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Posts posted by Groundhog63

  1. 2 minutes ago, Manxst said:

    Nope, not until next Saturday. They could be out of the playoff places again by end of today ??

    This transpires then the atmosphere at tonight's, I kid you not, Jermaine Defoe "Talk in" will be a tad micey :ructions:

  2. 2 minutes ago, Paully said:


    Ha, that came up in my timeline. Great believer in letting "celebs" (and I use that term loosely) just get about unhindered but, haway man, the Stack ???


  3. 16 minutes ago, TRon said:

    I think in the summer we'll be a lot more strategic in our signings, we'll only be bringing in significant upgrades, players who can really improve our first team for the most part, so even if that's just three signings, you can bet they will be good players.


    Seen quite a few posts on the wonderweb, and here, from people getting rid of varnigh everyone except the 4 signings (no Wood, obvs), Wilson and ASM. 

    Reckon there'll be no more than 4. All way better than what we have. Rinse, repeat every window until we're mint.

  4. Full page article in the last Private, Eye on Abramovich & Chelsea. Apart from the sanctions being a joke the numbers are eye watering. The debt & running costs aren't viable. 

    I'm thinking the only way any buyers will make money, if that's the aim, will be through a super league. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    If I wasn’t such a good fucking husband/man/dad… not trying here, but this women… I’ve been trying to FB sleuth her to no avail. My wife was fucking insane in her day looks wise and I love her to bits, but again this women. And she fucking knows it!

    This her... 


  6. Maybees the defeat, and nature of, hurts more if you've suddenly bought into the myth we're a top10 team. 

    I'll give you a clue, we're not. 

    Was always going to be a tough game, a la Chelsea, and I thought we did well until zip-wire. Went to pieces after the sending off but they looked tired. 

    Welcome break now to replenish and go again. 


    Ps Everton were never gonna be reigated

    Ps some of our supporters need a reality check. 

  7. I'd rather see 1000 felons, however deviant, banged up for life if it meant 1 innocent party wasn't executed. 

    Emotionally, I could easily see off nonces, rapists etc but the justice system doesnt and shouldnt be led by emotion.

    The US has a long record of innocent (usually men, usually black) being released from death row. 

    We've a shit record as well never mind how many kids die whilst in custody. 

    "political correctness" "cancel culture" "woke" "sportswashing" & "whataboutary" have been spoon-fed into the public domain, ironically, to subjugate discourse. 


    Top and bottom of it all is our Gvt does considerable business with SA Inc the means to bombard Yemen. They ain't gonna flex anything. 

    The Premier League have accepted the takeover. 

    They ain't gonna flex anything either. 


    As for Chelsea, these oligarchs have been buying London and tories for years. Having said that Gordon Brown was first to lay out the red carpet whilst the supposed "Putin apologist" Jeremy Corbyn was warning against allowing them and their money into the UK


    Football's fucked. The UK's fucked. All by Foriegn money. 


    In short... "Toon, Toon" 




  8. I'm less critical of players like him than I am players like ASM. He might be limited but plays within those. 

    He's decent enough and has put in a shift for this club. 

    Hell I'm old enough to remember the suggestion, quite understandably, that he was getting towards international level. 

    I'm not inclined to put the boot into players that have found themselves at a stagnant football club, managered by a succession of wankers (barring Rafa who got a tune out of them) and done the best they can. Just because we've suddenly got a few quid. Disingenuous at best. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, 54 said:

    Feels like a slight dig at Bruce that :lol:

    There's a lot to take in with the club/team's transformation but one thing stands out even above results. That's the players' commentary of the present. You can just see, man. It's like someone's flicked a switch. Even though they might have liked cabbageheed they, now, know he was killing them. Lights are on now.

  10. 6 minutes ago, macphisto said:

    I misunderstood your question, I thought we were talking about if the club was allowed to trade as normal.


    Yes, sanctions will be in place for sometime. I suspect until Putin is replaced. Though I could see access to SWIFT and restoring normal Russian energy supplies fairly soon as we are not on a position  to do without Russian oil and gas for any length of time. Or rather it would be too costly.

    SWIFT doesn't include the energy supply. We, the west, are still trading with Russia. iirc obvs



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