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Posts posted by AsprillasShinPad

  1. I think we meant it when we said at least £50m.


    We got £30m for Ayoze, and Longstaff is twice the player.


    I agree. If we can get £30m for Perez, we can get £50m for a young, English, genuinely talented player.  Sounds wrong, but we've just dropped £40 mil on someone who is hardly a guaranteed thing.


    that's a good point actually, they're not far off the same age so why would we accept less when you consider the english tax


    I'm still not sure why English players fetch such a premium. It's not like teams struggle to fill the home grown quota.

  2. Adjusting for inflation, but not the effect of Sky TV money, Alan Shearer would cost around £24m in today's money.


    That means Joe Linton is worth one and two thirds Alan Shearers, or in proper Keegan Era Units, A Shearer and a Ferdinand.


    In the 96/97 season, Shearer scored 28 goals in all appearances and Ferdy 21.


    Therefore, Joe Linton is going to score 49 goals this season.  :frantic:


    % of annual revenue is the best way to go IMO. Might be harder going back that far though.


    Can vaguely remember last season when Man Utd were being linked with signing dafties for £80m is roughly equated to what Rio Ferdinand cost in the same situation.


    Crazy to think that Rio was actually super expensive for a CB at the time, yet he became the core of a defence that won squillions of trophies.

  3. just simply using inflation literally makes no sense because Joelinton was bought with the TV money inflation. how is that an apples to apples comparison? what am I missing?


    You're missing my tongue buried really, really far into my cheek.  ;)

  4. I want all of our players to be hurt in a training ground incident so that none of them can play for years, for Steve Bruce and his team to all slip a disc during a gay orgy and the ground freehold to be sold to JD sports.


    bit weird


    Yeah. Not sure I'd be wishing serious physical harm on a group of lads for playing for our team.


    *edit* and also the gay orgy bit.

  5. I think we meant it when we said at least £50m.


    We got £30m for Ayoze, and Longstaff is twice the player.


    I agree. If we can get £30m for Perez, we can get £50m for a young, English, genuinely talented player.  Sounds wrong, but we've just dropped £40 mil on someone who is hardly a guaranteed thing.

  6. Adjusting for inflation, but not the effect of Sky TV money, Alan Shearer would cost around £24m in today's money.


    That means Joe Linton is worth one and two thirds Alan Shearers, or in proper Keegan Era Units, A Shearer and a Ferdinand.


    In the 96/97 season, Shearer scored 28 goals in all appearances and Ferdy 21.


    Therefore, Joe Linton is going to score 49 goals this season.  :frantic:

  7. Part of me says that any player who would willingly sign for us must be wank.


    It's impossible to be positive about this club at the minute.

  8. Aye but if they throw a few quid at it he could potentially put this team out which I think would have enough to survive even under Bruce.     



        Schar      Lascelles    Lejeune

    Yedlin                                    <New RWB>

            Longstaff    Hayden


              Joelinton    <New ST>



    Under a manager like Bruce, that team would struggle and even get relegated. Not that I care. :yao:


    It's alot worse than the first relegation team, we had Colo, Owen, Viduka, Martins,  Given till January and we still got relegated, anyone thinking Bruce has a chance of keeping this rabble up is mental.


    It was a minor miracle that Rafa kept our absolute shitfest of a squad up, let alone Brewce.

    Looking at that eleven It will probably be much worse in reality anyway.

    Dubravka: Still time for him to leave

    Schar/Lascelles or Lejeune; Would not surprise me to see one or two of them go.

    Longstaff: the same

    Hayden: ditto

    Almiron either, or he won't be workman like enough for PardBruce


    Elliot Darlow

    Clark or Fernandez

    Colback and Shellvey



    Weakens it a fair bit.


    :scared: :scared: :scared:







    Bring lube.

  9. Aye but if they throw a few quid at it he could potentially put this team out which I think would have enough to survive even under Bruce.     



        Schar      Lascelles    Lejeune

    Yedlin                                    <New RWB>

            Longstaff    Hayden


              Joelinton    <New ST>



    Under a manager like Bruce, that team would struggle and even get relegated. Not that I care. :yao:


    It's alot worse than the first relegation team, we had Colo, Owen, Viduka, Martins,  Given till January and we still got relegated, anyone thinking Bruce has a chance of keeping this rabble up is mental.


