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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/skunk-on-totalsport.1297627/ ironic the thread on taking Gerrard and Lampard never gets a delusional mention, daft fuckers
  2. there looking for chinks, f*** them Tool. why?
  3. are you really that fucking stupid
  4. no and i would not recommend it, plus its an early kickoff, the type of place you go you watch you get out
  5. there looking for chinks, fuck them
  6. Bullshit!! We´d still be comfortably at the top. Just as last time we were in this division. Same thing then as now. Lots of underperforming PL-players dominating the championship. If Rafa had of walked away then the press were heavily speculating Warnock! There'd be crowds of around 30K and a horrendous gloomy atmosphere so no chance we'd be comfortably top! The club would have been totally on its knees if Rafa had of left in the summer! Difficult to tell, but in truth we have the bloke, he's just someone we are really happy with and trust.No matter how it ends we will be behind him. I had my doubts at the start of the season, i was made to look like a mug , Rafa isnt a god , he's just a Spanish manager who is putting his all in to getting us back up. Next season is a test whichever way it goes. Now lets get something at Leeds
  7. i'd like to see a decent Leeds in the PL again, ive no beef with them except the time they ran me all over the main stand in the 90's when Andy Cole scored after a couple of minutes they are a big club and bring a big time feel to them, like us.canny for shopping anarl
  8. The knackers will have clackers for the Hull game They are such popular fans
  9. they know lose it or draw and they are doon
  10. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/red-white-army-%E2%80%93-south-stand-supporters-group.1296353/ :lol: we lead, they follow
  11. I can see their optimism tbf, if they beat Hull which they surely must they are back in the hunt.the saving grace ive said all along is if they can stay in touch their best 11 will save them.they can grind out spawny wins, the teams above them are not pulling away , the win at Bmouth was a big lift and could just give the cunts the belief they lack. I now fully expect them to get out of it.
  12. Pickford was shocking against Arsenal, i havent seen much of him but he came for 2 corners and missed them both, he looks nervous as fuck and seems to believe the hype around too much, a bit like joe hart , a cocky cunt
  13. massive blow, our best player, but we'll manage he drives us forward
  14. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/%C2%A350m-would-you-take-it.1295838/ £50 million :lol:
  15. yes, this loyalty points shite does my head in, im with the OP and have given up trying to get an away ticket for those of us who must start somewhere its nigh on impossible to get to a game like Leeds. give me back the days of first come first served, obviously season ticket holders, it takes loyalty to get up and queue on a wet Monday morning just as much as the corporate/well off guys who can rack up points because money is no problem week in week out. i think a compromise of half to go on sale to those who want to roll up and queue
  16. Ive seen none of this defensive style this season. He played it wrong at the end of last, trying to eek out draws instead of going for teams like Villa, he had nothing to lose but chose to be cautious, my only worry is he may revert back to this IF we go up.However he is building a great base , he has brought a sense of pride to us again.We know its a long journey still, our number one target is promotion, nothing else and we really need to think of nothing else.The cup match v Hull is a welcome distraction, nothing else , it will be much harder than anything we have faced this season, i feel supporters are expecting us to beat Hull and i dont get why, we have a chance due to confidence but in truth they are favourites. Back to Rafa, its all calm, its gone perfect.
  17. can see them beating Hull easily, however they have a tough run of fixtures ahead so its gonna be tough for them. we all now know after the flukey win at Bournemouth they will get out of it, its what they do.
  18. Yesterday proves these fuckers cant be flushed Bad set of results for them tbh, still 7 points from safety in truth with GD.
  19. any bets for tonight anyone can recommend?
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