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Posts posted by Groundhog63

  1. 1 minute ago, Happinesstan said:

    This cheeseboard story sounds made up. I'm pretty sure Sodexo would have been responsible for such things.

    Was in The Athletic tho. Quoting the Head Chef. 

  2. Comes to something when your, barely promoted, lost to a team 1 league below you, massive fans have a thread entitled...... 


    "Anyone bothered" ???????????????????

  3. 58 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Canny article on kit sponsors from when the PL first started, the deals today are crazy compared to back then and gives a glimpse into the kind of deals we could make going forward: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Ftheathletic.com%2F3469683%2F2022%2F08%2F03%2Fbeer-photocopiers-and-more-photocopiers-the-premier-leagues-first-sponsors%2F%3Fsource%3Duser_shared_article

    Good read that. Apart from the numbers it's interesting to be reminded of who was, actually, in the league when it started. Prompted me to look for this...https://www.footballkitarchive.com/newcastle-united-kits/#1980s


    1974 Umbro tops  :smitten: Not that I've had had a toon top 

  4. Pleased he's an actual Arab and not Barry from Blakelaw dressed for the match

    Mind, for someone that doesn't drink*, his memory's not that sharp ????



    * assuming he's strict ?



    Ps notable nobody was slapping him in the chest or putting hands on him ?

  5. I say top8. And when I say "top8" I mean 8th.

    All being well. 

    Man City, Liverpool, Chelsea, Spurs, Arsenal, Manure, West Ham. 

    Then it's us, Leicester, Villa and the mid tables battling it oot

  6. 3 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    It’s a shame for him after the hard work he’s put in to get himself in the best shape he’s ever been in, however, I’ll say this, it’s probably as a result of not training in the same way and keeping himself in the best shape possible throughout his career that the minute he does, he picks up a serious injury. A lesson to be learned perhaps.


  7. 11 hours ago, Dr. TC said:

    I've always thought Raheem Sterling is similar to Dyer, but not made of glass in the same way. 

    He's, equally, short & stout but not a little tea pot ?

  8. 41 minutes ago, christ said:

    Some on here take it as a personal slight that someone can’t kick a ball quite as good as they would like them to. I find it quite distasteful, but in Ritchie’s case it’s just mental. His crime appears to be ageing, as if the lad should be knocking back Lucozade sport bottles full of Oil of Ulay.


    Clark obviously got a load of shit after the Norwich game, which was understandable at the time. I was definitely party to that. But even in those cases it’s the way it lingers, and the way permeates every conversation months later, that gets me depressed.

    Does my swede in the way some of our lot describe some of our players. 

    Current players, in the squad, who got us top4 form and are likely to be called upon again. 

    Nowt like geeing them up. 

  9. 21 minutes ago, Heron said:

    Problem is some of them are literally massive, but I think, like you say some would pay probably just to boost the coffers/in aid of charity. 

    Just a thought, in regard to the club being the lifeblood of the city and the matchday buzz back to its unique best, but couldn't the City Council/Freeman/businesses come together and put the larger, unused, banners around town on matchdays? 

    Add to the experience 

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