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Everything posted by ToonArmy1892

  1. Turned it off as soon as i saw him, then Allardyce appeared on goals on sunday, ffs.
  2. And piss and moan when someone passes the ball backwards.
  3. I saw a vid from strawberry corner and it looked like most people were joining in, i know what the east stand can be like mind.
  4. Got a feeling this is going to be another frustrating 1-0 loss like Huddersfield last season.
  5. I heard "If you hate Ashley stand up", in stoppage time.
  6. NUFC.com not mentioning it beforehand was bad enough, they haven't even mentioned it after the event, what the fuck?
  7. Worst player of the weekend. Looks hoirrrbly out of depth FFS, the kid is 19 and playing his first league game against the best team in the country! Looks very comfortable on the ball and well able to get stuck in. A snip for 7 million. Has bags of potential. Genuinely can't believe he's being castigated on here. Thought he was the most confident and brave player on the field for Arsenal. You could see the crowd are already behind him too. That kid will be a star by the end of the season. And everyone on here will be waxing lyrical about him embarrassingly enough. Ramsey was trash, as was Ozil, as was Xhaka. He was better than the three of those jokers combined. Absolutely crazy singling him out. Did you not see his air shot attempted interception that let Aguero in, numerous easy misplaced passes, no good being brave and getting on the ball if you can't pass it.
  8. Ederson gifted them one clear cut chance and a couple of others with sloppy passes but Arsenal couldn't capitalise.
  9. The reason he is 'getting stuck in' is because he loses it in the first place.
  10. Worst player of the weekend. Looks hoirrrbly out of depth FFS, the kid is 19 and playing his first league game against the best team in the country! Looks very comfortable on the ball and well able to get stuck in. A snip for 7 million. Has bags of potential. He is playing like a headless chicken.
  11. Is it not a health and safety hazard then?
  12. Don't bother diving for it Cech, David Luiz lookalike looks shit.
  13. Cech still starting, and Xhaka ahead of Torreira is odd.
  14. What is Pellegrini playing at with these tactics?
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