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Sir Toon

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Posts posted by Sir Toon

  1. Ive also been to every home game under Rafa and see his tactics as gaining control first before going on to a plan B of an attempted increase of tempo.    With his pedigree of being in every scenario going, he wont drop his arse and I expect nowt to change from now until any promotion is secured.


    What is interesting then is if he'll go 2 up top to placate the shoe wavers if we're in a position of having a title wrapped up.

  2. That account article was decent but it isn't taking into account the massive increase in media money alone in relation to future income if we do go up.


    I agree the last relegation took around 5 years to get over but id say the next 2 years would be a fairer reflection of recovery time this time round and that's not including the fact that we can easily change the policy of spending in dribs and drabs rather than cash up front or breaking the habit of a lifetime under Ashley and using an overdraft to accumulate.  It's not all doom and gloom aside from one man making it seem that way.

  3. To think, Ranieri is crying out for a job in England and would be the closest theyd get to a messiah to cling on to.    Hardly think about these now anyway, never mind their obvious struggle for mid table next year in the Sky Bet league.

  4. The league standard is a mile away from the premier but people forget that our squad is designed to tackle the championship so will resemble a championship team in it's quest.


    Barring a disaster, next season's football in the premier league will be played with the exact same formation, the same tactics but I guarantee that we'll get more plaudits.

  5. :lol:


    Who knows. Need an expert.




    Newcastle United Limited got the £33m funding from SJP Holdings Ltd.


    But Newcastle United Football Club Limited has a number of charges against property.


    To me it sounds like we were a homebase one day but opened up the next as B + Q or am I reading this wrong?

  6. The way things are going and moreso after Trump ordered that bombing in Syria, we wont be looking up at the strange plane noise above any football ground but running for the hills.  :frantic: :frantic:

  7. Rafa is going to be asked about Summer signings in a few minutes but everyone knows the drill now. He'll say all his focus is on the next game only.  It's also well documented that Rafa hasn't met Ashley yet and the expected meeting wont be done until the season end so The Sun story is the usual 'guess' work.

  8. The platinum club is everything that's wrong with football.  Once went there for the Atromonis (or whatever they're called) Europa Cup game the other year just so we had access to the bar as the rules stated that the others were closed and was the only reason.      The area was like a park bench by a lake where the odd noise of a duck quacking spoilt what could have been a decent spot.


    I spent more time trying to stop myself kicking off with the tut brigade who are so against anyone trying to support the team properly.


    It makes more noise than the Leazes End tbf.


    Ive not been since that European game so apologise for my complete knowledge but if what you say is true then the Leazes end need shaken up somehow.

  9. The platinum club is everything that's wrong with football.  Once went there for the Atromonis (or whatever they're called) Europa Cup game the other year just so we had access to the bar as the rules stated that the others were closed and was the only reason.      The area was like a park bench by a lake where the odd noise of a duck quacking spoilt what could have been a decent spot.


    I spent more time trying to stop myself kicking off with the tut brigade who are so against anyone trying to support the team properly.

  10. Would have been a replay starting with a retaken pen if we hadn't won this like.  There would have been hell on.



    Why "nope"?


    Sky Sports are showing that there has been a precedent in this, where England ladies had to go down this route.

    It just wouldn't happen, it wouldn't even happen if it had been awarded against Chelsea.


    Keith Downie off Sky said it was in the laws of the game to be able to force a replay and because of the amount of cash difference there is between this league and the Premier, you just know that the full legal route will have been examined by Messrs Ashley and co.  Luckily for everyone concerned, the right result panned out and little damage done in theory.

  11. So no-one likes the plane idea but they've raised a canny bit.  So who's donating then?  If it's the 'shoes off' brigade then they'd raise more by not buying the aforementioned feet garments and using that cash instead.


    FWIW, as long as this is done in the first 15 minutes of a game before they go 2 or 3 down then it will be job done. 



  12. Prices for the Platinum are £832/£752 and in bar 1892 they are £737/£666 depending on the block both areas have access to the lounge before and after the game.


    Bar 1892 is in the Leazes stand right?


    I thought that was the sports bar.  Is the 1892 bit not just below the platinum club?

  13. Not seen this mentioned unless im blind but there was loads of level 7 seats empty on Saturday scattered around.  Not sure what the craic was there like unless the flash floods had owt to do with it.


    We noticed that as well. It's been like that all season for some reason but Saturday was worse than ever. Strange as all seats up there are sold so it must be tickets holders just not turning up.


    Not sure about that, isn't it the section returned by the away team and put back on sale late? That's where I bought my two for Wigan and it was all casual fans, tourists etc. Maybe they just didn't sell them all because they went on sale late?


    No, the seats im referring to were in every section in level 7 of the Milburn.  id say each section was 85% filled at best.

  14. Anyone know when the season ticket renewals are sent out? Or are the club waiting to see what league we'll be in next season before sending them out?


    It'll be in May no doubt but you get until general sale to decide anyway which has been as late as July. 


    If we go up and some sort of peace breaks out with Rafa against a backdrop of a minimum spend of £60m and whatever sales generate then it'll be full houses all the way next season.  If Ashley reverts to type and this goes pear shaped then buying on a match to match basis will be cheaper when you take into account the Xmas half season ticket thing theyve done before.

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