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Everything posted by BillClinton

  1. we can play a strong side. Yes we have an important game right after, but all the other teams manage to play on with no excuses. We finally have some of the depth we've been waiting for, if he has to rotate a few players then so be it.
  2. It was a yellow. The guy shouldn't have been rolling around like an idiot but Yohan shouldn't have given him the chance. Going in with an elbow raised ... If he'd cut out some of the dirty stuff we'd have a near perfect player here. Some of that passing was incredible.
  3. Yup much more entertaining than Man U - Real in my opinion. It's a shame that Dortmund and Shakhtar drew each other because I would have been pulling for both of them to go far in this.. They are both pretty young, and entertaining teams unfortunate to play at the same time as ManU and Real.
  4. Sole reason I follow him, can be quite funny. I always couldn't stand him up until recently when he started antagonizing all the pro-gun freaks over here so much that people wanted him deported. He has now earned some of my respect.
  5. I can imagine, although had I been in your shoes I probably would have just quit sports completely after the Champions League final. Shit is just unfair, but I guess there are still plenty of clubs around that would love to be in either of our situations.
  6. I think in and around the EUropa league spots should be the minimum requirement. Anything more really dependes on outside factors. One of the 'big' clubs having an off year seems the only likely way to sneak in a champions league spot. As people said last year, the frustrating part is when you finish 5th and the team behind you spends 80 million during the summer. It makes it hard to progress once you reach a certain point. As long as we can compete with similar clubs (Everton, Spurs, etc.) with this squad I'll be happy. Unless the shape of the league changes or we spend more money, it's hard to imagine achieving anything more.
  7. Refs trying to get City back in this, nearly everything has go there way.
  8. He could be great in the championship to be fair.
  9. it sucks having to root for the likes of Chelsea and Man City. The sooner we get ourselves comfortable the better.
  10. Completely fell apart after Gouffran went off. Fair play to Bale, thought we were pretty even but he made the difference.
  11. Except for with Germany which Löw was probably the brains behind it all along and briefly with Munich which wasn't very successful. I think the fact that he's a 'big' name has raised expectations that he will suddenly transform mediocre players into a world class team.
  12. I quite like the Saturday lunchtime ones. Get up and have a bacon sandwich, enjoy some football then still have most of your weekend left. Great if you get a positive result. Yep, that's exactly the sort of reason I hate the early kick off. Whole thing ends up a write-off. We never seem to do well with these early games either. Over here the combination of an early morning game, lack of sleep, and a bad result is enough to ruin a weekend. Throw in a hangover and you're on suicide watch the rest of the day
  13. Yeah from DC. I'm a DC fan, but I also think he's objectively a very good player. Could make the transition to Europe quite well, much like Dempsey at Fulham a few years ago. Left winger who can also play as a center striker or withdrawn forward. Not as potentially explosive as Brek Shea, but a tougher and more well-rounded player. Not sure what more Pontius needs to do in order to get selected, he looks exactly the type of player we could use. His injuries haven't helped obviously, but he's is still relatively young and has proven everything at an MLS level. I'd rather see people like him, than players who have been selected a bunch of times and have consistently disappointed.
  14. BillClinton


    He's an excellent keeper but his knees (one in particular) are supposed to be shot. Hope he does well with the coaching. That one reaction save a few years ago (against Bolton?) is among the best I've ever seen. Its crazy that nobody has given him a trial at least.
  15. yeah we've seemed to have some sort of a snow storm every weekend up here. This one doesn't seem to be messing around though. Going to be furious if I miss this, plus I have Celtics tickets this weekend too.
  16. Really looking forward to this game, think we got a real chance to get something from it. I better not lose power...
  17. I think Bradley's good, maybe even our best player (whatever thats worth). Just he isn't the type of player that can carry a team and singlehandedly turn a game around if the rest of the players around him aren't playing well.
  18. wow Jamaica - Mexico 0-0 draw, in Mexico City. not bad (from an American perspective)
  19. Shit. Deserved, I suppose, our D has looked sketchy all game.
  20. yeah nothing against him, its just the three person commentary is a tad much for Football. Especially when you have Ray Hudson as the other colour guy.
  21. Yeah he's great. Who is the 3rd guy guy though? He's completely unnecessary. Hate when they force an American commentator on you for no real reason. Cobi Jones? Or the play-by-play guy? Cobi Jones it must be. He just awkwardly cuts into Hudson's time.
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