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Everything posted by OCK

  1. We're playing over in Felling, or is that just the bait?
  2. Is there talk of him leaving? s***. Again, only for the last 12 months. Where have you been?!
  3. They must have something in mind for trades, otherwise the game is ruined after a player is transferred out of the league, or a few players injured/suspended.
  4. Distinct lack of any real goal threats in the Premier League outside of the Top 4. Odd that. I think I got lucky with my team, I was supposed to draft Victor Moses but totally forgot. I think he'll be a good fantasy player these year if he's been classed as a Defender. There's going to be scenes when Newcastle sign Messi and nobody can draft him.
  5. Hernandez and Kane up front is killer.
  6. I initiated the bellend tactic.
  7. Sitting here trying to think of who to take as my last forward. So many players who can score but seem to be always injured.
  8. I bet there's some good teams, but it feels bad as you didn't get the players you wanted.
  9. I laugh but you'll still fluke yourself to victory.
  10. Didn't that happen 12 months ago?
  11. http://i.imgur.com/GMyh9pv.png http://i.imgur.com/ViHwk2e.png
  12. Time to do my tactic from the NFL draft where I'd draft all the perfect fantasy football QBs so no one else could have them... and take De Gea.
  13. ... only just realised Huddersfield are in the Premier League. I saw them in the drop down and honestly thought 'that must be a mistake'.
  14. Everyone looking at Coutinho... wondering... maybe he won't go to Barca.
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