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Posts posted by AsprillasShinPad

  1. I think you’ve completely misread what he said, I think he meant you’d bonfire the signs immediately if any one of us owned the club from the off. Then called the lad thick.


    I thought he was saying if you were Wealthy and owned the club you’d push the same advertising thing that MA was alleged to have done.


    If I’m incorrect in how i read that; I do truly apologize to the shinpad.


    Yeah, Darth is correct. I think there's been a misunderstanding that has ended in you calling me thick and weird. Apology accepted, but it would help if you went to the next home game wearing a "I heart MA & SD" t-shirt as penance.

  2. Find it odd that mike allows outside counsel to do so much of his transaction work if a deal isn’t even struck or an LOI Isnt in place - he’s paying these legal folks hourly to get a deal negotiated. Like that’s unheard of over here in the US. If business parties agree on a framework of a deal with basic terms done - then it moves to legal - this s*** could take ages. Anyways, it would be nice to hear that a deal is struck. Fact he’s using outside to do this at this stage before a deal is in place with exclusivity is so dumb. So costly. so different  to the way we / American businesses do M&A Work. Would love to get more isngiht because if it’s American money doing this purchase I could prob dig into the stage it’s in and know where they are on the buy process side with some more info and estimate better.


    Ho hum.


    He probably needs a legal team to make sure that any sales contract is watertight in his favour, and once he's gone, the new owners can't just have a bonfire with all of the SD advertising, and/or put SportsRedirect signs everywhere, whilst calling the old regime a 'bunch of c***s' to curry favour with the fans.


    Because, lets face it, if we were all wealthy and purchased the club, it's exactly what you would do...


    No I wouldn’t. It’s not in the best interests of him. That’s the problem. He hasn’t the brain to want to grow us not the humility to accept he’s made mistakes and sell the club he has no connection to. You’re quite a thick poster man. Legit don’t understand how you formulate such weird opinions and posts.


    Sorry I'm a bit thick.  I don't understand what you've written there.  Can you put it in English please, so I can get it into my thick skull?

  3. Who do you think the next player we'll be linked with without foundation?


    Messi, Ronaldo, Mbappe?


    The reality is that we'll end up one or two past-it cloggers like Kuqi or Colback and a couple of youngsters who did some step overs once, but in reality are fucking shit.


    It's the only way...

  4. Find it odd that mike allows outside counsel to do so much of his transaction work if a deal isn’t even struck or an LOI Isnt in place - he’s paying these legal folks hourly to get a deal negotiated. Like that’s unheard of over here in the US. If business parties agree on a framework of a deal with basic terms done - then it moves to legal - this s*** could take ages. Anyways, it would be nice to hear that a deal is struck. Fact he’s using outside to do this at this stage before a deal is in place with exclusivity is so dumb. So costly. so different  to the way we / American businesses do M&A Work. Would love to get more isngiht because if it’s American money doing this purchase I could prob dig into the stage it’s in and know where they are on the buy process side with some more info and estimate better.


    Ho hum.


    He probably needs a legal team to make sure that any sales contract is watertight in his favour, and once he's gone, the new owners can't just have a bonfire with all of the SD advertising, and/or put SportsRedirect signs everywhere, whilst calling the old regime a 'bunch of c***s' to curry favour with the fans.


    Because, lets face it, if we were all wealthy and purchased the club, it's exactly what you would do...

  5. Buying a season ticket to NUFC next season with Ashley in charge is akin to buying B&H Gold because it's your favourite brand even though you've got lung cancer.


    Yet people with lung cancer still smoke.  And the tobacco companies know this and happily take their money.  Same sort if mindset the FCB has.  I bet he laughs at the season ticket holders every time he checks his bank balance.

  6. I totally agree with those who have said that it will be tough to disentangle the SD bullshit from NUFC.  If a potential new owner says that they want a clean break and for all the SD bullshit to be removed, Ashley will demand an unreasonable selling fee, otherwise there will be a contract to tie in that horrible branding for another 5-10 years, which would be cancerous for a new owner's reputation.

  7. Fulham are shite and this is just the sort of game for them to bottle.  We have been playing alright, so we should turn them over fairly comfortably.


    For that reason, it will be super disappointing when we get beat, so to lessen the blow I'm going to predict that we will lose 0-3, with them getting at least one Penalty and one of our players getting sent off.

