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Posts posted by AsprillasShinPad

  1. Supporting this club is like walking into a sports shop that used to be decent, and sell proper sports equipment, but is now a s***** d*****.  Cack Lolcack is one of those fluorescent orange tags that screams "70% off!" at you, but you know Lee Cooper stuff is fucking landfill, and you only wanted a new pair of running shoes.

  2. Going after Steve Bruce is just plain wrong. Go after Mike f***ing Ashley and only him until he's gone.


    Go after them all.


    Go after the players, the kitman, the reseptionist, the tea lady etc as well then? I reckon there's a lot of decent people employed by the club, but they are not the problem - their boss is and only him.


    What a melt


    So what are you going to do? Chin the tea lady? I doubt she's got a I heart MA tattoo under her apron.

  3. 3rd one incoming in 12 years under Ashley prior to Ashley we had 4 in our history


    What an absolute c*** of a man he is. I'd pay good money to watch him and Charnley be fed to the gators


    Pay good money? To paraphrase Jimmy Carr talking about Rachael Riley, I'd crawl over broken glass just to suck the cock of the bloke who fed those two cunts to the gators.

  4. My signature quote is no longer true anymore.


    Back to being a perma stepping stone club.


    We're no longer even that.  We're a billboard for S***** D*****.  The only players who will come here are mercenaries who know they wouldn't get a deal elsewhere.  We haven't got the coaches, players or facilities to improve anyone.  Just get the cheapest shite in, aim for 17th place, rinse and repeat.


    I hope they get double relegated just to stick it to the FCC.

  5. Man, how classless can you get. I feel sorry for the Sheff Wed fans, but they're probably saying the same about us too.  :lol: I assume he's resigned so Ashley wouldn't have to pay the comp, Bruce will probably get a little more signing on for that. Steve Bruce, man.


    From Rafa to Steve Bruce. Rafa the Spanish Waiter, to Steve Bruce the Gravy Chugging Greggs Connoisseur.


    Fuck me, don't use the g**vy word, man. They'll be over here from Ready to Groom, stinking the pace out again.

  6. Even if he was a manager you could rate, what he has done here is so bad, spitting in the face of the club that stood by you through a tough time and made adjustments for your personal life for what? A thankless lacky job, getting paid less and hated by the supporters?


    Clearly this is an attempt by Ashley to turn focus on the manager, Bruce is being brought in to take the flack while he disappears back into the background. Everyone needs to ignore this gelatinous mass and continue to pay focus squarely at Ashley and Charnley.


    Spot on. Bruce is irrelevant. We need to focus the bile directly at the FCB.  But not from inside the ground, clearly.

  7. I'm a bit surprised the club hasn't approached Andy Carroll. He's not going to get a contract anywhere else, and currently, NUFC are relying on a Championship level striker and Muto, who is almost completely unproven.


    Could be a marriage of convenience, especially if it gets a few more happy clappers to renew...

  8. the amount of time at night i spend thinking of actual ways that would get rid of the fat c*** is both unhealthy and rather sad for a grown man.


    the best i've come up with so far is getting a secret crowd-funding going to pay for a russian super-hacker to slowly take down sports direct, KBA and nufc.co.uk etc,


    f*** me, i'm serious. there is no legal way of getting the fcb out of our club. i'd put in a grand straight off if there was a chance of it happening.


    i really need to get some sleep.


    We need a crowd-funding campaign to buy Ashley an unlimited supply of bacon.  For once, lets get high-cholesterol doing a good thing for humanity!


    Howay man, as if it isn't obvious that he's already built up a superhuman resistance to cholesterol, the absolute state of his piss tank.


    The horrible, horrible cunt.

  9. Because of his early success in one niche industry, he now thinks he's some kind of commercial genius who has discovered a formula that will work anywhere. And no amount of evidence to the contrary will convince him otherwise, because he's thick as pigshit and arrogant as well.


    He stumbled upon success with SD and ran with it to great effect, but it's not replicable in the wider world and he'll just never see this.


    He's the business equivalent of slash and burn agriculture.  We used to call Harry Redknapp football's wrecking ball, but Ashley makes him look like an amateur.


    His cynicism and lack of concern for anyone but himself is staggering. I think he's a genuine psychopath.

  10. Cricket currently seems like the best bet.  Ashes starts soon too.  Then the Rugby World Cup.  Why bother with paying a fortune to the FCB to stand amongst 52,000 suckers bewing some League One standard players (once the team has been further hollowed out) led by a the swashbuckling tactical genius that is Steve Brewce.


    Just chin it off. I will be...

  11. I bet he's glad he's no longer at NUFC. Good for him.


    Would have probably been first choice under Bruce ironically.


    I think he prefers the big bucks (and experiencing a culture closely tied to a facet of his identity) rather than be part of an aimless 'club'.


    If I were a footballer, I'd probably prefer gently tenderising my balls with a ball hammer than playing for this pile of shite.

  12. Come on then how many points will we get


    Probably won't get as low as Derby or the mutants records, as there are some other really shit teams in this league, but I don't think there's any doubt that we are the worst of a bad bunch at the minute.


    25 points.

  13. I'd have thought a phoenix club could only buy SJP if NUFC were liquidated.  Not beyond the realms of possibility - NUFC becoming toxic a la MK Dons and a phoenix club taking the support away might force NUFC into financial trouble, but that would take a decade, minimum for that to happen.


    I think the FA changed the rules after the Wimbledon saga, so clubs can't relocate in a franchise fashion.


    I'm all up for a phoenix club, but it would take a generation to work, and would require a proper boycott by the happy clappers.  Like happy clappers getting publicly shamed and stuff.  :lol:

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