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Everything posted by worthy

  1. I think Hangeland is way overrated, he is so damn awful on our national team it isn't even funny.
  2. worthy

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    So.. We are fucked now?
  3. I still think it was a harsh red, and I agree with the twat Owen, probably the first and last time. If Colo wanted to take his leg out, he would have hit it.
  4. How can anyone enjoy the team consisting of the worst fucking twats. Feel sick just thinking about the "all mighty" liverpool.
  5. worthy


    I'm not from the NE, but I wouldn't take a 9-1 loss for a CL spot.
  6. And the record might skip might skip. This has been said before so many times, he is a crooked player sadly.
  7. You can only ride your luck for so long wingnut. Well, they where shit then as well. But we had colo to save their asses. Remember the perch Simpson pairing?
  8. Well fuck this, no point watching any more, we have been shit at the back and poor in the last yards. Hope you fucking learn and stop that 442 crap..
  9. Hope Webb chokes on something. Fucking worst ref there is. Clearest penalty I've seen.
  10. So Ashley how did your negotiation tactics work, oh yeah we lack PREMIERSHIP defenders. This will get fucking ugly.
  11. No. Indeed, so overrated it hurts. And he isnt even that great in our shitty league.
  12. I really really hopes he just goes away and never ever gets found again. Or sacked, which ever comes first.
  13. I feel bad for the fans who dont act like wankers, but I laugh at the regular "YNWA LFC BIEEEEST CLUB IN IIINGLEEND WE DESERVE DA CL" fans.
  14. Cause there isnt any. He seems like a decent lad, but his footballing intellegence is not good enough, and that will probably not change. Also, the excuse with fans getting on his back, as someone else stated, look at Perch.
  15. Well time to quit my job I guess!
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