slices and headers doesnt make him a Schar.
  5. Would rather have the attacking player that can shoot, rather than have the makeshift limited LB do it.
  6. Im sorry but if you think that moving away from the ball to cover nothing is the right way to defend 1v1 I dont know what football you watch.
  7. Again late with the subs. How on earth Burn still starts is a mystery. What the fuck does he have on Howe. And why is the gap between defense and midfield still a problem? I get that its not the midfield he wants, but then he has to tweak whatever he sets out to do when the players obviously cannot play the way he wants them to. Its been the same damn thing since he took over, that gap has never changed, it has been exploited so many times. Today Bournemouth did the same thing, and of course focused on isolating Dan Burn in a 1v1. I am sick of "will learn from this" it does not look like it is happening, JT need to just shake him or something.
  8. Fucking shit result - Should never have started Burn - should have removed him at half time. Almiron Should have been off earlier. Subs took way to long, as per usual.
  9. Nutmeg AND making the player fall when he tries to hold on to Bruno. My man
  10. If plan A doesnt work - Then continue with plan a.
  11. People have been saying "he will learn" every time - Yet the same thing as when he came here is still the problem - The gap between defensive unit and midfield unit is still there, its been there since he took over and he has not fucking learned no matter how many goals has come through the big gap. Then we have the "Dan Burn MUST start" thing. Came straight back in after his injury even though Tino has been great. And yet again Burn has been rinsed on his side and wasnt taken off until he really cooked it up. He needs to wake up.
  12. Running away in to nothing space doesnt make it easier, literally just opened up the room. Not trying to steer him wide or anything, just because he know he will get rinsed so he just fucks off in to nothing space
  13. Considering Howe seems to love him, doubt it sadly.
  14. Its becoming a farse at this point - Everyone can see that Burn has been fucking shit, yet he waits until he actually fucks up so much that he gives a goal before doing the sub
  15. If he cant fucking see that Burn is getting rinsed again and again and again - honestly should he?
  16. Fucking sub that should have been done before the game started - jesus fuck
  17. Burn covering fuck all grass as usual, the fucking plodder doesnt help
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