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Sir Toon

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Posts posted by Sir Toon

  1. There's also the small topic of ground advertising as the SD logos are stopping us from at least another £10m+ a year as it is.



    And the rest. I've heard figures of between £25m and £40m a year from people who are qualified to make that valuation.


    Hence why I put £10m+

  2. Wouldn't beleive a word of the sun


    I wouldn't read a word of the sun


    not even the bit that says Page 3?


    I do get the occasional urge to indulge in the political meanderings of Prosecco (18) from Croydon.




    ;D  Jokes aside, you just know that there will be a profile matching that description dont you?

  3. I believe nowt either although when an exclusive is attached you suddenly think it has more to it.


    One thing that hasn't been mentioned anywhere is that most contracts will either end on June 30th or see a calender year of a deal come off and we may have one or two ready to go through on July 1st.  Maybe Fernando is one of them.

  4. I fail to see where we'd need a massive investor to continue to stick the funds in unless they make a pigs arse of it by getting relegated and have to protect their original investment.


    Running us on the Ashley model of self sustainability would have the advantage straight away of funds generated through merchandise going straight back into the club instead of down Shirebrook.  There's also the small topic of ground advertising as the SD logos are stopping us from at least another £10m+ a year as it is.


    The potential for growth could be massive instead of having a brand that caps it.

  5. An unproven striker from a club with surplus personnel due to the greed of wanting all upcoming players.  The unfilled potential is then only available on a loan so that he can be attempted to develop for that same greedy club without upsetting their applecart too much and is then expected to be given a starting spot to compete against the likes of the same greedy club but not directly against them due to loan conditions.


    In doing so a certain percentage of wage is used and a slot that would normally expect to be used on a player that will give his all here to either get his club to better things and increase the ambition of your side achieving something is lost.  A potential £8m - £12m striker that with a good season under his belt for a premier league side could see his value increase to £25m - £30m in a shot. A real kick in the bollocks for a side that develops but no skin off the nose of Chelsea who can just loan him out again if he turns out to be a dud.


    Why are some having a meltdown again?

  6. surely not? looks like a mock up someone's made having just copied the McEwans one from the 90s


    I thought it was from one of them editor things like but just saying that if it was this that it isn't too bad.  I still have an inkling it's red tho.

  7. Obviously it's personal choice but for me it's just a group name, so no harm done really.


    One thing ive always had an issue with is 'Toon Army'.  Now that name is something to gan radge about as it never made sense.

  8. Nee one says wor hyem like. Ah divvent think av hord it sed once ye knaa.


    f***ing stupid name in all seriousness!


    Wey aye, I agree like but what I said before in it being something that we've all used, the Geordies amongst us anyway. Translated the name just means 'Our Home 1892' On that score, there's nowt wrong with it.


    As for 'hyem', that was synonymous with growing up for me although I would have spelled it 'yem'.      gannin yem noo me like.

  9. Checked the aircraft activity list and his usual chopper wasn't on the list.  Either it wasn't him, he has another toy or is flying under the radar but regardless of all this I cannot think of one good reason for him being there unless he's doing a personal tour with someone.

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