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Posts posted by shintonsghost

  1. The names they are linked with are awful.


    Sellling the teams second best player PVA , the fee is a bit excessive like.


    Trouble is all these has been players will need to get fit and up to speed, 3-4 games, time they dont have.


    They are in serious trouble  :naughty:


    Would it be such a disaster if we signed no one?


    This squad from this position should be good enough.


    We will find out our fate imho over the next 6/7 games if promotion is on, get through these with a reasonable haul and we will go up.i think we dont need to panic into buying someone, Shelvey is the key,stays fit and out of trouble and we go up.


    done nothing wrong yesterday, it wasnt cringeworthy, the crowd were relaxed and were having a laugh with Sammy.


    if he performs, takes his chance who knows? Gouffran although no world beater was utter dog shit till Rafa came in and now is half decent, maybe Rafa can spark this lad.


    the Ameobi's have a natural talent/skill but it was their lazy demeanor that let them down imho

  4. I'm torn.  If they go down they'll be facing oblivion with their finances which would be funny but if they stay up I'm confident we'll get some much deserved payback with Rafa at the helm.


    I want them down, our paths will cross again, maybe next season, for now though i wish them pain  :lol:


    Looking at their fixtures the Boro away match looks a huge one, Spurs and Big Sam to come.They are deep in the shit now.they were banking on 4 points from Stoke and WBA and got nothing, they now have a run of tough fixtures that could just finish them off.


    Lets keep the fingers crossed

  6. Geordie on a metro - the new Mag at graft :lol:


    I saw that- genuinely cant tell if he claims he told them some things , or just thought them as they got off the metro.


    he's lying

  7. Apperantly they're open to accepting it with an obligation to buy if we go up.


    Seems like a no brainer in that case.



    would be a great deal, wins nothing but an added quality we need  :mike:

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