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  1. Sean

    Anthony Gordon

    Missed the game and just seen highlights. What a stupid fucking twat.
  2. Hahahaha funniest penalty ever 😂
  3. The crowd love a good moan whenever Murphy in particular loses the ball. Must be great for the players confidence like.
  4. Wankers like Arteta make me appreciate Eddie and his level-headedness so much more
  5. Rice really letting himself down here, what a disgraceful loser man
  6. Yep, players and crowd alike. Neither seemed particularly up for it today really.
  7. Could have done with less there today after hearing so much moaning and groaning all afternoon.
  8. Throwback to when Murphy used to love hitting those posts. What a hit though
  9. Yeah completely bossed us all afternoon. Really impressive from them. And there's the fourth.
  10. Sean

    NUFC Transfer Rumours

    I feel robbed. I made this same joke in 2023 on here
  11. Feels like an important game to me. As they all do when you are pushing for a Champions League spot. Didn't think I'd be typing that a month or so ago. What a turnaround.
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