  8. His injury record is pretty bad. Only one season over 40 games tends to miss 40% of the season. That on top of his inability on the ball means we are desperate for a left back.

    Tbf over 40 games is a bit of a harsh barometer considering we barely play that many when we're in the PL considering our cup record


    Agreed.  I would have  thought that a 40 game season was pretty normal for us, and at best maybe 42-43.  Pretty tough to get 40 games under those circumstances.


    But fuck it, this is Paul Dummett we're on about.  Solid LBs are ten a penny in the PL, and we'll definitely get one in the next transfer window, so lets just get rid of the bastard...

  9. The Fulham game could be huge. Win and we're looking very good. Lose though and its complete panic stations all round.


    Howay man.  I'm the most negative fucker on here, and I'm a 3 at worst.  Still be a 3 if we lose.

  10. Happy Birthday you extremely under-priced, handsome b******!


    Up there with Cabaye on the handsomeness charts


    Don't know about that - Cabaye was a Sexual Tyrannosaurus.

  11. There's not much money to be found in selling goalkeepers really (despite obvious evidence to the contrary), I doubt we're looking to sell him.


    It'll be darlow that's off imo.  Leeds and Villa interested in him.


    He can go. He's shite.  One step up from Jak 'Crisp Packet Wrists' Alnwick.  Blob is fine as a backup.

  12. I'd hate to have him here.


    Can you imagine the stroppy look on his face when he first met the players and realised that he had to keep that team in the league?  We'd get beaten AND our manager would be a c***.  At least now when we get thrashed, we have a manager who is likable.


    Ironically I think he needs to find a club like ours to be able to reinvent himself.


    Don't disagree, but please not ours.

  13. I'd hate to have him here.


    Can you imagine the stroppy look on his face when he first met the players and realised that he had to keep that team in the league?  We'd get beaten AND our manager would be a cunt.  At least now when we get thrashed, we have a manager who is likable.

  14. Good god, it's going to be f***ing awful in the summer when Rafa goes, £0 is made available for transfers and we get some utter c*** like Dennis Wise as manager.  The FCB will take advantage of the fact that peak fan rage will be reached by pushing through a bunch of otherwise unpalatable stuff like renaming SJP again, signing the club up to SD advertising for the next 10 years and having a blue and red striped away kit with a big f*** off SD logo on or some s*** like that.


    What'll happen?  52,000 zombies will go to the games and applaud slide tackles out for throw ins whilst chanting "loyalest supportaz the world has eva seeen!"


    No, we'll get somebody like Dennis Wise who in turn will be given £80 million to spend.


    Actually, that might be even worse. Imagine £80m worth of Xiscos and Nacho Gonzalezs.  :undecided:

  15. Good god, it's going to be fucking awful in the summer when Rafa goes, £0 is made available for transfers and we get some utter cunt like Dennis Wise as manager.  The FCB will take advantage of the fact that peak fan rage will be reached by pushing through a bunch of otherwise unpalatable stuff like renaming SJP again, signing the club up to SD advertising for the next 10 years and having a blue and red striped away kit with a big fuck off SD logo on or some shit like that.


    What'll happen?  52,000 zombies will go to the games and applaud slide tackles out for throw ins whilst chanting "loyalest supportaz the world has eva seeen!"

  16. Wenger? Won plenty with not much cash.


    Never won the Champions League. Had a competitive team for 10 years. 1 final. The same amount of league titles in the PL as Jose. Again, Arsene was a great manager but wouldn't put him above Jose. I think Jose wins the league or CL with a couple Arsenal sides between 05-15 imo. Jose was a better manager than Jose for at least a decade. Let's not pretend.


    Two Jose's? No wonder he was good. No need for an assistant.

  17. Sell him to Doncaster for £50K.


    Does anyone know what his wages are? He might be seeing his contract in our reserves for the next couple of years before he can drop down the divisions.

  18. At his peak, his style worked at clubs that had the cash. That is undeniable. The game has changed, but he hasn't and now that there are much better managers who also have the transfer budgets, he's been found wanting, hence the sackings.


    Good manager in his peak who did well given the circumstances - yes.  He was the right man at the right place at the right time.


    Great manager? I think the last few years have massively tarnished the 'Great One' rep he'd built up and make it hard to say he was truly great.


    He really needs some time away from the game - he seems a bit of a busted flush at the minute.



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