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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. It's been awful on here since the summer. how come ??
  2. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/this-place-really-does-have-an-inferiority-complex.1292041/page-19 we spent 50 million so we are bound to win the league ok.............i will put this in simple terms for our idiotic thick cunt mackem friends you go to the shop and spend £50 and they refund you £80 for old purchases, how much is in ya pocket? how much have you spent, or made? fucking mugs Dangermag
  3. love the comments of Dangermag............."the tin pot league" oh please let it happen http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/this-place-really-does-have-an-inferiority-complex.1292041/page-19
  4. There's an ignore function? absolutely, its great, i think those who don't like me for some weird reason will know they are on it, you can choose to read the comments they make or not if you so wish, as you can see you aint on it
  5. the irony of some posters about this thread when a lot of their posts are in this thread no likey and all that, dont respond i never complain at any poster, they can post what they like as long as its in the rules as many times as they feel, its up to them.weird how it bugs people about posts from a complete stranger on the internet, about football and our biggest rivals just use the ignore function, i do.
  6. Makes sense, give any "new" manager a "easy" game v Hull. Hull as predicted at the start of the season will be their first win, nailed on, hope im wrong.Ive still got a horrible feeling these cunts will survive, Fat Sam will return and save them somehow. I just cant get excited yet
  7. "Short out" "Moyes out" And they dared to have a go at us for FMA and Pardew. Cunts to a man.the fucking snivveling on the groomers is getting beyond funny now, hurry up May.
  8. their all brain dead oh look the muppets are in town, you two are like a couple of stalkers, is there a rule about it? off to check
  9. Davey lad must stay....they have a top top manager and are gonna end up hounding him out. Davey must stay...hes mint like.
  10. Sunlun with a full strength 11 in my opinion would stay up...just. Borini.kirching.clatters would stiffen the spine but only just. However the shite they have bought and the negativity of the manager has lead them down the abyss, the bitterness on their board to us is because they know in around six months time we more than likely will be swapping places and the arrogance of being being in the PL is their only solice atm. Remember the flag they hung off the bridge. Remember the fly by, not once but twice. Just remember in six months time and give them some shit back.small time? Maybe but im praying it comes true.
  11. it's never as easy as that, sign a few championship level players and keep defoe they'll have a chance imo...defoe would score a million goals in that league like would he not be 35, why would he hang around? didn't say he would, but if you were them that's what you'd be aiming for surely...we're seeing ourselves what having good strikers can do for you in this league hell yes, but his age and wages might make them let him go and rebuild
  12. it's never as easy as that, sign a few championship level players and keep defoe they'll have a chance imo...defoe would score a million goals in that league like would he not be 35, why would he hang around?
  13. but we are classy and dont want to sound like the Mags..........WELL YOU FUCKING SUNG IT http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/the-reaction-to-the-were-fucking-shit-song.1291624/page-3
  14. 7 points from safety, and a shite goal diff, making it 8 really............8 points just to get out of it. surely surely
  15. the stuff of champions..................i love my weekends, it all goes perfect
  16. a reminder we will need to grind points as well, nothing much else to say, take a point now
  17. goal difference taking a hiding, even worse
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