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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Buzzing me, like. Though, I hope some of the "not-fit" part is somewhat of a mindgame from Pards. Could get sketchy if not.
  2. worthy


    Best be careful what you say Brummie lad. There are some right hard fuckers on RTG and you might end up having to watch your letterbox. Well played.
  3. Indeed, this shows that he is probably one of the best suited captains Newcastle has had in ages. Must be a massive boost for the young ones to see the skipper watching over them, would fire me up tbf.
  4. worthy

    Curtis Good

    So... Is he any Good?
  5. worthy

    Loïc Rémy

    I do it by going to Åråsen and watching possibly the worst football that I have ever seen. And perhaps cry while I wonder why I drag myself out there to see the pile of shit that is LSK and Tippeligaen.
  6. worthy

    Loïc Rémy

    Time to get winded up, we are possibly buying another expensive striker!!! (I do know that its only reported through this highly reliable source, please dont burn me )
  7. Now I want that to happen!
  8. I like the look of this guy already. Hopefully he'll get a quite a few runs in the first team in the cups and against "weaker" teams in the league.
  9. I kinda want him back, but as stated only for about 10mill or something, and not on silly wages.
  10. worthy


    Yes, I am sad to say that there are actually a few of them around, and they do watch Newcastle matches in pubs, as their team is almost never shown
  11. I would not want him back on loan to groome him for the bindippers. Though for 5-6million it could be decent tbf.
  12. Please let us get this guy over the line. I couldn't care less if we dont sign anyone else this window.
  13. Not sure he'll be able to throw it very far at his age. Nevermind the whole not being Russian thing that athletes usually have to adhere too.
  14. I need to show this to my local team, (LSK) as they are grown up men yet cant even pass 20% as good as those kids.
  15. Now I want to get that Palermo away shirt. Its just fucking way amazing.
  16. The thread title gave me a massive heart attack.
  17. Well Carr seems to think so, but he seems like a very good prospect, or at least from the little I've watched Twente which is exclusively when I bet on them. EDIT: And aye, I love seeing us getting linked with fantastic players again, this could really be our best transfer window yet if we get at least 3/4 of the "main" players we are linked with.
  18. Right footed. But being Dutch, can happily pass it on his left hand side. Kudos for that comment, made me laugh at a client.
  19. If we get both Debuchy and De Jong, I will cry a river of joy.
  20. Smashed by a team that has played 10 and lost 9? Are yous destroyed by injury or what? Not really, just that we bought about 11 new players and they just don't seem to click at all. The only player we actually can rely on has got his head turned by Everton.(Bjørn Bergmann Sigurdarson)And he will probably not be doing the grunt work up front there because of his injury history. EDIT: 1-1 get in. EDIT2: Going back to my first statement.
  21. Being a Lillestrøm supporter, I can safely say that we are in deep shit and I have a gut feeling we'll get smashed, would just be so fitting. Last match against Songdal we created 3 chances that I counted, in 90 minutes and the build up play, oh god.
  22. So... What the fuck happened with Colo and Williamson, fucking pathetic to see that kind of shit play.
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