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Posts posted by Groundhog63

  1. 2 minutes ago, Yassassin said:

    Anybody got 606 on. Just been listening in the car on the way back from the Coop and Robbie Savage sounds drunk to me. Slightly slurred and argumentative 

    Tbf that's how I normally am when I'm IN the Co-Op 

  2. 9 minutes ago, PENKAAA said:

    Gerrard getting crucified by Villa fans online, you love to see it

    Cheeky bastards. Don't they realise he's the other half of "football royalty" (copyright BT sport) 

  3. 19 minutes ago, Happinesstan said:

    Don't have to tie any knots. We've got two PL players in every position except the 3rd midfielder [I don't class Matty as PL]. However you rate our 2nd choice striker he contributed to all but two of the games that saw the team collect the 3rd highest points over the second half of the season. Ideally we would get a young prospect to develop in time to replace Wilson, but it's not a necessity. 

    Sssshhh with the common sense ?

  4. 10 hours ago, Kid Icarus said:

    I'm not going but someone should definitely ask whether they still have reliable sources at the club, or whether it's changed since Ashworth came in.


    They can always just lie like, but it might give us an idea based on how they answer it.

    I'm not going but someone should definitely ask them wether they still have the desire to continue in the profession given Luke Edwards gets all the Intel and has all the best takes

  5. 2 minutes ago, Nine said:

    Hopefully Grealishes comments about Miggy push him up that list when Miggy gets 10 and 5 this season 

    I'd settle for, no matter what the score, Eddie to send Miggy on with 30 seconds left and whisper in his ear.... 

    "go and half the cunt" 


  6. 3 minutes ago, Coffee_Johnny said:

    He sauntered into Greggs, in an overly tight fitting Shane McGowan drinking suit, pockets bulging with 500 riyal notes.

    Cautiously checking he wasn’t overheard, he leaned over the counter.

    ”Psst! I’ll give you 89p for that ham and pease pudding stottie. Waddaya  say?”

    The bemused looking youth scratched under his Castore sponsored cap, before uttering.
    “They’re £2.55 sir.”

    ”Hadaway and shite!” Whispered Ashworth, in a surprisingly convincing regional accent, before shouldering through the panicked placard waving Tyneside public who’d gathered outside in hope of a successful purchase. Their heavily furrowed brows were eased slightly when he shouted: “I’ll be back before closing time. Be a shame to chuck it oot, like!”.

    "wey, he's only bid 89p for that class peas pudding stottie man, should go all in for the full £2.55. Unless it's a bluff cos he's really after the meatball combo" 

  7. Watching SkySports News and they're doing a bit on Fabregas going to manage Como in Italy. 

    Interviewing Como's Chief Exec. None other than football's very own Norris McWhirter, Dennis Wise :hunter:

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