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Posts posted by Groundhog63

  1. I called Maxi "dog shit" after Cambridge because, imho, he was. Beyond frustrating.

    Massive performance on tues. Quite rightly being described, by many former players, as unplayable. Actually passed first time balls, caused absolute havoc. In a team full of top players where the opposition can't afford to even double up is the next level.

    HBA was frustrating too but I will never forget, sitting in the Leazes, rising from my seat the second he received the ball in our half v Bolton. You just knew, just knew he was away. Special moments.

  2. My beef with Hall is simply that he, Shepherd and their families milked every penny they could from the club. Didn't put a farthing into it and waltzed off with millions.

    Empty warehouses rented and offices in Gibralter, also empty etc etc


    Obvs all along providing me with many memorable games that I lapped up. However it was all financed by debt. Huge debt paving the way for the cockney spiv.


    Rim the cunt all you like.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:

    Its so like the Hall/Keegan era.

    Its now little touches like statues, sponsorship down, improved media allied with doing the big things like new sponsorship, going for big signings.

    Where it was beambacks, club crest on the Leazes, spruce up the tunnel allied with top signings, extending the stadium and rapid commercial growth.





    Regular reminder Hall never put a penny into the club and sold it for millions......to Ashley

  4. 5 minutes ago, ScottishMagpie said:


    I know very little about the Mendy case bar the headlines but my first reaction to reading that is who the fuck is pitching up to his gaff for a party after he's been arrested for that?  Who were these 21 people and what the hell was going on in their heads?

    Off duty Met Officers and Man City's versions of Steve Wraith and Adam Spectrum, I'd guess

  5. 28 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Aye it’s quite complicated, obviously you have your full blown psychos like Bundy, but we all have it in us to be one, nature vs nurture, trauma, and the environment we are in I guess dictates a lot of things. To be a top CEO you have to be a cunt and some of the people I’ve met in high positions seem to lack empathy or just don’t care about others’ feelings. It’s all very interesting if you’re a nerd like me on the subject [emoji38]


    There is definitely a correlation between serial rape and murder and serial murder, which is scary as that’s how most start out, by raping women.

    Also been well researched that kids who, for instance, pull legs off spiders for fun have the chance to have those psychopathic brain cells. Early lack of empathy for animals etc etc.

    Watched a very interesting documentary about war heroes and their psychology. Obvs could only be researched in relatively recent times but they did brain studies on WW2 medal of honour recipients and found most had the same genetic make up of serial killers and psychopaths. Also went as far back as the US Civil War and found evidence of similar and also, right through all wars, many cases where soldiers didn't fire one bullet. Couldn't do it.


    As for Greenwood, sure his exalted lifestyle will have contributed to his "entitled" mindset but the rest, the misogony, bullying, aggression etc etc is widespread.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

    Some people are living in a dream world man. This is our reality now, of course a comparison is going to be drawn with us, that's how it is now, you don't get to separate our owners and the club when it suits you. Fucking whinging about it, getting people sacked for bringing it up, and defending people who are indefensible is literally sportswashing in action. 

    All these 'well he shouldn't have said it' 'it's not a breach of freedom of speech because Twitter's a private platform' (ie the exact fucking problem) and this, that and the other, is hoying any excuse in front of it to ignore the fact that it's just yet more cancel culture being excused, brushed aside, or lauded because your enemy's the one being cancelled - tbf I'd be very confident has been exactly the same too, it's beyond the pale now. 




    Take it up with his employers if you're so broken for him. He used his free speech on a public forum, using his employers handle and upset people. They, his employers, clearly agreed. 


    As for cancel culture, he's been "cancelled" that much he was straight back on that very same public forum whining for victimhood.


  7. Just now, Kid Icarus said:

    Best thing about the clip (aside from the commentator's reaction) is him waving everyone back to help out before immediately heading the ball into his own net. :lol:

    That caught my eye too [emoji38]


    "howay lads, get back here and watch my class defending......."

  8. 11 hours ago, peasepud said:

    Pah that's nowt. I told JJ he could stay at mine for a couple of days. It was 2months and a flooded bathroom later when he left.

    bullet, dodged then :hunter:

  9. Bizzarely, I let a kid off of Toontastic kip at mine in Crammy on a matchday and I was on nightshift. I left a key :ructions: Think, iirc, a few stayed. JJ (?)


    Smashing blerk off Skinkers looked after us when we were planning our stove flue. Even came and had a recce of the job to get the right parts listed. Karma, I gues.

  10. 1 minute ago, Decky said:

    Toontastic was alright, I didn't like the layout of it though. It was good for a few of the old regulars on here years ago who left but were still on there. Hopefully we get some of them back.


    Skunkers though. :lol: A forum that at one point (or always) only let people from Newcastle post on it. 

    Apart from that fat gobshite Walter and his wannabe SAS writer of shit books. Still waiting for the movie deal

  11. 10 minutes ago, wormy said:


    If it makes you feel any better, considering the kind of wealth needed to own a football club at a reasonable level I'd guess that would go for the majority. :dontknow:

    I was replying to the short "debate" referencing Hurst's politics. I've no illusions about the wealth within football or anywhere, pal.

  12. 9 hours ago, MarkyMark said:


    Inherited business from old man, classic Tory stuff.  Remember TF suddenly getting Phoenix ads, which ran contrary to the ethos of fanzines?  Me too.


    He was featured in an article in Financial Times.  Bit from the FT which you're looking for:


    'A Conservative supporter even before December’s election landslide, he wants the government to bring in measures including business rates exemption to boost activity in struggling town centres like Blyth.'




    Edit: if you don't subscribe to the FT, you can usually view articles if you search on google etc - just type the person's name + financial times.  You'll be able to view it then




    He's in good company then. Him and huge Tory donors, the Reuben family, hanging around foodbanks they've voted for. Add John Hall's £500k donation to the tory coffers. We're basically Tory FC :kasper:

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