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Sir Toon

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Posts posted by Sir Toon

  1. If I had to guess id say 138.com

    I hope not there logo is gash.


    I suppose it's the next available upgrade from Wonga.  :D

  2. Jose Mourinho.  What is the point of this bloke?


    Im now starting to think he puts the accent on and is part of some elaborate scheme to cause carnage.


    A bit like Brexit or the conservatives.  Just designed as a smoke screen for something sinister.

  3. Probably been mentioned a million times throughout this thread but because it's at the top of the shop and I cant be arsed to look...


    What does my nappa in is the lad in front at the games who sings the loudest but is always out of tune and gets the words wrong.



    'We are!, we are!'.      get to fuck, it's 'Wey yu knaa'

  4. Clinton Baptiste from Phoenix Nights.






    Gerry Francis



  5. Too many people are well off the mark for me and the papers are the worst culprits.


    It's well documented that Rafa wanted a project and it's well documented that Ashley used to like his 5 year plans.  Im guessing that if any Ashley/Rafa meeting does actually go ahead that the kitty for Summer 2017 is way down the pecking order and whether Ashley meets Rafa's vision at certain points of his yearly plan is at the top.


    I'll also be surprised if the net spend is above £40m.

  6. There's no way Pardew will go to them like.  He'll already have Jordan Pickford's little speech copied with a couple of words changed in the name of loyalty to feed his ego.


    I couldn't do that to my Noo-carsul fans. Couldn't do it.  I wouldn't want to ruin what I fort wuz a brilliant time we had up there when we finished fiff.  We woz so close to the champions league with the Jordys luving the football and believe me when I say that but never say never in this game.
  7. The Sun article has a few flaws in it or Carr has cocked up, one of the two.


    In one hand Carr is explaining that he knew of the whereabouts and what was going on with Ashley to find out, bearing in mind Rafa said he has never had any contact ever. Carr also said he expected to get a knock on the door but as he was only a scout, he doesn't even know the wages the players are on.  Bullshit alert.


    I thought the main idea of a chief scout is to target players and find out via their agents what wages etc it would take to get them. Even as much as collecting this all in a little black book or computer system.


    Carr sounds more like a quiet chairman than what Charnley does based on his job role.

  8. I dont know why Ashley becomes so important all of a sudden. Rafa himself has said he doesn't deal with him and everything is done through Charnley.  Even then a private text or phone call would hardly have Rafa heading for the nearest journalist to ease everyone's fears.


    If anything, the question will crop up today in the press conference and it'll be put to bed.

  9. Forgetting today's shite but what a week eh.  With us securing promotion at home, the mackems will be guaranteed goners at the stadium of tramps amidst their empty pink seats and the usual close up of rubbish blowing around the pitch at the weekend.


    We had expensive firewood to sell to invest in coming back up, theirs isn't fit to make a barbecue. They're going to crash and burn.

  10. This explains who runs the website then.  As soon as Charnley gets out of his cell or gets his laptop back then he'll publish the statement.


    Wait,  ashley let charnley buy a laptop for business use from the club's account? SHOCKED.


    Yes it cost 5Million Quid!


    May explain the new sponsor as well. Dell. 






    (for those who dont get the Llambias pun)

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