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What load of entitled bleeding heart gloryhunting wankers there are on this forum. At what point are you lot Newcastle supporters rather then Ashley haters? You've morphed into the latter but still think somehow you're part of the former. 'I haven't been since 1972 / 1986 / 1993, 2012 etc, I prefer rugby, going to Ald, watching paint dry, non-League, I can't bear to watch at all. Why are you lot still actually on a forum which is supposed to be about supporting Newcastle? You hate everything about it. When did there become box ticking criteria for supporting a club? I'm not going back until the club looks like this, the owner looks like this, the manager looks like this etc etc, trying to out do each other on who can be the most hurt, the least caring like a load of petulant kids. What a load of shite. The less people like you lot at the match the better. Nee wonder fans of other clubs think we're arseholes. Fuck the lot of you.
What an absolute pathetic arsehole you are. Do you talk like this in public or just on messageboards? Do you talk like this to your mates? Do you have any?
Seriously fella, did you not read my initial post and the one to LV? To say someone likes being addicted to something is just utter madness. No it's not mate. To think all addicts are somehow 'fighting an internal battle against demons' is madness and to be frank, utter crap. A myth. Some are but he's not one of them. I know you said you've had experience of such addiction but I am struggling with some of what you've said. Of course there are different levels of addiction, but addiction is a psychological and physical inability to stop consuming drink (or drugs in other cases etc.). So yes, if you are an addict, you are fighting those psychological demons, addiction and misuse are different. What I'm saying mate, is sometimes there is no 'fighting'. It's fully possible to be an alcoholic and not be in constant turmoil about it.
He has a post history proving he hasn’t a clue about many things tbh Seriously pal? Christ. Go back to bed.
I'm so sorry to hear this as well mate., My heart absolutely goes out to you.
There’s a huge difference in wanting to stop yourself and being able to stop yourself. If you think he ‘chooses’ this then you’re wrong, first hand experience or not. My first hand experience also includes social workers, addiction specialists, domestic violence experts and other professionals in this field. You mistakenly think he has no personal responsibility or choice. With all due respect mate, you are 100% wrong. I’m absolutely not saying he has no personal responsibility but I am saying despite that he is unable to stop and is not choosing this on a deep level. I’m not trying to minimise your personal experience in any way I promise. But the guy absolutely does not choose this. Genuinely mate, I'm not saying my experience trumps all but why is mine regarded as such a left field view? What is it about Paul Gascoigne over the last 30 years that somehow says he is in a constant battle to stop being who is is?
Seriously fella, did you not read my initial post and the one to LV? I lost my Dad to alcoholism when I was eighteen. He was forty four. To say somebody likes being an alcoholic is ridiculous. It's like saying someone 'likes' having cancer. It's nonsensical. I'm sorry to hear that mate and it must have been terrible. Not all addicts are the same though. And that's what people think. If that was the case, not one of them would ever beat it.
Seriously fella, did you not read my initial post and the one to LV? To say someone likes being addicted to something is just utter madness. No it's not mate. To think all addicts are somehow 'fighting an internal battle against demons' is madness and to be frank, utter crap. A myth. Some are but he's not one of them.
Seriously fella, did you not read my initial post and the one to LV?
There’s a huge difference in wanting to stop yourself and being able to stop yourself. If you think he ‘chooses’ this then you’re wrong, first hand experience or not. My first hand experience also includes social workers, addiction specialists, domestic violence experts and other professionals in this field. You mistakenly think he has no personal responsibility or choice. With all due respect mate, you are 100% wrong.
I grew in in Benwell and Scotswood in the 70's and 80's and I'm sure there are people on here who have similar backgrounds. Chuck in an alcoholic father and to say it was tough was an understatement so I have first hand grade A experience of dealing with people like him. In any other walk of life, this bloke would be branded a disgrace but because he's 'good 'ole lovable Gazza' who used to be a canny footballer 30 years ago, this somehow warrants him an endless bottomless bucket of sympathy. He has had more chances, more rehab, more cash spent on him than he deserves. As mentioned by one or two others, these people are not the personalities you think they are. They are selfish and destructive. He's been clean many times and he doesn't like it. He likes being pissed and likes being an alcoholic. I you think he needs saving again I'm sorry but you are wrong.
Honestly, what a an absolute load of Daily Mail sanctimonious shite. Is it right? No of course not. Should we have all evolved where we can sit back like good citizens and 'let the authorities deal with in the appropriate way?' Probably. But that's not the way it is and those Liverpool fans who took their chances in the home end, they fucking knew it's the way it is as well. if I sat in the Kop or in the Stretford End or with mackems in their own end, then I know how this works and would behave appropriately. Gan on like arseholes? Sorry but I hope every one of them got a clip.
Superb to a man. Our fans have also been brilliant as they always are. Non stop all night.