    It was a minor miracle that Rafa kept our absolute shitfest of a squad up, let alone Brewce.

  10. We are all just incredibly angry and frustrated. I don't know how to behave. Deep down I don't want to see Newcastle go down. I don't want to see them lose games or get hammered.


    But I know it's pointless having devoting any time, feelings or passion towards it as it's pointless. We just need Ashley gone but I can't see him ever leaving in the PL.


    So we are stuck in a bad position. I would like to just be able to watch games on sky and at least hope we do ok but I'm struggling to even be able to do that due to Bruce.

    I get that point but my opinion is while I consider it unlikely he'd sell in the short to medium term while in the prem I consider the chances of him selling outside the prem to be basically zero.


    I see it the other way around. While the club is in the Premier League, he gets free global exposure for his main business. In the Championship he has to put money in to try and get back to that, with comparatively very little exposure. I think a failed promotion bid or even relegation to league one would see him sell because he'd no longer be milking a cash cow and would have to invest in it with unknown returns. I actually see that as the only circumstance in which he'll sell.


    Totally agree. He's already got an asset worth something. The day the club stops turning a profit for him is the day he slaughters his cash cow.

  11. I've no idea about rugby, I try to avoid watching it as much as possible but it was incredibly stop start when I have caught it on the telly


    Fair one.  I think if you don't/haven't played it, then it's a tough watch.  I think in terms of gameplay it's fairly similar to football (ignoring tackling) except that in football the ball can be passed forwards to players ahead of the ball causing the gameplay to move up and down the pitch more quickly.


    In refereeing terms, the laws of rugby are often black or white.  In football they are often shades of grey, which doesn't help referees, hence why I propose modifying the rules to help refs out more (and making their decisions more transparent).

  12. I just can't believe how VAR has managed to be implemented so badly.  DRS in cricket has been wildly successful. TMO in Rugby has worked wonderfully. Reviews in Tennis are fantastic.


    But somehow, video refs in football has become a referee looking at a screen under a blanket and then making a completely unaccountable decision based on his/her interpretation of the rules.


    Almost every other sport updates its laws to counter tactical developments that harm the game.  But still, football refuses to change it's rules (beyond tinkering around the edges).  The fundamental problem is that rulings on fouls are completely down to referees' interpretations because that's how the rules are written.  I would propose a couple of things could fix this:


    1.  Re-write the rules on fouls.  New rules is that is one of three conclusions have been reached. A - the attacking player has slipped or accidentally fallen over, ruling - play on/drop ball to restart. B - attacking player has exaggerated contact, ruling - yellow card for attacking player, free kick for defending team. C - defending player has physically impeded attacking player in a manner that is not intended to play the ball itself, ruling - free kick/penalty for attacking player, yellow/red card as necessary.  Notice that the word contact does not appear here anywhere.  Contact is completely irrelevant.  It's all about the players' intent.  If they intend to unfairly influence the outcome of the game, then they are penalised.


    2.  All refs, linesmen and 4th refs wear microphones.  Video decisions are decided by a 5th ref that sits away from the pitch i.e. the ref refers decisions and takes advice.  This conversation is all broadcast so the world can hear it.  This gives transparency and stops corrupt decisions from referees.  Also, bad language/abuse directed towards the referee is an instant red card.  This stops the world hearing Wayne Rooney call the ref a cunt for the 90th time every game.


    Doubt any of this would happen though, it's in FIFA/UEFA/FAs' interests to be able to manage results through referees to suit their agenda.  Bent as fuck.

  13. I just can't believe how shit it looks. It's like seeing an arsehole lottery winner buy a beautiful grade 1 listed property, rip the 200 year old ceilings out and fill it full of MDF and formica.

  14. Bet they're going to paint around that sign as well, like when a dodgy bloke does your bathroom without moving the cabinet.


    Extremely open for graffiti BTW.


    Doesn't that part of the stadium see a lot of time on camera?  Great opportunity to get some messages up just before the Arsenal match.

  15. He needs to fully get behind the boycott TBH, not sure how it would affect his media work etc I guess.


    I always got the impression that he'd throw his hat in the ring for the managers post if the FCC fucked off.


    TBH, I think he would be a fantastic manager for us, and I don't really blame him for failing to save the shitfest that was the 2009 season.

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