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Posts posted by shintonsghost

  1. I love the "we'll be clear with two games to go" attitude. Like that's a great season. ?


    they have all weekend to stew, no signings yet, and Spurs up next, shame Kane looks doubtful now

  2. The fact that nobody can agree after about 10 replays of the incident in slow motion, shows what a tough call that was for the ref. The theatrical dive probably stopped him getting it.


    Thoroughly deserved for Southampton, great scenes. Puel looked like he was going to burst into tears.



    never a pen

  3. Imagine staying up just to go through what they are going through right now. So incredibly depressing :lol:


    How much would they be paying Lescott do you think? It's an absolutely irresponsible signing. The state of him man :lol:



    £100 pw Greggs gift card would do him champion

  4. Don't count them out. A lot of shit teams in the league and they looked dead and buried many a times before and stayed alive. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they pulled another 'great escape' out of the bag again this season as unlikely as it seems right now. The club just won't fuck off and die like it should.


    I think we all know that, im expecting it.

  5. Hughts doing some job again like :aww:


    Performing well like. They've responded superb this season to the play off loss.


    Would be happy for us and Brighton to both go up.


    I like Hughton. Top bloke. He's got my respect.


    Absolutely, we really dont need to look at them, they arent a problem to the end game.

  6. Every year they're simply bad and find a way out of it, but now there's no money to spend, shocking luck with injuries, no derbies to win, a manager who practically admits they're going down, Joleon Lescott etc. There's other forces at hand this time.


    long way to go but its not looking good for them, as ever fingers crossed but they usually find a way  :huff:




    he's ya second best player ffs


    If he played as an out and out winger/forward I'd be more unhappy. He's useless as a left back. I've lost count of the amount of goals he's costs us.


    We're going down whether he stays or goes. Moyes gave up before we'd played our 3rd game and I'm struggling to think of a more uninspiring Sunderland manager. His interview last week must have really motivated the players. Winston Churchill eat your heart out.



    Moyes  :cool:

  8. Didnt realise we have no game till this and a while after so thank goodness.


    The ship is steady, great chance for us so im in now.


    Keeps us ticking over.think we will win in a replay again.



    And yes i was very anti the cup for us

    As someone who is currently proof reading reports, this sentence structure annoys me :lol: O0



    chill out man, its the internet  :lol:



    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Anichebe , out for 12 weeks, thats him out for the season in a sense.


    and then sign Lescott and sell PVA, its f***ing hilarious  :lol: :lol:


    I'm not too bothered about PVA. He's a liability at the back.



    he's ya second best player ffs

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