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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Well he has been quite shit today, and trying to shoot there... Well..
  2. HOOF Stop ruining my dreams you evil man you!
  3. Oh how I would love to see a midfield of Tiote Cabaye and Gylfi. I almost jizz myself thinking about the even more sexy attacking football we would have.
  4. worthy

    James Perch

    Fucking Perch was insane today like. Broke up a lot of open play and even passed decently. What has suddenly happened to this player?
  5. worthy

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    If it's not your own excrement then I ain't interested. Cannot make any promises there. Most likely it will involve me pulling my hair and screaming whilst almost crying "oh god why".
  6. worthy

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Last time he said that the goal he scored was godlike and did a 'triffic job. Then Benched him. If I have to see obertan on the wing against Norwich I will smash something.
  7. We need to do something drastic to make him drop him again, did great for about 5 minutes total.
  8. Deserves to play with better players then simpson and williamson. Hell he deserves to fight for medals. Way better then any other player we have.
  9. I was screaming at the telly, fucking still fuming about him just standing outside and letting the fucker pass him like thin air. GET RID
  10. Hopefully you'll go back and take the Wankership by storm again. Not good enough against the top teams, decent against the lesser ones.
  11. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    The problem is that it's the players in the back five who have to decide whether to hoof it. If Simpson and Williamson is not replaced in the summer I will probably need to be instituted in a mental hospital.
  12. Awful passing at times. Decent defending at times. But not a good game for him.
  13. If this does not tell you how shite he is, nothing will..
  14. The poor fucking throw-in cost us a point, how the fuck can you not be able to throw it to a player in your colors, even fucking throwing it over the line would have been more effective. Jesus christ.
  15. worthy

    James Perch

    Did good, should never play CB again, switch him with Simpson for a game.
  16. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    I hope to god we can get rid of this shite hoofball fast. Its getting is nowhere tbh. Alan is not the right man for the job even if we are 6th, look at how we are playing, and with the players we have we should be able to do some what of a passing game. Look at the first goal! Now thats football! And Guthrie can fuck off for not following Vaermanelalaenl in to the box, he was right next to him and let him run in without even TRYING to follow, he actually gave them the chance.
  17. Me too haha. Absolutely brilliant. Get in. I was really worried about this one. With you guys, I ran out of my house, screaming like a fucking idiot.
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