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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. I see the papers keep linking us with Saido Berahinho. I mean how much is he going to cost, £20m? Can't see that one.
  2. Need to slash the wage bill I'd imagine, but it would be daft to sell him to a promotion rival.
  3. This. I quite like him. I'd also have Will Hughes & Austin. But we need 3 decent defenders as well.
  4. Newcastle United becomes the only club in the Premier League to have its head coach on its Board of Directors, a move which the Club feels adds significant strength to it.
  5. To be honest, I think that's quite a promising press release. He must've been promised some quite significant investment. Here's hoping.
  6. Charnley's comments about specifically targeting a cup are promising.
  7. I must admit I'm not too fussed by it all, though it is probably counter productive. They write what they want anyway. I can't see McClaren being bothered or making some kind of stand. It makes things easier for him..
  8. Luke Edwards just said on Twitter all local papers have been excluded, which is bizarre if they're all part of the same group.
  9. I thought the Chronicle et al were all back in the club's good books? Or are they all part of the Mirror group?
  10. NUFC_Chris

    John Carver

  11. NUFC_Chris

    John Carver

    Aha was just about to post his picture as well. Lol. Love that film.
  12. NUFC_Chris

    John Carver

    They get him to ring Jonas & Raylor to tell them their released, then fire him as well.
  13. NUFC_Chris

    John Carver

    You're tripping man. If you're terrible at your job then you deserve the sack. Aye, I'm too soft. Tbh, he deserved sacking for abusing fans and offering them fights let alone anything else.
  14. NUFC_Chris

    John Carver

    I do think it's right he's gone, a new manager has to be able to appoint his own staff but I never like to see anyone sacked, from his point of view it's a bit harsh when he's clearly been promised he would be involved in some way next season. I suppose he'll have the contract pay-off to console him.
  15. NUFC_Chris

    John Carver

    Genuinely shocked. He was pretty damned sure he was being kept on.
  16. I didn't hear him say anything of the sort at the Q&A, he said when he was up at SJP even though it was towards the end of his career it blew him away.
  17. I went to see the film last night at the Tyneside Cinema, it was great but had quite a sad slant to it. Mainly stories I'd heard before having read his autobiography some time ago. He's a character and has his demons which I think makes him relatable. It was nice to Stuart Pearce in the Q&A afterwards and there were some kind words about Newcastle and the fans. I still love Stuart Pearce me.
  18. If Carver's replaced I'd expect him to still be on the coaching staff. They won't release Carver & Stone, perhaps Woodman will go and join Charvdew at Palace.
  19. He probably sneaked a photocopy of Carr's scouting list before he scuttled off.
  20. I must admit also, it's a relief to not have to listen to his self aggrandising bullshit any longer. Even if we do only get McClaren, at least he's not a total cunt.
  21. Just been watching Jack Warner surrounded by his heavies fighting off journalists in Trinidad. Quite amusing really. They know they're finished.
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