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Sir Toon

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Posts posted by Sir Toon

  1. Apart from being able to dip into an overdraft I presume, we're forgetting the new sponsorship deal, the next payment of Wijnaldum and Sissoko, the Thauvin cash, any sort of whip round made out of selling the squad dregs or those wage saves for them who are out of contract and advance ticket sales.    The likely sales of one or two of the first team lot, maybe even Gayle if we get offered £15m or so.


    Aye, there's cash there and there'll need to be.

  2. If we go up officially this week then expect the new kit to be unveiled, the new sponsor to have more coverage from the ronny gill and Mike Ashley to be caught on camera dancing a jig with Charnley.

    I think it's been said that the new kit won't be unveiled until June. The new sponsor I would imagine would be revealed pretty soon after confirmation of promotion.


    That's what I meant really.  Just thought with the recent gloom that a quick upturn may force things through quicker and a bandwagon opportunity on the feel good factor.


    Id still bet good money that there'll be a gif or 2 out of an Ashley celebration on TV.  Just got to win first.

  3. It is no age but yet again a case of someone taken when all logic is lost.  Ignore the shite, live your life the way you want to as long as you're happy. Whether that's cream cake filled or greasy fry up-aholic. makes no odds.  The only guarantee in life is that you're going to leave it anyway.


    As for Ehiogu the footballer. Was one of them solid types that instantly stood out but was in an era of great defenders so saw greater recognition unrecognised.  Life just continues to kick you up the arse the older you get.

  4. To clarify:


    If Huddersfield fail to win against Fulham, which includes a draw, at the weekend then a win for us over Preston is enough.  Forget Reading.


    Even if Reading win on Saturday, the only way they could 'overtake' us would be if we lost our last 2 games and they won theirs then somehow swing the goal difference which would be a minimum of +38 for us and +3 for them.        That would be the equivalent of us losing something like 9-0 twice and them winning both theirs 8-0.


    *edit:  The same applies with Huddersfield's goal difference if they draw one game but with a slight goal difference of +3 over Reading for them which means a similar goal swing although instead of us losing 9-0 twice, an 8-0 and a 7-0 would be of similar standing.  Hope that clears it up.  :cheesy:


    Reading can still overtake us on points. We have 3 games left


    Not if we win on Monday they cant.  They could only finish on what we would have but with a 30+ goal swing in our favour.  They wouldn't overtake that in a million years as it's never happened in history apart from the match fixing instances.

  5. So the above happens are we "officially"  up?



    Do we do the whole champagne , pitch invasion thing?


    Am i right in thinking only a defeat for Hudders and a win for us will make it "official" ?


    a non win for Huddersfield and a win for us is official enough.  Apart from that, they might get a clap from me but nee pitch invasion and inevitable ban is worth it.

  6. To clarify:


    If Huddersfield fail to win against Fulham, which includes a draw, at the weekend then a win for us over Preston is enough.  Forget Reading.


    Even if Reading win on Saturday, the only way they could 'overtake' us would be if we lost our last 2 games and they won theirs then somehow swing the goal difference which would be a minimum of +38 for us and +3 for them.        That would be the equivalent of us losing something like 9-0 twice and them winning both theirs 8-0.


    *edit:  The same applies with Huddersfield's goal difference if they draw one game but with a slight goal difference of +3 over Reading for them which means a similar goal swing although instead of us losing 9-0 twice, an 8-0 and a 7-0 would be of similar standing.  Hope that clears it up.  :cheesy:

  7. There's definitely something went on in the background and aside all this talk of Rafa staying, his persona recently hasn't been that of someone genuinely happy with things.


    Whether that means he's getting more attached to his job I dont know but even whilst we've been talking over basic maths in another thread, the fact remained that not one player HAD to be sold from the premier league squad.  The club were quite vocal in this.


    As it was and for that reason of a stockpile of £30m+ being created, that should have been Rafa's in theory to strengthen and make his job easier.  He was hardly going to come out and say the personnel aren't good enough.  Can see grief ahead personally once it's sorted either way.

  8. Just saw a daft bit of info on twitter there which sums up this daft league.


    We started the day needing 7 points to go up, we play shite and lose which in turn causes the biggest meltdown since JFK rode back in on his drunken horse but go to bed somehow only needing 5 points at the most.


    [move] :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic:[/move]

  9. In the context of a club that had it's soul ripped out of it and was rotten from top to bottom just over a year ago pre-Rafa, the fact that we're guaranteed a home second leg in the play offs at worst is not one to be sniffed at.


    If anything is achieved for both the team and us as fans over these next few days then it is to reflect on the job done so far and the need for patience in the run in.  It's time to really push the team over the line like a bus that has run out of petrol or in our case, a battered Nissan Micra.

  10. Im surprised it's taken this long for Darlow to escape criticism.  His kicking has been shite since he's been here and moreso when he's under pressure as nearly every clearance then finds touch in the stands.


    He's also a very slow thinker and cant distribute quickly but apart from that he's propa mint like.  :iamatwat:

  11. For some reason, im one of those who are getting nervy. Maybe it's down to Rafa coming in and giving a new impetus to supporting the club, I dont know.


    Anyway to calm mine and anyone elses jets, here's another angle.


    If Huddersfield win every game they have left they'll finish on 92 points.  That would mean we could 'afford' to lose one of our final 4 and draw another to then allow us to finish above them on goal difference as they wont make up the 30 odd goal swing.


    Our 85 point haul could yet be enough but my initial feeling that 92 points is the figure this time round has been revised to 87 so we need one more win and then i'll be planning beer trips in advance of the promotion party.


    We win and they lose tomorrow, then we'd need just 2 more points or for them to drop some but there's been far too much dodgy stuff going on against us in this league that it's odds on that we'll be left sweating for a while.

  12. Maybe NUFC have just beaten all hope and optimism out of me over the last 38 years but I can't shake this horrible feeling we're going to mess it up.  Logically and objectively I know we're likely to make it but this club has a habit of breaking your heart in new and unexpected ways.


    This..    :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic:

  13. How would a Leeds fan get onto the pitch unless he was in the home end?


    I reckon it's because they open the doors at the back of the stands to get out at a point in the 2nd half.  Usually you get a few wander in that support us so this was always going to happen one day.


    he was defo a Leeds fan and the banter turned to hate as soon as he started beating his chest and saying some sort of chant.  Loads across the front of the Gallowgate tried to get at him but the dozen in the corner did as he was dragged through the meat curtain.


    What was a surprise in this age of security was that it took ages for a steward to bother their arse and there was no coppers to be seen anywhere.

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