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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. It's just what happens sometimes at this stage of the season. Who'd have thought Leicester would win their last 4 games in a row, and Hull their last 2? Just saying.
  2. If we don't get 2 or 3 points from Leicester (a) WBA (h) QPR (a) and West Ham (h) you'd have to say we deserve to go down really. That, and only Blackpool have a worse record than us in 2015 in the football league.
  3. Hoping Cisse, Sissoko, De Jong, Aarons and Dummett coming back will be enough to get us the one win we need.
  4. NUFC_Chris

    John Carver

    Can't believe this guy. Lashing out and trying to divert attention away from himself. Trying to blame the fans now for his problems.
  5. Sampdoria president says Rafa Benitez is too fat to manage his club. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/babb/11556244/Sampdoria-club-president-says-Napoli-manager-Rafa-Benitez-is-too-fat-to-manage-his-club.html
  6. NUFC_Chris


    There's certainly more to it than just heresay. Three counts apparently, and a separate charge for grooming. Innocent before proven guilty and all that but they don't whack you with charges like that unless they think they've got you.
  7. NUFC_Chris


    I would say there's almost definitely a prison sentence coming his way, if found guilty aye.
  8. NUFC_Chris


    Just gambling for points, at least we obliged. You'd think if there was any chance of a charge they'd have left him suspended. Shocking decision.
  9. NUFC_Chris


    Actually really surprised. Seeing as the Mackems dropped his suspension and brought him on against us, assumed they were confident of his innocence.
  10. I get the impression Ashley wants to appoint an English coach. Someone he feels he can relate to, take out on the piss and twist round his little finger. I'd be surprised if we got any of the French lads mentioned.
  11. I think McLaren is a safer bet than some French guy who's never managed in England before and whom most of us have never even heard of. McLaren has at least a breadth of experience at home and abroad and is by all accounts considered an excellent coach who in particular would be good for our younger players. It would be the safe option I agree, and perhaps a little bit "meh"; but it wouldn't be the end of the world by any stretch. I'd have preferred McLaren to Pardew any day.
  12. Seriously though, it could be that French bloke if he'd been to the barbers and had a clipper cut after Saturday.
  13. The pic in SJP looks like Steve Claridge.
  14. One thing's for sure, there was no where near 47K there. From past experience I'd say approx 36K.
  15. We need 1 win really to be sure of safety, we've 4 home games to get it as can't see us picking up a point away.
  16. NUFC_Chris


    Cringe worthy stuff.
  17. Rangers new kit is lush. An embroidered badge as well.
  18. Needs a real run in the team week in week out. He was woeful against the Mackems, but they all were! The lad can definitely play. There's some players in there, young Armstrong is one, who would flourish if they weren't surrounded by so much shite.
  19. Personally hoping Chelsea win this, just to keep the gap between us. They've us and West Ham at home, can see them getting six points from those two, with Man City and Liverpool was it away? Hopefully nothing there. Final game against Leicester.
  20. Really need arsenal to win this, quite fancy burnley to get a win though.
  21. Up the football league we go! 2-2
  22. Simples really, we're awful, probably the worst side in the league atm.
  23. f***ing Pardew man, incapable of getting a result there for us.
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