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Everything posted by Twinport53

  1. We will most likely come back. But it would be typical NUFC to not beat the team who finish bottom home or away.
  2. Since when were penalties decided on the response of players? Last night the commentators at Fulham were saying it was a pen due to player reaction. Soccer Saturday are saying Zaha should have had a pen last week as no Watford players appealed for a dive, therefore they all secretly knew it was foul? Like what the absolute fuck.
  4. Pieters arm was out but he was trying to bring it back in behind his body. We've seen them given.
  5. I think it was harsh to drop Gayle last week. However the whole team averaged about 5/10 which didn't exactly help Slimanis cause to keep his place.
  6. That Allez allez allez song is wank. Or atleast the way LFC fans have crowbarred their lyrics into in.
  7. You know that bloke who reckons painkillers turned him gay? Is he sure he didn't catch a glimpse of Rafas smile?
  8. He scored a diving header at the Emirates. But aye, he only has like 4 CL goals in total.
  9. Twinport53


    Why is their twitter header a picture of Coleman literally breaking down
  10. You've just said that the league is shite.
  11. I'm so glad we aren't in this league anymore. It's awful
  12. "There's no chance am letting these filthy bastards go 2-0"?
  13. I thought Asoro was a free agent? Why would we make a bid? Or is it Maja i'm thinking of?
  14. Eh, it's all celebrating Mags, isn't it?
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