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Posts posted by shintonsghost

  1. If they stay up after all this I'm giving up on football.


    I've mentioned this a few times the past couple of months but if they don't go down this season I think we're just going to have to accept that they aren't going down, ever.



    Totally agree.......while they have Defoe the have a chance, and the fucking rest are doing nothing to pull away.happens all the time.they will stay up you just fucking watch.


    the teams down the bottom have some tough games ahead in the next few weeks, this will keep these cunts in the mix to get out of it, however they need a run of wins to get out of this shit. :coolsmiley:

  3. Going by the number of 'giant killings' it looks like most of the Premiership and Championship teams don't give a shit about progressing in the FA Cup. That and their cobbled together fringe and youth team players aren't up for the game as much as lower league opposition teams.



  4. If Pardew or McClaren had been in charge yesterday they would be getting fucking slaughtered. A justgiving page would already have raised enough to hire the hitman.


    NUFC shouldn't be getting beat off a mid table bang average lower league team. Disgraceful performance all around.


    Positives - Mitro put what could be the final nails in his Toon career coffin. Perez will be the main pall-bearer.


    wow, at least you said it...........however they were part of something that felt different to now

  5. Well I was one of them and it doesn't mean Rafa isn't doing a fantastic job.


    Everyone can think what they like but this seam of negativity is baffling to me given the club is in the best position it's been in for well over a decade and Rafa is essentially the sole reason.


    i don't think its negativity, just folk reacting to a defeat and trying to find out why. Rafa has us all behind him in truth, you know that.

  6. A decent job :lol:


    many on here had us walking the league, we are two defeats away from crisis, you watch on here if it happens  :lol:


    so yes he is doing a decent job O0


    a team like Oxford, in a league below us has just thumped us 3-0, do you think all those 1800 fans yesterday will be chippa this morning ?

  7. Must admit, I'm getting the feeling Rafa isn't getting the same love that the scousers gave him at Liverpool - if we want to keep a manager of his class and reputation there should be more getting behind him. I call for more Rafa love!!!  :aww:


    trouble is when you pay £100 for a day out like yesterday and the squad capitulates like it did in the second half against Oxford, the travelling fans have a right to be pissed every now n again. Rafa gets infinitely more love than ever so i guess we wll disagree, does he deserve the love? lets see next season IF he gets us up, till then for me it's a wee bit of love  :love:

  8. People are bashing Rafa unnecessarily, he should have free reign this season as long as we're doing well in the league (by that I mean keeping in the promotion spots). Next season, if he's still with us (bearing in mind he doesn't get as much love as he could), if we don't perform in the Prem then I'll start getting twitchy.


    i don't see anyone bashing Rafa  :lol:, look my point is he seems and always has been beyond criticism, when he get's it wrong like yesterday, like Klopp he will come in for stick, and rightly should because if we fuck this up ( promotion) we want shooting and so does Rafa if we don't go up.


    Rafa is doing a decent job, i'd have taken this at the start of the season, time to ramp it up, show some class , be professional and get the task finished.


    i think we will do it, i have faith in him and the squad if it stays fit.........but Rafa bashing? No, just a reminder that he isn't all that at times.  O0 

  9. It's fairly obvious we are saving our money for next summer in order to strengthen the side for life back in the EPL.  Mccarthy and townsend are examples of players who have demonstrated they can cut it in the EPL so the club are happy to bring them in this January provided they are available for a reasonable fee.  Judging by the round of Everton rejecting £16m it doesn't look like we will be able to agree a reasonable fee.  If so Everton can keep him.  He will prob run his contract down and go for free in a couple of years.  It's sheer greed.  £16m for a player who can't get in the first team.  We may just have dodged a bullet if we miss out.p



    even in a season fees have shot up, get used to it.it will take zillions to get anywhere near the top 6, or do a Leicester

  10. I said it over a year ago and I'll say it again. He lacks the characteristics to be a good centre forward, he's a poor finisher with a chronic lack of pace. Add his questionable temperament to that and I don't think his future here looks all that bright.



    he lost a few friends yesterday im afraid, i just think we all want him to succeed but however the kid isnt top class and will be away next season regardless.


    lets not pick on this fellow though, the defending was fucking shocking yesterday, shocking



    frustration from many, me included but thats the cup, shocks happen tbh.


    i dont like it though when an ounce of criticism is levelled at posters who dare say a word against Rafa, he got it wrong again as he has a few times this season, he ain't god or a legend yet, he has a job to do and at the minute im happy the way it's going but i'm allowed a pop if i think we should and could have done better.


    Rafa is a 1000 times better than what we have had for years so he gets away with more than they would simple as that.


    HTL let's now get back to the PL  O0

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