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Everything posted by worthy

  1. The marking, it is worse then seeing the younglings play. And why the fuck cant you sub Jonas. Is it against the fucking law?
  2. I'll say 18. So 63 mins. Yay. What do I win? A signed copy of Alan Pardews new book on football tactics. The book has at most two pages in it.
  3. The wondering handslapping Shola giving away freekicks, but hey. He is a great winger so..
  4. If we can cash in on Tiote to buy a footballer that can play CB, I would do it.
  5. He's carried almost the entire team Been really good. Without doubt the best player on the pitch today.
  6. Now, get Jonas the fuck off and get someone else on and win this fucking match
  7. Aye, Simmo has been good if you take away his crossing. But he has been our best defensive player today. But we need to get rid of Williamson and Jonas as fast as we can.
  8. HBA off for Ferguson. Don't you dare joke about that, It will probably happen though.
  9. If Jonas isn't subbed in HT, Pardew must be fucking demented.
  10. Anita trying to do everything, fair play to him go on son! What was that shit Ba?
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